With beautiful weather PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 16, 1969 -- 39 Families honour Mom on her special day Blackstock and Area News by Joyce Kelly Many family gatherings were held on Sunday as it was Mother's Day on a beautiful day. A special gathering was held at the home of Mrs. Margaret Van Camp when her family held Open House in honour of her 80th birthday. Assisting were her family Rchard and Ruby Van Camp, Doreen Van Camp of St. Therese, her grand- children Louise and Jeff Carroll, London, Lois and Glenn McLeod and Cheryl, Orono, Lawrence, Brian and Jill Van Camp. Many friends and relatives came to wish Mrs. Van Camp a happy bir- thday. Congratulations. Bride to be Kelly Guernsey has been guest of honour at several bridal showers held in Bloomfield by the family, in Oshawa by Lin- da Popham, in Blackstock by Marie Tysick. A Jack and Jill was hosted in Kelly and Mikes honour by Wendy Armstrong Oshawa. On Thursday, May 11 the inter- ment took place of the cremation sikkens Cetol 1 and Cetol 23 sikkeng™ " sikkens ashes of the late Mary-Ellen Downey in the Anglican Cemetery. In spite of pouring rain Mr. Charles Bull read from the Bible, comforting words to the assembled loved ones. After the ceremony, lunch and fellowship were enjoyed at the home of Ber- tha and Harry McLaughlin. Mary-Ellen is survived by her only son Adam and also by her sister Jane Painting, her hus- band, 2 sons and a daughter, all of Newmarket. Mary-Ellen was predeceased by her parents Kate (McLaughlin) Downey and Cecil Downey formerly of Reaboro. Also by her beloved aunt and un- cle Florence (McLaughlin) Burns and Mr. Burns. On Saturday Janet Bailey and Rob Taylor were married - a beautiful wedding in the United Church followed by a reception in the Recreation Centre. The bride and groom are away on a honey- moon to Hawaii. Best wishes So the natural beauty of your exterior woodwork ~ -- doesn't fade in the sunlight -- isn't damaged by maisture -- isn't hidden CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER 295 Ritson Rd. S., OSHAWA DOTELN SO ATET Keep your cool HAVE YOUR CARS AIR CONDITION SERVICED . before the hot weather gets here! SPECIAL: Air Conditioning Service *45.95 PLUS EVERCO. . . . Worth Asking For Quality Automotive Replacement Parts and Accessories for domestic and import vehicles KEN EDWARDS AUTO SERVICE On Highway 12 Just South of 7A 985-7717 -- OPEN SATURDAYS 8 to12 -- R.R.4, Port Perry Ontario LOB 1NO Hear ve, hear ye! NOTICE YOUR LOCAL SCUGOG PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Latcham Centre, Queen Street, Port Perry MAY 31st, 1989 Doors open: 7:00 PM for Renewal of Membership Formal Meeting: 8:00 PM -- Election of Officers. Please turn out in support of your local association. -- for further information call -- Andy Grant 985-9698 or H.J, Fitzpatrick 985-2121 Janet and Rob. Bride-to-be Julia Vanderheul and her groom Duarte Oliveira were honoured with a shower by the groom's family in the Royal York Hotel on Saturday after- noon. Following the opening of the many beautiful gifts both Julia and Duarte replied fittingly and a delicious lunch was served. Atten- ding from here were the bride's parents, Anne and Peter Vanderheul, her grandparents, Mrs. A Vanderheul and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson, her aunts Diane Wright and Murray Car- naghan, Travis and Andrea Wright, Eleanor and Wayne MacDonald. Casey Shortridge celebrated her 5th birthday with a party at- tended by many of her little friends. Happy birthday Casey. There were 13 tables at the weekly card party with the follow- ing winners - Carl Gimblett, Lloyd Fawns, Berenice Daniells, Betsy Staniland, Doris Evans, Ivan Cochrane. Low - Harold Swain. Draws were won by Ella Venning, Olive Ormiston, Carl Ferguson, Verna Slute. Blackstock W. I. On May 3, W. I. ladies met at the home of Kathleen Watts. Dessert and a social time was: enjoyed. President Jean Adams opened the meeting by singing the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. The group lists were read and we went off to our own little _group for programme planning for coming year after which we reconvened for business. Minutes of last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. Muriel Hoskin will type our programms for the coming year. The resolution was read. The District Annual will be hosted by Nestleton W. I. at the hall with registration at 9 a.m.. Some business was tabled until next month owing to the lateness of the hour. A successful plant sale was held with the proceeds going to Pennies for