Give it a try! eC Mayor Howard Hall and Scu- gog Chamber of Commerce president Fred Churchill tried their luck at lawn bowling last Wednesday evening to help pro- mote two up-coming competi- tions. In the presence of a local crowd of lawn bowlers, Mayor Hall slightly edged out Fred Churchill to become the "Best Hawaiian Lawn Bowler" in Port Perry to date, as a prelude to the main event tobe heldin a couple of weeks. On Sunday, August 27 at 1:30 p.m. there will be about 80 members of the local club par- ticipating in the Third Anniver- sary Tournament which will have an Hawaiian theme. Then on Sunday, September 17, the Township Council and Township merchants are invit- ed to take part in the first Mu- nicipal-Business Tournament of this type. All council members plan to participate and merchants are requested to join up for this gala event. it was close, but Mayor Howard Hall (right) was the winner of the advance competition for the "Best Hawallan Lawn Bowler last Wednesday night at Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club. Mayor Hall bowled against Scugog Chamber of Commerce president Fred Churchill (left) to help promote two future lawn bowling tournaments. Above, referee Grace Love su- -pervises as the balls are measured to decide the winner. (See story for more details) Fourteen teams of bowlers competed In a District trounament sponsored by Lake Scu- gog Lumber at thg Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday, with a Whitby team winning the event with 54 pts. It was a great day for bowling, and the winning team Is seen here re- celving the trophy from Cam Crawford (second right). Team members are, left, Lols Puck- rin, vice skip; Irvin Puckrin, skip and Marie Nickle, lead. Lawn bowling sport that can be "enjoyed by all ages Sa ili Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club members will attempt to call as many merchants as pos- sible but any merchant who wishes to participate is invited to contact Fred Churchill. Practice sessions can be ar- ranged for any Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. by contacting Den- nis Smith at 985-9303 or Came- ron Crawford at 985-0158. Most participants will be first time. bowlers and some club members will assist the teams when needed. Although some fund raising is involved in each of the above functions, the main goal is to in- crease public awareness of lawn bowling and the use of the local recreational and social fa- cility. Port Perry now boasts one of the best Lawn Bowling Club in the district. : Lawn bowling is an interna- tional activity suitable for all ages of men, women, boys and girls. Giveitatry! Sixteen teams of bowlers from around the district com- peted In the Emmerson Insurance Ladies Triple Tournament held at the Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club last Wednesday. Competition was keen, with the above three ladles emerging as champlons. From left, Alma Cox, lead; Lillian Midgley, skip and Muriel Rickard, vice skip. IAA,