PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 1, 1989 -- 45 For Rent Used Cars For Rent For Rent Work Wanted 1981 COUGAR 2 door XR7, V8, | HALL SPACE for rent - for | CAREER IN TRUCKING WILL BABYSIT in my home In auto, ps, pb, excellent shape in- bright, pleasant, carpeted | Transport drivers required. requires Port Perry starting September. side & out, 55,000 miles - $2500.00 | meetings, banquets or exercise | Freedom, excellent pay, travel. Two years experience with YM- certified. 985-7751. space call 985-3213. TF | 1t's all yours. Get your Class "A" CA. Any age welcome. Call 1971 CHEV. Malibu - 4 door, Al-shape, low mileage. 985-2297. 1985 PONTIAC 6000 LE, auto, air, power windows, locks, sunroof. Asking $7500 certified - 985-0116. 'Used Trucks 1984 NISSAN Hustler 4WD pickup truck, silver & sport striping, cap included, good condition, well maintained, must sell. Asking $4,500 or B.O. Call 985-8236. 1977 GMC 1 ton Dually 14' aluminum box with roll up door, new tires, brakes, runs great - $3900.00 or B.O. 985-9490. 1987 FORD '4 ton pickup, 57,000 km. certified - $10,100.00. 985-9490. 1982 DATSUN pickup, King cab, excellent condition, mechanical & body, includes tool box, bed liner, am/fm cassette, clean & certified - $2250.00. 416-985-0728. 'Wanted CLEAN FILL - Ashburn area. 985-0468. WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators & freezers. Empty your cellars & garages. Also used TVs & radios. Call 986-4926. - TF Wanted to Buy OLD woodworking & other trade tools, antiques & collectables. Will buy single items or collections. Phone 416-433-7086 evenings. EOW Wanted to Rent MOTHER OF TWO wishes to rent .+"2 or 3 bedroom house In or around Port Perry. Call 986-0381. J2 LANDLORDS - houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. TF For Rent SPACIOUS 4 bedroom home in Port Perry - $850.00/per month, plus utilities - approximately $60.00/month. Leave message - 985-0443. A9 HOME WITH office facilities in Port Perry. Excellent business exposure. Reply to Box number 23, Port Perry Star. Include references and type of business. A9 SHARED accommodations for 3 people in large home In Port Perry - $425/month, plus utilities - approximately $25/person, Leave message - 985-0443. A 9 IN LITTLE Britain, 4 bedroom house, 2 baths, large lot, first & last - $800/month. Phone only 7-8 p.m. - 1-705-786-3392. 2 BEDROOM APT. within walk- ing distance from downtown Port Perry - $650.00/month. 985-3383. WATERFRONT HOME on Scpgog Island. Solid brick, sunroom overlooking lake, large master, spacious open concept, 30 mins. to Oshawa. Available Sept. 1 or later. Call Doug or Joan 434-8150. AS 3 BEDROOM SEMI - in Apple Valley - $900.00 plus utilities. Call 985-7908 or 985-0345. NEW ONE BEDROOM apart- ment In country, private en- trance, appliances, parking, utilities - $450/month. 985-9029. FOUR BEDROOM century home, enormous kitchen, appliances, large lot, in Nestleton. Available Sept. 1, 1989. 986-5131. A9 STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA 16) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA (705) 328-0061 HOUSE FOR RENT - Port Perry, 2 bedrooms, dining room, full basement, large yard - $900.00 plus utilities. Call Gail, F.S.P. Country Lane Realty Ltd. Realtor - 985-7351. DAGMAR/Lakeridge Road, very private large & clean, 1 bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance. Includes fridge, stove, carpet, blinds, washer, dryer & parking - $780.00 inclusive. Mrs. Evans - 655-3047 or 1-668-5802. PORT PERRY, clean 2 bedroom, separate entrance, fridge, stove, carpet & drapes & parking. Sept. 1 - $640.00 plus utilities. Mrs. Evans 655-3047 or 1-668-5802. ONE ROOM in large house, full accommodations - $325.00/month - all inclusive - 1st & last. 655-4330. KINSMEN HALL -- available for dances, meetings and receptions - kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- ing - 985-3736. TF DISCOUNTED -- Bright, clean, bachelor apartment, new ap- pliances, non-smoker, no pets. 985-4422. PORT PERRY - blocks from downtown, one bedroom base- ment apartment, separate en- trance, all new kitchen & bathroom, includes fridge & stove, fireplace in large living room, utilities