i! arp pe tots Snge 54 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuésday; May 9, 1989 - RE aa ee aa aaa. AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of farm machinery, market gardening equipment, efc., the property of M.H. (DICK) TAPSCOTT. Just south of Steeles Ave. on Tapscott Rd. (Go south of Markham on Hwy. No. 48 to Steeles, turn east % mile) or west on No. 7 Hwy. past Locust Hill to Conc. 10, turn south to Steeles, turn west to sale. MACHINERY: M.F. No. 235 diesel tractor (remote control) 1500 hrs. M.F. No. 245 diesel trac- tor (1200 hrs.) both are In ex- cellent cond.), Triple K cultivator (8 ft.) with rotary harrows, M.F. 3pt. disc. 9 ft. (H.D.) McKee scuf- fler (2 row), Geo. White cultivator 10 ft. G.W. cultivator (8 ft). |.H.C. disc (10 ft.) M.F. rotary mower (5 ft.), 8 ft. packer, M.F. No. 43 plow (3 furrow), rubber tired wagon 6 ton with (16 ft.) rack (good), farm trailer, with nearly new (16 ft.) rack, farm trailer (10 ft. rack), 2 steel rollers (3 drum), 2 sets of drag harrows (3 sec), J.D. blade (7 ft.). MARKET GARDENING EQUIPMENT: 2 row, |.H. corn planter (pull type) 1 row. I.H.C. potato planter, 1 row Holland transplanter, 2 row Holland transplanter, Jr. planet seeder, Ferguson scuffler, Calsa 3 pt. sprayer, Geo. White sprayer (one side for vegetables) 2 - 3 pt. Wiffo fork lifts, 1 Veg. pick up box, G.W. fertilizer spreader, rubber tired wagon with Veg stand, double moulboard plow with potato fork, potato grader, 700 gal water tank, 200 gal water tank, quantity of bu. baskets, and much more. MISCELLANEOUS: Lincoln welder, power hacksaw, large an- vil on block, quantity of cement cylinders, space heater, 6 sets of corn planter plates, 3 wagon loads of small goods, etc. Owner giving up gardening. Terms: cash or cheque with 1.D. selling by number. Owner or auctioneer will not be responsible for .any ac- cidents In connection with this sale. Reg. Johnson Auctioneer -- Phone 357-3270. M16 SATURDAY, MAY 27 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Large Auction Sale Antiques, Victorian furniture, piano, 2 riding mowers, 2 New Scooter boats, 1985 Ford F 150 2 ton, 1975 Datsun 2 ton, Overhead truck camper - sleeps 6, Beaver Radial Arm Saw, Contents of Cen- tury Farm House of CHARLIE AND FAYE LLOYD of Cann- ington & local resort (Some ' Restaurant Equipment). NOTE: Sale held in Cannington Arena - Don't miss it! NOTE: Something for everyone. For details or to consign. Calvin Mabee Auctions, R.R. 1, Lindsay. Phone Cambray 705-374-4800 or 374-4435. M6 SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Antique & Modern Furniture 102 pcs. Sterling silver, $30,000 value of Royal Crown Derby at estate of late JACK McNEIL, 99 Queen St., FENELON FALLS. Antique spool bed, pine chest with swing mirror, Tiffany type light fixture, walnut tea wagon, brass schaol bell, antique oval dining- table with spool legs, Kohler & Campbell apt. size plano (like new), antique Victorian settee, oak rocker & arm chair, Oriental inlaid table, oak library table, oak bookcase with glass doors, anti- que walnut sideboard, antique cane seat rocker, excellent walnut tilt top ple crust table, quality bedroom suite, cedar chest, carved antique brass lamp, bed chesterfield (like new), Kir- by vacuum, component stereo, Zenith 26' console colour TV, 143 pcs. Royal Crown Derby tradi: tional Imari pattern 2451, 30 pcs. Royal Crown Derby old Imari pattern 1128, 102 pcs. sterling sliver old English pattern 403, an- tique china, glass, quilts, linen, plate collection of Heathe & Moorland wild birds, pr. lustres with prisms, quantity Beaver & Beehive sealers, many hardback books, Roper 8 h.p. riding lawnmower with grass catcher, 5 h.p. rototiller, garden tools. Dont' miss