Friendship. Meeting closed with O' Canada. Helen Bradburn P.R.O: Several from this area attend- ed the funeral of Dick Watkins, manager of Peterborough Exhibi- tion and long time horse exhibitor. On Sunday Gerald and Joyce Kelly, Elaine and Esther along with Gerald's mother Mrs. Edna Kelly of Bobcaygeon were dinner guests of Elizabeth and Peter Peeters of Omemee. Must make a correction of the date of the Cartwright High School At Home to be May 27. As this is the 30th At Home, efforts are being made to include former students of all ages, parents and community members. This will be held on May 27 at the Rec Cen- tre with music by Bakerline. Order your tickets from the school as soon as possible. At Thursday's meeting of the Blackstock Agricultural Society, much time was spent planning the Auction which will be held on June 2 at the Arena. Requests are made to all members of the com- munity for items for auction - items both large or small will be welcomed. Please call either Lawrence Van Camp at 986-5557 or Doug Grove at 986-4769 to let them know what vou plan to donate. Thanks for your support. On Friday evening Keith and Jean Goble celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a dance at the Recreation Centre. They were surprised with a fami- ly dinner prior to the dance. con- gratulations and best wishes to this amiable couple on this happy event. Leanne O'Donnell and Ashley spent the weekend with her parents Keith and Wilma Van Camp while her husband was away. On Sunday Dennis and Cin- dy Werry , Robert and John held a family gathering. Attending were Keith and Wilma Van Camp Leanne and Ashley O'Donnell of Kitchener, Barry Van Camp, Debbie Van Camp and Bill Showler, Jay Van Camp, Dennis' mother Mrs. Helen Werry who recently was able to be home from hospital, Eldon and Ann Marie Werry and girls. Congradulations to Wendy Guernsey who having completed the hotel restaurant management course at Toronto Business School has accepted a position at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. Help! Toys needed for the brand new toy lending library For all you folks just starting your spring cleaning, we could really use your help! When you start to gather the toys from your childrens' cup- boards please keep in mind the new Toy Lending Library we're trying to get off the ground. All toys that your child has outgrown would be greatly appreciated. We are going to have a toy drop- off on June 3/89 and someone will be there to receive your donations from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. You can drop the toys off at the Y.M.C.A. building across from UXBRIDGE MEMORIAL Bo 'MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION IGRANITE MARBLE BRONZE CEMETERY LETTERING & RENOVATIONS CUSTOM DESIGNING & LETTERING Quallty & Satisfaction assured by our own 45 YEARS OF PERSONAL SERVICE Written Guarantee wee 852-3472 sence 40 BROCK ST. WEST nissom anon ov feauest PORT PERRY * Construction Equipment * Generators * Compressors * Heavy Equipment * Scaffolds * Pumps * Power Tools * Dollies * Texture Machines PARTY GOODS GAMES TABLES _ UXBRIDGE * Ice Augers * Snow Blowers * Log Splitters * Floor Sanders * Carpet Steamers * Moving Equipment * Wallpaper Steamers * Rototillers * Lawn Mowers | CHAIRS s GLASSES & DisHES (TB) PORT PERRY 985-7771 Your Total HWY. 7A & WATER STREET | Rental Store the I.G.A.. What we are looking for are toys ideal for age group 0-6 years old. They should be non-violent toys or no plush toy, please. If you have toys that are in good condi- tion, we would welcome your donations. The new toy lending library gives our community's young folk the opportunity to gain knowledge and satisfy the curiosities of their creative minds. If you find your child outgrowing the age of the toy but you see that the toy has many good years left then send it along! Give these minds the chance to expand by donating those toys you have around. All donations of toys - new or old - will be greatly appreciated. Any large riding toys are also welcomed. For information about the Toy Lending Library call 985-9368. Please remember that registra- tions are limited so find out more, and thank you for caring. And don't forget our Fundraising Fashion Show put on by Designer Look Fashions on May 17th. Tickets are still available. PORT PERRY CLINIC HOGAN'S HEARING AID CENTRE of Port Perry DENNIS J. HOGAN 230 Queen Street * NOTE NEW NUMBER * 985.4422 WED. ONLY 105 PM. CZ ZZ Hh ur ZZ 2c am ZZ mc Zsa ZA AZZ uct ZZ ZN ZA ZN Zbl uh ama ia. Gi GL ai aii aul dal A lll Lac aii al al al Sil lle Tl alll ak wi aan ws a