included, 1st & last required, plus references. Reply to: Box 24, Port Perry Star. A FARM HOUSE for rent on Scugog Island with view of lake, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, large kitchen & dishwasher. Available Aug. 15. Call Danny 985-0045 or 686-2078.A 2 PROFESSIONAL office space in refurbished Victorian Home. For more information call Paul at 985-9726. A9 MASONIC Hall available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. New facillties. Seats 141. Call 986-5335. TF Help Wanted WAITRESS/Walter needed. App- ly or call Barbecue Heaven, Brooklin - 655-8911. Als BACKHOE operator 416-352-2385. A9 MUSCLE CAR restoration stu- dent wanted with autobody knowledge to assist in building show cars. Wages depending on experience (must have some). 985-8959. SPRAY PAINTING of buses, wheels & bumpers, experience helpful. Month of August. Ideal for student. Simcoe Transit, near Raglan. 655-3381. PERMANENT PART-TIME position required. Apply in person at Pentland Jewellers, Thursday Aug. 3. BANQUET STAFF & waitresses/waiters, full & part- time, apply at Thunderbird Golf Course. 686-1121. licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Tax deductible, professional training. job assistance, no experience necessary. Merv Orr Transport, Pickering. 1-800-265-3559. TF FULL TIME - farm help re- quired. Contact Paul 1-705-357-2236. ;MIDNIGHT SHIFT - full time $6.00/hr. Apply immediately to Mac's Milk. 985-9570. HOUSEKEEPING - for a local restaurant, 4 days a week, daytime only. 985-2066. PART-TIME person wanted for clean-up & odd jobs. Heavy lifting required. Call Hank's Pastries, suitable for student. 985-2172 ask for Ken. MATURE ADULTS to work days. evenings & weekends. Also delivery person required. Apply at Square Boy Pizza. CONSTRUCTION workers need- ed to assist in building log homes. Will train. 985-8255. WAITERS/WAITRESSES re- MATURE, Style "RELIABLE INDIVIDUALS full and part time to replace students. Good working conditions. Call: 985-9537 or come in person. 985-0417. ANE pg rp fr DOG GROOMING - Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located at 159 Casimir St. (Corner of Water Street & Casimir St.) Phone 985-4191. TF MOTHER OF TODDLER - will- ing to babysit toddler and/or baby in my home, Saintfield - 985-9858. HOUSEKEEPER looking for work. References available. Call 985-2015 ask for Teresa. REGISTERED NURSE MANAGEMENT POSITION CASUAL PART-TIME SUPERVISOR Requirements: -- Current Certification with College of Nurses -- BCLS -- Availability to work 12 hours AND 8 shifts -- NUA or other management related course -- 5 years hospital background with preference given to experience in CCU, ER or Labour and Delivery Apply in writing to: HEATHER OSTROSKI, Personnel, DAYCARE available Port Perry - infant to 4 yrs. Full or part time. 985-0351. WILL DO bookkeeping, typing & payroll for your small business. Pick up & delivery. Call Kim 705-749-6656. R K CONSTRUCTION - decks, sunrooms, patios ,& sidewalks, fences & retaining walls. 985-2517. J 27 ELECTRIC FENCER SERVICE. Repairs to all CSA approved makes. Mobile repair shop at Lindsay Sale Barn every Friday. Come early for same day service. a A BY a tor Al: Bo COTTAGE HOSPITAL (Uxbridge), Walter Wright, Blackstock. sorbed ty Campbell Drive, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC 1KO 416-986-4818. TF 985-8686. Al TYPING SERVICE. No job too 4 small. Resumes, reports, thesis, 1 tatements, Office Overload let- THE DURHAM BOARD of EDUCATION fers, efc. Reasonable rates. Hum- EXPERIENCED requires a mingbird Word Processing. HAIR STYLIST for a busy salon in Port Perry. $300. guaranteed weekly. -- PHONE -- 285-7232 862-5165 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICE WORKERS We need enthusiastic D.S.W. graduates or workers with equivalent education and/or experience for permanent posi- tions. Our residential treatment pro- grams service autistic adolescents and adults in the Port Perry area. We offer 4 plus weeks vacation, ex- cellent benefits and a competitive salary. We are also seeking applicants for part time positions, weekly and weekend hours. Rates to commensurate with experience. Please submit resume to: SCOTT'S PLACE, P.O. Box 636, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO PARTS MANAGER Full-time, required immediately. Knowledge of farm machinery an asset. Competitive wages and benefits. HUB INTERNATIONAL - 655-8401 a FULL & PART time counter & kitchen help for fast-food restaurant in Manchester. 