this quality sale and a chance to buy sterling & Royal Crown Derby. Mr. McNell was principal of Keller McKay col: leglate, Toronto and was an avid collector. Phone for flyer & list of sterling & Derby. No reserve estate sale 11 a.m. sharp, lunch avallable. Orval Mclean Auc- tions - Orval & Barry McLean, Auctioneers (705)324-2783. M 16 FRIDAY, MAY 12 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. MacMillan Auction Centre 6 miles east of Argyle to Conc. 9 and turn left Among the many items to be sold are: antique two plece flat to the wall cupboard, antique crank type telephone (1919), antique large platter (1867 Minton), large rug, six old hand made quilts, 8 antique light fixture globes, several antique chests of drawers, large assortment of an- tique glass & china, old Canadian coins Including large pennies, sliver coins and mint sets, antique Eastlake style parlour table, old pine blanket box, old pine toy box, small antique table & old chairs, 1918 - 1922 license plates, 1978 Plymouth Volare - as is, four ex- ercise rowing machines, block & tackle, fishing rods, plus many other interesting collectable Items. Plan to attend. Lunch is available. For information call (705) 374-4318 -- Jim MacMillan Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 13 Will be the start of our weekly consignment auction at the southwest side of the Woodville Sale Barn. Sales start at 12:30 p.m. Please have your con- signments there well before sale time. For more information please call Kevin Barker, Auc- tloneer 705-374-4613 - Cambray.M 16 MONDAY, MAY 22 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Victoria Day Sale consisting of farm machinery, household items and collectables. The property of BRIAN AND JEAN WOLSEY, 276 Cameron St. east, Cannington, Ontario. Go 4 miles north from Hwy. No. 7 then 2 mile west or from Sunderland take Hwy. No. 12, 6 miles north to Cannington Rd. then 2 miles east. Sale located on Cannington's main street. See signs. International B-275 diesel tractor with front end loader (40 h.p.), Massey No. 9 square baler, 250 gal fuel tank with pump, 75 gal. fuel tank with pump, Agritec square bale stooker (auto), Allis 4/12 plough, hay wagon, 16' steel gate, 12' cattle feeder, Homelite chalnsaw, quantity of cedar rails and posts, chicken feeders and water systems, rabbit cages, pole light, assortment of wire, cable and plastic pipe, wheelbarrow, english saddle, feed troughs, feed cart, set of antique scales, old bot- tles, collection of Wedge wood plates from 1970 to 1976, old trunk, buck saw, Julla Cookstove by Elmira Stove Works (excellent condition), dresser, desk, 1971 Olympic Skidoo, 1976 AMC Hornet, awning, push lawnmower, oll drums, plus many more items too numerous to mention. NOTE: Also to be sold day of sale is a collection of folk art and crafts. Plan to attend this very tidy sale. Terms: cash. No reserve. Lunch available. Sale managed & sold by Kevin Barker Auctions, R.R. 1, Woodville. Phone Cambray (705) 374-4613.M 16 . SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 12 Noon Sharp Furniture & Farm Machinery The property of B. BOGDANOVIC, Lot 6, Conc. 7, former Township of Clark, 4 miles east of Kirby on Rd. No. 9 to Mercers Rd. & % mile northor 1 mile east of Kendal to Mercers Rd. 300 MF combine with 11' grain table (like new), 1830 J. Deere tractor (2992 hrs.) with 145 J.D. loader, 710 J. Deere tractor (3387 hrs.) with pulley, MF baler No. 12, MF side-delivery rake on rubber, MF 7° mower 3 pth, MF manure spreader (160 bushels) PTO top beater, 2 grain wagons Turno, 1 single row Corn Picker No. 5 Cockshutt, 30' grain elevator with gas motor Little Giant, 3 point hitch sprayer (100 ga.) with pump, 225 Lincoln Electric