30 -- PORT PERRY STAR'-- Toesday, May 9, 198' b} Driving instructor teaches them to survive Tony Howells admits he sometimes gets very frightened by what he sees on the roads and highways. Howells is a professional driving instructor with Young Drivers of Canada (YDC) and he recently opened a new Driv- ers Centre in Uxbridge to serve the communities of Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge. What scares him when he's on the road in his car is the number of people who don't know how to drive properly and make common and serious mis- takes that can endanger their lives and the lives of others on the same road. On the freeways, he says, one of the most common error he sees is drivers: changing lanes without signalling and without checking the "blind spot." "You have to physically turn your head to Ey over your shoulder to see if there is a vehicle in the blind spot," he told the Star in a recent inter- view. | Another common folly on the road is "tail-gating." How- ells says a rule of thumb is to leave five seconds stopping time between you and the car ahead when on a highway and three seconds when on city or town streets. And a lot of drivers don't know how to stop properly or where to position their vehicles at an intersection. Stats show that some 70 per cent of acci- Bowling news The Monday Night Ladies Bowling League wrapped up its season with an awards banquet Friday, April 28, 1989. The first section winners were Marg White, Bev. Silverman, Donna Kaye Cochrane, Edith Bowrs and Joyce Sproat. The second section winners were Tina Rose, Tracy Beach, Terry McDonald, Kim Murray and Susan Norton. Other awards presented were for the highest average of the year, Susan Cosburn, high triple for the year Elma Vernon, low tri- ple for the year, Heather Parrish, high single for the year Marg White and low single for the year Wilma Blonge. DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. SELWIN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. Guaranteed Investment Certificates SHOPPERS Mortgage and Loan Corporation 3 YEAR - ANNUAL 113%4% A] Yonguarg Trust \¥ of Canada Umited 1 YEAR - ANNUAL 12* A] Yonguord Trust \ of Canada Limited SHORT-TERM 30 DAYS to 89 DAYS BiG -- RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE -- PHONE 985-8411 D THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE REVIEW OF THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is consider- ing proposed Rural Areas Policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. In order to assist in the evaluation of the proposed policies, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Durham Plan- ning Department. A copy of the proposed Rural Areas policies is available in the of- fices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 or by calling the Planning Department at (416) 668-7731 (Whitby) (416) 686-1651 (Toronto Line). Please send your submissions 'o the Commissioner of Planning at the above-noted address before Monday, June 19, 1989 and include your address and telephone number in any submissions made. File No. 4.9.9 Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning dents occur at intersections. And what's more, drivers often fail to turn properly when proceeding away from an inter- section. YDC, a Canadian company with offices coast to coast, in the United States and a couple of European countries, has de- signed a course which stresses the message "drive to survive." The course is heavy on de- fensive driving, or as Howells puts it "keeping you and your vehicle in safety at all times." The course, which is now being offered at the YDC Centre at the Uxbridge Main St. Mall, costs $469 and takes about ten weeks to complete. It includes 25 hours of classroom study, and 15 in-car lessons of 456 minutes each, with only the student and the in- structorin the car. While the course emphasis on techniques for safer and bet- ter driving, it also covers such things as fuel economy, reduc- ing vehicle operating costs, in- surance, car care, driver psy- chology, emergency manoeuvres, and the demerit point system. And for those drivers who are working towards their li- cence, they can use the YDC car for their road test, and will be accompanied to the Examina- tion Centre by the instructor. While many of the students are young people with their "365" temporary licence, How- ells said others take the course as well. He mentioned people over the age of 70 who musttake a test each year to retain their li- cence. Or the lady in her 60's who had never learned to drive be- cause her husband did all the driving. When she was wid- owed, she felt she had to learn to drive so she could get around. Howells joined YDC within Tony Howells Is an instructer with Young Drivers of Canada which recently opened a the last year or so, after spend- ing 25 years working in person- nel management. "I was really looking for a career change," he stated. He took the intensive course to become a YDCinstruc- tor and after a year or so work- ing in the Oshawa area, opened the Uxbridge Centre last month. He has been driving for some 30 years and says he was a "defensive driver" long before he became involved with YDC. And he knows what it's like to be involved in a serious acci- dent. About 20 years ago he was a passenger in a car that was hit when another car skidded on ice through an intersection. He went through the windshield and wound up with numerous stitches in his face, a constant reminder of the importance and necessity of seat belts. For more information about the course YDC offers, the phone number is 852-9706. ' new Drivers Centre in Uxbridge. The office serves the people of Scugog, Brock and Ux- bridge Townships. (see story) AN Karisme Communications WORD PROCESSING TYPING FRENCH TRANSLATION KARA WARBURTON Bus: 985-0349 Res: (705) 328-2465 Sports Land 985-2174 New 1989 Models Velo Sport, Peugeot, Norco EXPERT BIKE REPAIRS done on premises Bike Accessories TIP TOP DOG FOOD Keeps them in tip top shape! e appetizing e nutritionally balanced eo meets National Research Council requirements e economically priced e available in 8 kg and 20 kg bags See your local dealer today! -SPECIAL.- 20 kg. onLY®11.49 Offer ends May 12, 1989 or PORT PERRY FEEDS 40 Vanedward Dr. 985-7363 aliments