985-8676. COOK WANTED - Apply in per- son at The Galley Fish & Chips, 161 Queen Street, Port Perry. EXPERIENCED CLASS A truck driver required; also class A mechanic. Benefit pkg. Call 852-3037. AS RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY required for small congenial ac- counting firm. Excellent typing & telephone skills are essential. Word processing knowledge an asset but not essential. Salary to be negotiated. Please send resume to: P.O. Box 450, Port Perry, Ont. LOB INO BABYSITTER required starting in September for 5 year old - V2 days & 2 year old - full days - in my home In Utica or yours in the Utica-Epsom area. Call Lynda 985-2734 evenings. Al FULL TIME waitress/waiter - B & L Donuts, Water St., Port Perry. Apply In person. WEALL & CULLEN WHOLESALE NURSERY grower of shrubs / trees / evergreens, requires FULL-TIME SEASONAL WORKERS to assist in various aspects of nursery stock maintenance / shipping. Starting immediately. Call Carolyn: 655-4300 Don't waste this space. GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORKER This position is additional to our current staff and is open to those applicants with Journeyman"s papers or 5 yrs. trade experience to perform work in the following categories: doors and hardware, building and mechanical repairs, carpentry, floor tiling, drywall, painting, etc. Please apply in writing, stating qualifications and ex- perience to: Mr. H.E. Nelson, Personnel Manager, The Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3H3. THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION 852-9414. MORRIS Home Improvements, home renovations, basements, bathrooms, handyman service, etc. Work fully guaranteed. Free estimates. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Call 985-3663. TF PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. TF TREE FELLING - Big or small we fall them all. 985-9386. J 25 3 CUSTOM ROUND baling, hay or straw, 4°, 5' or 6' bales. Call Wells or Mark Pehlemann 985-9842, 985-7568. A 29 Wg SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Train NOW to start work in September. We will plan your training around your holidays. -- ldeal position for housewife, retired person, shift worker. -- You may take your child with you on the bus. -- Competitive wages. -- About 3 hours per day. -- Minimum 21 years or older. -- Professional training provided. -- Training NOW for immediate openings. PLEASE CALL VALERIE AT: CRF 3381] = --&>imcoe NESTLETON A Foundation & Driveway Sealing Complete Minihoe Services 986-5318 [SPANKY'S | HAULAGE | Sand - Gravel - Fill Small ads pay! CENTRAL SEVEN ASSOCIATION -- for -- COMMUNITY LIVING 1. COUNSELLOR - we require a person to support people who live independently in the community. QUALIFICATIONS: Post secondary degree/diploma in human services. Experience with people who have a developmental handicap. HOURS OF WORK: Monday to Friday 4 PM to 10 PM, 30 hrs./wk. 2. SUPPORT STAFF - we require a person to assist people in daily living routines. QUALIFICATIONS: Prefer previous experience in this, or a related human services field. HOURS OF WORK: Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM, 22% hrs./wk. 3. COUNSELLOR AIDE - we require a person to assist the Counsellor in a community residential program. QUALIFICATIONS: Prefer previous experience in this, or a related human services field. HOURS OF WORK: Monday to Friday, 4 PM to 9 PM, 25 hrs./wk. Submit applications, in writing only, to: Central Seven Association for Community Living P.O. Box. 964, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO - Washed Stone - Limestone - Topsoil | ~ gi -TRUCK RENTAL - '1 | 986-4917 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 MOBILE: 432-5509 3 A NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 H CE I EEE I EE IE A I EE IE EE BE TE IE CI NE PRE EF NES BI LEE JEL IE A BC SIPPIETIAIRII ISR E