Welder, Snowblower with single auger Lucknow, J. Deere 3 furrow 16" plough No. 45, Hammermill with. 60' long belt Smavey, 12 alurtiinum boat with trailer & 6 horse Johnson motor, Cap for V2 ton pickup truck (large box), 1 fanmilil, 1 rototiller, 1 chainsaw Pioneer, 2 wheelbarrows, 1 freezer, implements, small tools, some furniture (beds & chairs), miscellaneous items, bale stooker Allied, hay wagon with rake. Sale time: 12 Noon Sharp. Terms: cash. No reserve. Arnot Wotten & Charles Reld Auctioneers, R.R. 1, Hampton 416-263-2512. M9: THURSDAY EVENING MAY 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Farm Auction The property of SHIRLEY & ROBT. BERRY, Conc. 1 Scugog Twp., 3 miles South of Blackstock then 1 mile East of Reg. Rd. No. 57. Selling 18 cross-bred cows with calves, 1 Reg. Limousin cow, 2 Reg. Blonde d'Aquitaine cows, 1 Reg. red Angus cow, Reg. Blonde d'Aquitaine 18 mo. old bull. Case 930 tractor with cap, 4 furrow 16' hydrein plough 3 p.h., 216 - 9' haymaster haybine, M/F No. 12 baler with thrower, 2 forage wagons, Int. forage harvester with 3 heads, 10' White cultivator, Int. manure spreader, 4 sec. har- rows, bush hog, double disc. head gate & shute, post hole auger, tire changer, water trough, heated water bowl, round bale feeder, fuel tank, cedar posts, ladder frame for 2 ton, 1985 Chev. 2 ton truck, 1981 Ford 3 ton truck, 1970 Ford 1 ton truck with stock racks. Terms: cash or cheque with 1.D. Lunch available. Owner and auc- tioneer will not be responsible for accident or injury In connection with this sale. Note: time of sale 6:00 p.m. Auctioneers Don and Phil Cochrane - 985-2788. M 23 SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Selling Farm Implements, Horses, Horse Equipment and a Yamaha A.T.V. the property of ROY & SUE POOLE, Conc. 13 Scugog Twp. North of Port Perry on Simcoe St. (Swamp Road) to Conc. 13 then West. Watch for Signs. 484 Case-Int. tractor with 2200 loader (like new), 1985 Yamaha 3 wheel A.T.V. good con- dition, Oliver Baler, 440 N/H hay crimper, 24' bale elevator with under carriage, 7' N/|l mower, side rake, bale fork, manure spreader, box trailer, chain har- rows, cultivator, round bale - feeder, snowblower, hay wagon, new wood splitter, tiller, cedar posts, 2 ton rack, 1 ton army truck. HORSES: reg. 4 yr. old Belgium mare - broken to drive, 10 yr. old Gelding - broken to ride and drive, 8 yr. old pony mare broken to ride (quiet), 3 Western saddles, 1 English, harness, & halters, 1 buggy, parade wagon on rubber. FURNITURE: Oak table & 4 chairs, dressers, barbecue and more. Terms: cash or cheque with 1.D. Owner and auctioneer will not be responsible for acci: dent or Injury in connection with this sale. Auctioneer Don Cochrane 985-2788. M6 SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M, Consignment Auction Sale of Antiques, Furniture, Glass & China for PINECREST CHAPTER, ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR, at Cookstown Agricultural Hall. Consignments invited and will be received until 10:00 A.M. on day of sale pro- viding intention to consign has been given. Proceeds for benevolent purposes. For infor- mation call 985-0714. Home Bake Sale & Lunch counter. Terms: Cash or cheque with acceptable 1.D. Auction Services courtesy of John Ball Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Farm Sold Farm Machinery The property of-HERB PER- RIN, South half lot 10, Conc. 1, Monoghan Twp. 10 miles south of Peterborough on Hwy. 28 to Ballieboro & 3 miles east. 1984 Kubota 4 x 4 (760) tractor com- plete, David Brown 885 diesel tractor with Case manure loader, New Holland 513 manure spreader, New Holland 315 baler, * Int. 80 Snowblower, WIFO 3 pt. sub soiler, Triple K cultivator, Int. 45 Vibra Shank cultivator, Norcan Hydrein plough, full line of machinery, some furniture and antiques. Terms: cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12:30 P.M. Machine Sale at 1:00 P.M. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auction, Reaboro, On- tairo - Phone (705) 324-9959 or 324-2774 - Car Phone (705) 749-7084. The Auctioneer or Pro- prietor will not be held responsi: ble for public injury, public liabili- ty. or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. M16 Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! "416-852-3524. MONDAY, MAY 22 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction Sale of Machinery, Cat- tle & Furniture for GRAHAM & CANDICE FLETCHER, Brookdale, selling at the Farm, including 5 Hereford Heifers, Tractor, Snowblowers, wagon, elevator, trucks, horse trailer, horse equipment, appliances, chest of drawers, dressers, chesterfield, guns, extension lad- der, plow, lawnmower, weed eater, chain saw. Full detalls next week. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. FRIDAY EVENING MAY 19 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction Sale of Furniture, An- tiques & Tools for ALEX PASZTERKO, R.R. 1, Goodwood, selling at the property including spool beds, washstands, curio cabinet, parlour tables, chairs, buffet, side-by-side, dishes, guns, scrap, tools. Full detalls next week. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. THURSDAY EVENING MAY 18 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture & ap- pliances for R. REDDING, Thor- nhill, & A. SMITH, Don Mills, sell- ing at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, including appliances, cor- ner cupboard, kitchen suite, tables, chairs, wicker pcs., dishes, new lawnmower & snowblower, garden tools. Full detalls next week. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Usbringe, 416-852-3524. WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 17 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Farm Machinery Auction Sale of Farm Machinery for the Estate of the late ROY COLANGELO, Ashburn, selling at the property. From Ashburn, go south 1 mi. to Brawley Rd., then west 1 mi. to farm at No. 1030 Brawley Rd. In- cluding D-B 950 Diesel Tractor, 6' 3 pt. discs, 8' 3 pt. Kongskilde Cultivator - 1 yr. old, 3 furr. plow, Case Manure Spreader, 6' Mott Mower, 3 pt. blade, Snow Blade for 4 x 4, Gravely Tractor with following attachments - mower, blade, plow, roller, fertilizer spreader, 12° aluminum boat & motor, Evinrude é H.P. boat motor - 1 yr. old, electric trolling boat motor (1 yr. old), Snapper rototiller (3 yr. old), weed eater, chicken feeders, 1977 Olympic Ski-Doo, McCullough Chain Saw, Toro Snowblower. NOTE: Be on time as there are no small items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Lid., Uxbridge, M6 MONDAY EVENING MAY 15 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Farm Machinery Auction Sale of Farm Machinery for ROBINA DAVIS, R.R. 2, Claremont, selling at the farm. No. 4605 Westney Rd. Go east of Brock Rd. at Claremont 1 mi. to Westney Rd., then south.) mi. to farm on east side. Including Morridge Corn Dryer (good con.), N-H 468 Baler with thrower, 2 thrower wagons, N-H side rake, N-H 469 Haybine, 2 Gravity wagons, 41' grain auger, J-D 12' disc, N-1 Picker Sheller, 12' cultivator, Bush Hog, Ford 3 furr. plow (3 pt.), harrows, McGee 6' Snowblower, Case manure spreader, Cockshutt Combine (self-propelled, needs work), hay elevator, grain augers, 2row J-D Corn Planter, milker pump, Ham- mermill, cream separator, pig crate & scales, lawnmower, chain 'saw, extension ladder, 230 amp welder, quantity of scrap. