A ------ Se ------ AES Ls AL Am sky et Volume 123 Number 33 Copy 50¢ 52 Pages fine after home birth by Cathy Olliffe Sharon Frendo-Cumbo deliv- ered her baby at home. Without a mid-wife, without a doctor, without anyone's help. It was the most terrifying ex- perience of her life. "I was petrified," the 26 year old mother of two told the Star. . "Scared wasn't the word." Sharon and her husband Ma- rio, residents of Blackstock, were expecting their second child July 4th, but Sharon's pregnancy continued past the due date. : She wasn't worried. Her first child, two year old James, was induced two weeks past his due Sais and everything turned out ne. On Thursday July 6, Sharon phoned her doctor's office at 4:30 p.m., saying, "I was feeling abitcrampy." Cramps, not labour pains. Again, she wasn't really wor- ried. She still wasn't worried, when at 5:45 p.m., her water broke. "I thought I had a while," Sharon recalled. So she called Mario, who works in Port Perry, and told him he'd better head homerightaway. At most, the trip from Port Perry to Blackstock takes 10 to 15 minutes. But even though Mario hurried home, he wasn't fast enough. CL After Sharon called her hus- "band, she went into the bath- room to clean up and get ready (Turn to page 3) Broken fire hydrant floods Water Street Port Perry's 30' water tower at the top the hill on Silver Street was all but emptied Sun- day afternoon after a half-ton truck backed into a water hy- drant on Water Street, dump- ing thousands of gallons of wa- ter all over the street and into the ball park - Water gushed from the brok- 'en hydrant for over an hour, di- verting traffic and flooding the outfield of the south ball dia- mond. Fortunately, little damage was done to the new road, al- though there was some erosion, and a hole about six feet deep and ten feet across caused by the extremely high water pres- sureintheline. The incident took place about 1:30 p.m. after a tenant, from above one of the plazas, asked a man to move his truck so they could get into their (Turn to page 3) Ll Finger licking good! it's a grudge match, folks. When firefighters from Caesarea found out four firefighters from Port Perry were entered in the Great Britain Festival Days Wing-Eating Contest, Cae- sarea was quick to take the challenge. Pete "Bones" Hastings (left) from Caesarea and Ja- mie "Rambo" Donaldson from Port Perry couldn't wait until the wing-off, being held this Thursday July 13, 7 p.m. at the Festival Tent, Paimer Park. Bones, who was kicked out of the Seoul wing-off for taking steroids, Is his team's trainer in this match-up, and he says his guys have no intention of chickening out. Team captain Rambo has been dieting for about a month and he says he's got an appetitite that could, conceivably, put Kentucky Fried Chicken out of the wing business. More than 20 people have signed up for this "fowl" event, the kick-off what should be an exciting weekend. See Inside for all the de- tails.