PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 13, 1969 -- 3 To start as soon as possible Proposed dump tests to cost $4.5 million A consortium of consul- tants headed by M.M. Dillon Ltd., will be retained by Dur- ham Region to conduct environ- mental studies on the proposed P1 landfill site at Whitevale in North Pickering. The Region's works depart- ment is recommending the connsortium be given the con- tract Cp Regional Sonne) So ex- pected to approve that when it meets in Whitby this week. The total cost of studies un- der the Environmental Protec- tion Actis estimated at $4.5 mil- lion. Initial testing at a cost of $100,000 is slated to start as soon as possible. fill site, can't be averted. i! iwest of Port Perry. mation In pys until it is settled. k 2 3 A Council feels residents should be prepared for possible garbage strike Garbage could start piling up as early as this Fri- "day morning in Scugog Township if a strike by Metro Toronto employees, who work at the Brock West land- Contracts talks with. CUPE Local 40 have been going on for some time, but as the deadline of mid- 'night Thursday, June 15th nears, there appears to be little hope of averting the strike. ! . In the event of a strike, Scugog residents who now receive garbage collection will be asked to double- bag their garbage and deliver it to one of the two 'township storage sites. These sites are, the Black- stock transfer site and the Scugog landfill site just Residents dre urged to keep their ears tuned to any of the local radio stations in Durham for further i egards to the possible strike. bi | strike does occur, there will be no 'garbage pick-up this Friday, June 16th, and other pick-up' If the initial work finds the site is not suitable for landfill, the studies will stop, said the works department report. If the Whitevale site (P1) clears all the environmental hurdles, it will serve as a contin- gency landfill for six million - tonnes of trash from 1992-96. The identification of Plas a site for a contingency landfill has created a storm of contro- versy among residents of Pick- ering and especially those who live in or near the tiny hamlet of Whitevale. Recent meetings over this site have been punctuated by angry cries of protest. Kelly, Zuly, Greenway, Bruce BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Motor Vehicle -- Criminal Personal Injury -- Wills Real Estate -- Family Law Corporate & Commercial EVENINGS & WEEKENDS BY APPOINTMENT 114 King St. E., Oshawa 1723-2278 "MORE THAN JUST A DAIRY STORE" HYERS With Durham now part of the Greater Toronto Area waste management plan, many citi- zens are concerned that gar- bage from Metro Toronto will be dumped in Durham, and there have been strong concerns voiced over the "fast-tracking" approval via the EPA, rather than the more detailed and lenghty hearing process under ihe Environnental Assessment ct. Ifthe initial studies find P1 to be acceptable for landfill, the final phase of the study will in- volve an EPA public hearing slated fordanuary, 1990. Both Durham Region and Metro Toronto are scrambling to find a place to dump garbage once the Brock West landfill is at capacity. That is exepcted to be as early as next summer. Retraction, and clarification The Port Perry Star wishes to retract and clarify certain statements made in a news arti- cle which appeared on pages 3 and 16 in our edition of May 2, 1989. : 5 Thence sncerned gar- age in the parking area at the rear of the YF akeview Plaza at Water Street and Highway 7A. The article stated that "the owner of the plaza, Peter Quan from Markham has ignored re- quests from the Star for com- ment and has neglected to re- turn phone calls." To clarify, Star reporter Robert Streich called Mr. Quan's office on April 28 to ask for comment, and was told Mr. Quan was not in the office. Mr. Streich placed a second call later that afternoon and asked to speak to Mr. Quan. When told he was not in, Mr. Streich hung up without leav- ingamessage. . "Mr. Quan has since in- formed this newspaper that the reference to "phone calls" and "ignored requests" is mislead- ing. He informs the paper that he could not return calls be- cause he was out of the country until May 6. On page 16, the article states that a public health in- spector "looked at the site on Friday (April 28). He notified Mr. Quan there is a problem and the mess should be attend- ed to." It was not until 3:15 PM, May 2, the day the story ap- peared in print, that a represen- tative of Mr. Quan spoke with the health inspector in response to a message the inspector had lefton April 28. POEL REL A photo on page 63 refers to the manager of the Beckers Store. At the time the photo was - taken, the man was the manag- er. He ceased to be the manager. of the store on April 27, one day after the photo was taken, but five days before the article ap- pearedin print.. The same caption under the photo referred to Mr. Quan as an "absentee landlord who has not been rigorous about maintaining this piece of prop- The use of the word "absen- tee landlord" was only intended tomean that Mr. Quan does not live at the plaza in question and did not in way mean to suggest that he has "absentee charac- teristics." The statement of "not being rigorous in maintaining the property" was opinion that ma not have basis in fact, for whi the Star apologizes.. o The Port Perry Star and re- porter Robert Streich regret any "inaccuracies or errors in fact that may have misled read- ers about Mr. Quan or his corpo- I ration.. dQ ES A 7" H 2 Te BE Tele a, dey ; ATTENTION Service Clubs, ) Church Groups and other Non-profit organizations! The Second Annual Port Perry "BIG APPLE FESTIVAL" will be held Saturday September 16, 1989. This event was an overwhelming success last year. We offer you an opportunity to promote your group and raise money too! ir et ma 8 5 eh Br a tb tea $a A Ls rR WN INTs CASH & CARRY - APPLE THEME - soa NTOARY PRODUCTS ) Baking, Fresh Apples, Childrens Games, ETC. | NEW Deluxe Baby & Small ) Area ]1.2D | Micon 75¢ GOODIES ENTER OUR FREE DRAW Pitted Prunes ~The Festival is an Old Fashioned Community Event | b*1,.69 | FORAMOUNTAINBIKE! | 1b.*1.39 & in Historic. Downtown Port Perry GUMBALLS ol 09 43 LEMONADE 3 .99¢ Sponsored and held by: ~~ We now carry Burley, Rica gad Sopa Flown. DOWNTOWN PORT PERRY B.I.A. | terse th ight oft se Sims i nel cing todo. ie 19,108 f) ~~ Book now before your summer break. | Contact Lynda at 985-9744 to reserve your space NOW. HWY. 7A EAST, PORT PERRY Next to Kentucky monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ... 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM rday : Thursday & Friday .................., 9:00 AM Eriad Chicken" ide SFocy ~~ o00 te 28 2 22 H) oN - AJ TA, IRE a CEES YN eR Lwin,