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 12 Noon Household items & furnityre, workshop & garden fools At the home of MRS. VIOLET WARNER of Caesarea across from Putsy Park. Watch for signs. Good pine chesterfield suite, double beds, dressers, Ii- quor cabinet, drapes, stereo, cof- fee tables, 7' grinder, standard wrench sets, chisel set, welding cart & helmet, electric stapler, 2 cu. ff. freezér, antique tables, imitation fireplace, garden tools 8& many more items. Lunch available. For information call 655-8073 Pearce Auction Series. 16 WEDNESDAY, MAY V7 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Giving up Farming Farm Machinery, Swine Equipment & Real Estate The property of ELIZABETH & BERNIE VERLEYSEN, Lot 30, Conc. 2, Haldimand Twp., Exit off 401 at Hwy, 45 at Cobourg - south 100 yards to Danforth Road - turn east 6 miles to Stop sign - north 2 mile (Watch for Signs). 1988 John Deere 3155 4 x 4 front wheel assist Tractor-Cab-Air-260 hrs., 1984 2750 John Deere tractor with 146 J.D. loader, Int. B275 diesel trac- tor, New Holland 355 Grinder Mixer, 1981 John Deere 7000 corn lanter, 1985 White 508 4-18's plough, Glenco 18' cultivator with wings & harrows, 1989 Berg stable cleaner, full line of modern machinery. Terms: Cash. No reserve. Machine Sale at 11:00 a.m. Hog Equipment at 2:00 p.m. Real Estate at 3:00 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario -- Phone (705) 324-9959 or 324-2774 - Car Phone (705) 749-7084. The Auctioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public in- jury. public liability, or property loss or damage In connection with this sale. MONDAY, MAY 22 Advance Notice "Giving Up Housekeeping" Antique Sale Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon For collectors MILDRED AND KEN CAVERLY - definitely one of Durham Region's Great Sales of 1989 - highlighted by Spec- tacular bow sjded ornate bow sid- ed china cabinet, dining suite, large amount of Victorian fur- niture, hundreds of pieces of col- lectables - Moorcroft, Cranberry, Bisque, Dresden, R.S. Prussia, Milk Glass - Depression, Car- nival, etc. etc. etc. bowls, pickle cruets, lustres, banquet lamps, Gone with Wind lamps, hanging cranberry lamps, - Much more - Watch paper next week for List. Reserve Date Now - Steve Liptay -- Garry Powell. 263-8710. SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Moving to B.C. Contents of home Including car, appliances, furniture, dishes, some antiques, etc. Property of GORD & JANE MUMFORD, 18 Windor Court, Cannington, Ont. Duncan Phyfe table & 6 chairs, antique Regency arm chair, anti- que walnut oval table, antique wall telephone, Queen bed (Or- thepedic), Queen waterbed, tingle bed & dressers, 2 Cher- rywood night tables, loveseat, chesterfield, two recliners, round glass top coffee table, lamps, stereo, 2 20' colour TV's, VCR rocking chair, bar, rec room fur- niture, humidifier, dehumidifier, fan, apt. size freezer, fridge, (new) washer & H.D. dryer, gas barbeque, kitchen table & chairs, dishes, knick knacks, pots & pans, desk, Workmate bench, new table saw.mens & ladies 10 speed bikes, X Country Skis, various sporting & camping equipment, garden equipment, bug light, tools, 1977 Chev. Malibu car V8, 4dr. - as is & much more. Partial list only. No Reserve. Lunch avallable. Note: A very tidy offering. Sold by Calvin Mabee Auctions, R.R. 1, Lindsay. Phone 705-374-4435 or 705-374-4800. Car Phone - 705-749-7609. M16 SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Farm Sold Farm Machinery The property of BARRY PRESTON, Lot 14, Conc. 7, Manvers Twp. 12 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to Hwy. 7A east - 12 miles or 4 miles west of Bethany. Ford 5600 diesel tractor, M.F. 1085 diesel tractor, M.F. 65 diesel tractor with Hornet manure loader, Ford 3000 diesel tractor, 1981 New Holland 489 Haybine, New Holland 310 baler with thrower, Int. 105 self- propelled combine, John Deere 350 plough, Oliver plough. Grain- straw-Household Furniture & An- tiques. Terms: Cash. No Reserve. Furniture Sale at 10:00 A.M. Machine Sale at 11:00 a.