ERS Se RTI ETRE TG ESS WS Nr ea a ar en "GRID Tar. 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 30, 1989 Kinfest '89 by Rob Streich Kinfest 1989 may just be the concert weekend of the year. The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry is bringing another crowd pleasing ineup to the Scugog Arena this Spring. David Wilcox is back on Friday night with a barroom show which has been a sell-out for the last several years in Port Perry. This rough and raucous performer has thrilled audienc- es throughout his decades on stage with his intensity and showmanship. The second night is a fun packed triple bill, with three 'tribute' shows to entertain au- diences. Tres Hombres per- forms a "ZZTop" imitation, Ru- mours of Nicks does a Chris Ward announces fairer sharing of education revenue Details of Ontario's plan to create a fairer and more equitable system for distributing local education revenues were an- nounced by Education Minister Chris Ward, May 18. The changes will be im- plemented in such a manner that no public school board will incur a net loss in revenue, Ward told the Legislature. "The changes I am describing today will not adversely affect the public school system," Ward said. "In fact, the vast majority of our public school boards will benefit significantly from addi- tional revenues." Amendments will be introduc- ed to the Education Act and related legislation to provide a more equitable sharing of educa- tion revenues at the municipal level. The changes will: * Permit Roman Catholic Come to the Fest "Fleetwood Mac" show and All Heart is a clone of the popular band "Heart". The Co-chairmen of the Kinfest Committee, Brock Re- ville and Warren Strong, are confident that this year's show will be very enjoyable. The first night has a lot of appeal for the traditional rock fans, they explained. But many people, less familiar with offbeat Wilcox, may rather en- Joy the "top 40" popular tunes ¥ ich will be played on Satur- ay Under a Special Occasion Permit, the Kinsmen will be selling alcoholic refreshments both evenings and therefore ad- mission to the show is limited to those 19 and older. Coincidentally, David Wil- members of a business partner- ship to designate their school sup- port to the separate school board in proportion to their interest in the partnership. * Require the property tax assessment of publicly-traded corporations to be shared bet- ween coterminous public and separate school boards on the basis of each board's share of the residential and farm assessment in each municipality, and * Require telephone and telegraph company receipts to be shared between public and separate school boards on the basis of each board's share of the residential and farm assessment in each municipality. | | The rules governing the division of education revenues raised locally from private companies, sole proprietorships and in- dividuals' businesses will not be cox is officially releasing a new album during Kinfest entitled "The Natural Edge" on Capital Records. Circular Sound should have it on their shelves by the weekend. Fans can look forward to hearing some of the new songs which have already begun to get airplay. The Kinsmen are hoping to raise as much as $10,000 over the weekend to support their activities around the communi- ty including the hospital build- ing fund and local park con- struction. Tickets are going very quickly, and only a few will be available at the door for Wilcox, so devoted fans had better act soon. David Wilcox Is one of the local rock and roll legends of this decade. The Port Perry Kinsmen are giving you a chance to see him perform as well as three other bands at Kinfest this weekend. Don't miss it or you may be sorry. changed. * "We will increase base operating grants to all school boards by some $30 million each year over the six-year phase-in period," Ward said. "This will mean a total increase in school board operating grants of $180 million per year at the end of the six-year period." "These changes bring to a con- clusion the last outstanding issue relative to the decision of this government to provide equality of opportunity for every child in this province, regardless of whether they are enrolled in the public or separate school system. It allows every child the opportunity to reach his or her full potential in an atmosphere of certainity and harmony. It also allows all of us involved in this great challenge to now move forward with an agen- da that focuses on the quality of PEACOCK WINDOW FASHIONS COLOUR -- QUALITY -- FLAIR Full line of Custom Draperies & Shades VALANCES VERTICALS VENETIANS We Sell Them - We Make Them - We Hang Them Also ... CENTRAL VAC, INTERCOM 985-9869 1-427-2345 PORT PERRY Ajax Showroom -- IN HOME SHOPPING -- education," Ward said. Sqnature Ser es 809° LINCOLN CONTINENTAL _ amphi AFT A new lease on LUXURY LINCOLN TOWN CAR Signature Seres 37550 Moorroo!. 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