3 $437 Steud yada dav! - Ma y + I SLY 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 9, 1989 @he Poul Peery Shar 235 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7383 FAX 985-3708 The Port Perry Star is authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for cash payment of postage. Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rate: InCanada $20.00 per year Elsewhere $60.00 per year. SingleCopy50¢ EDITORIAL Publisher - J. Peter Hvidsten Editor - John B. McClelland News/Features - Julia Ashton News Reporter - Rob Streich PRODUCTION Annabell Harrison Trudy Empringham Darlene Hlozan BUSINESS OFFICE Office Manager - Gayle Stapley Accounting - Judy Ashby Billing Department - Louise Hope ADVERTISING Co Advertising Co-ordinator - Valerie Ellis Advertising Sales Representative: Anna Gouldburn eR) =) \ 3 Retail Sales - Kathy Dudley, Linda Ruhl, Tracy O'Neil Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association Ontario Community Newspaper Association Published every Tuesday by the Port Perry Star Co. Ltd. Port Perry, Ontario Editorial Comment Shuffle them up In an effort to sweep the tainted Members of Provin- cial Parliament under the carpet, and bring new, whole- some faces to the forefront, Ontario Premier David Peter- son performed radical surgery upon the cabinet last week. The new Liberal Cabinet is composed of only seven veterans, and includes six former backbenchers, practi- cally a whole new deck. This damage control has the feeling of trying to keep a leaking boat afloat, at all costs. Supporters see the move as an ideal way to remove the deadwood, and revitalize the cabinet with some new blood. Additionally, by removing several members impli- cated in the Starr scandal, public perception can be swung around to the Liberal side once more. Peterson claims that the Starr affair was only one of "many, many factors," which went into his decision. He stated that it is normal to have an extensive shuffle two years into a government's mandate. oo The newcomers are relatively untried and unknown factors which may prove Peterson right or bring him down over the next months. It is interesting to note that among the Premier's alterations, there is no change in female representation - the two members dropped were replaced - but he has deleted the only black from the cabinet with Alvin Curling, former Minister of Skills Development. The Peterson cabinet has been subjected to heated criticism from opposition members over their receipt of im- proper political contributions from Patricia Starr (head of the Toronto section of the National Council of Jewish Women). One Minister, Chaviva Hosek, had drawn criti- cism over the links between her Housing Ministry and Mrs. Starr. Of the eight ministers dropped from the cabinet, four had links with Mrs. Starr, four others still remain. Many seem convinced that Chaviva Hosek will return when the judicial inquiry publishes its report. Treasurer Robert Nixon, the second most important man in the government, has publicly declared his support for Mrs. Hosek, and his conviction that she will be back in the cabinet following the hearing. Some may consider that the decision to drop eight and take on six means that a position is being held for her and maybe one other? From her own statements to the press, she seems confident that the inquiry will find her without fault. She does not consider that she may be the primary scape- goat, carrying the burden for the entire Liberal Cabinet. While 'White Queen' Chaviva Hosek is out, the 'White King,' John Sweeney has been chosen to rescue the tar- nished housing portfolio and polish the cabinet's image. Merging Sweeney's Ministry of Municipal Affairs with Housing has been applauded by the Ontario Homebuild- ers' Association. They welcome Sweeney's commitment to build on Mrs. Hosek's legacy of increased housing in Ontario, including controversial low income projects. 8) ¢ \Y \ = A or ~ LN * Dare FriDAY MIGHT ? OK, LETS <ET A FEW GUIDELINES .. TIME, PLACE, YOUR VIEWS ON ABORTION 2" Letters to the Editor ... our policy It has always been the policy of this newspaper to encourage our readers to make use of the letters to the editor column. Our readers have a right to freely express their opinions and view- points on just about any subject, and we feel that a lively letters col- umn helps make a better community newspaper. We insist, however, that a letter writer sign his or her name. On rare occasions, we will agree to with-hold publication of a letter writer's name, if we feel there are very good reasons to do so. Under no circumstances will this paper print an anonymous let- ter to the editor. While we enjoy receiving letters from our readers, we must con- tinue to insist on knowing the identity of the writer. SMOKERS BEWARE! | image the desire to stop smoking is some- thing like wanting to lose weight. Almost every- one has a deep desire to stop (eating or smok- ing) but it's a damn hard thing to do. But let's talk about smoking! Can you imagine anything worse than wak- ing up in the morning and reaching for a deck of "cigs" even before your feet hit the floor? Picture a smoker fumbling to open the pack with half- opened eyes and then with trembling fingers placing the fag between dry, chapped lips. The dangerous art comes next as he lights a match (or lighter) followed by a long, methodi- cal drag, deeply inhaling the foul smoke into his lungs. Sound like fiction? Well, smokers | have talked to inform me this is a morning ritual for some. Yuukkk! Once my eyelids begin to flutter in the morning | can hardly wait to get to the wash- room, squeeze a great gob of toothpaste on a toothbrush and scrub my mouth and teeth 'till my gums are sore. In fact, sometimes | even brush my tongue Just to get rid of any flavours from the night before (like pizza or garlic). There's no better feeling in the morning than a clean mouth. Clean hair, face and body always follow the mouth on my list of early morning necessities. Can you imagine what the inside of a smok- ers mouth is like in the morning? | always fig- ured a smokers breath would smell like an ash- tray heaped with soggy butts the morning after a party. You know, the kind that a half bottle of er was poured over to make sure there was no live butts before you left a late night party. | guess I'm being a little harsh on smokers here, but it is roally Just intended to lead into in- formation received in a press release this week. Smokers....help is on the way! The Ontario government feels that the have the obligation to help all you "smoke ad- dicts®, and in their wisdom they have passed some legislation that will assist you in making the big decision to ....." stop smoking". Starting January 1, 1990, smoking in the workplace will become a thing of the past. Legis- lation has been passed recently that will limit smoking in the workplace only to areas specifi- Random Jottings by ). Peter Hvidsten cally designated by the employer. Gawd, isn't that nice of the government. | just can't imagine how grateful all you hackers and coughers must be. All kidding aside, this is true! Starting the first day of 1990, the rights of non-smokers will be given another shot in the arm, while the rights of smokers (some feel they have no rights) are lowered yet another notch. Like it or not, smoking in the workplace (ex- cept in designated areas) is about to become a thing of the past. The law stipulates the designated area for smoking will not be allowed to exceed 25% of the total space of the workplace and before an area can be designated for smoking, consultation with joint health and safety committees in the work- place will be required. : I'm not going to elaborate any further in this column as a news release explaining details of the legislation can be found elsewhere in this is- sue of the Star. BABY TALK O'K, I'm going to warn all those people who read this column and get upset at me talking about my personal life, especially the twins, to stop now and save yourself some aggravation. The next few paragraphs are about the twins....so stop reading this trash right now! Now that we've got rid of those readers, for those of you who continue to request information on our twins (we thank you for your interest) hots two little snippitts that are kind of interest- ng. ' First of all, we have just learned that the girls, which we were led to believe were "fraternal twins" are now "identical twins". This pleasant surprise came about when Nancy asked to have the girls chart checked dur- ing a recent trip to the doctors. | don't know all the medical jargon, but after checking the charts we have been informed they are identical. And this leads me into the next item, which explains a mistake | made last week. Nancy and | have been sleeping in separate rooms for the past three months (great birth con- trol device), but not really for that reason. In order to get any sleep, we found by separating the twins, one in our bedroom with Nancy and one '(Turn to page 12) dn B20 Te x mo ek a Ei