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario -- Phone (705) 324-9959 or 324-2774 -- Car Phone (705) 749-7084. The Auctioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public in- jury. public liability, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. SATURDAY, MAY 27 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry The Estate of TONY LAWSON, Pickering Village (Barber), ex- . cellent antique sale of old household furniture, 2 flat-to-wall cupboards, good glass, old photographs & albums, old trunks, carpenter tools, wooden wheelchair, wooden barbers chair, & many old items & old school books - 1880's. Pearce Auc- tion Service 655-8073. M6 TUESDAY, MAY 16 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Modern dressers and chest of drawers, walnut parlour tables, coffee and end tables, chester- fields, chrome kitchen suite, maple rocking chair, quantity of bicycles, odd wooden kitchen chairs, occasional chairs, walnut tables, Horner accordian, oval dining table, double brass bed, wicker chairs, mantle clock, quantity of modern furniture, tools, household items, china and glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. FRIDAY, MAY 12 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn The property of MRS. RUTH CARNOCHAN of Bobcaygeon, plus others, washstands, antique dressers and chest of drawers, chesterfield and matching chalr, Captains bed, Boston rockers, press back rockers, parlour tables, press back childs rocker, 6 oak ladder back chairs, 4 pc. white wicker set, 30" Moffat stove, 20 cu. ft. freezer, Viking dryer, handmade qulits, chrome kitchen suite, Quebec heater, 8 h.p. riding lawnmower, 4 h.p. rototiller, 3 h.p. lawnmowers, an- tique No. 42, school bell, large iron pots, Stevens model 820 pump shotgun, Janssen hammer action shot gun, (carved stock), 12 ft. Starfire fibreglass boat, with 40 h.p. Evinrude outboard motor, and trailer, quantity of china and glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. SATURDAY, MAY 13 . SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Selling household items, and antiques, the property of GERALD AND DOROTHY NELSON, 56 Perry St. South, Port Perry. 3 blocks South of the 4 cor- ners - or 1 block North of 7A Hwy. Large fridge, 2 upright freezers (1 like new), T.V., 2 large glass-front cupboards, living room tables, nesting tables, smokers stand, beds, dressers, caned chairs, & rocker, old chair with needlepoint seat, glass & brass shoe collec- tion, brass candle sticks, brass lamp with painted shade, 2 mat- ching B.R. lamps; triple dresser, corner screen, old pictures, prints by Gourly, mirrors, figurine, col- lector plates, carnival glass, set of 6 Bradford plates, silver pieces, dishes, 3 section stacking bookcase with leaded glass, hall tree, wardrobe, youths bed, fern stand, typewriter table, 2 office chairs, milk stool, old ardiniere, crocks, old pine chest, old flour bin, oll lamps, 9' x 12' green rug, linen, bedding, fabric, work table, high chair, crib, old car orna- ment, wheelbarrow, window air conditioners, exercise bench, lawn furniture, tools, pile of firewood, Lawnboy lawnmower, garden tools and much more. Terms: Cash or cheque with 1.D. Lunch avallable. Owners and auc- tioneers will hot be responsible for accident or Injury in connection with this sale. Auctioneers Don and Phil Cochrane - 985-2788.M 9 Looking for ANTIQUES and BARGAINS then go no further! AUCTION ~ SALE LISTINGS 985-7383