J Bridal shower held in Epsom Epsom and Area News by Jean Jeffery This has been a very busy week- end for most of the Epsom folks. The Epsom Tapscott families hosted a bridal shower for Nor- man and Maurice's neice Lorna at the cottage on Cameron Lake. There were about 35 present. Another kind of shower arrived while they were enjoying supper. That cottage was really over- crowded. The joy of the occasion was somewhat darkened by the Competing at Prince Philip Games her look better, and that helped 'to improve his confidence in the Spring. That helped to take him to the finals and onto the winin the Prince Philip Games and several other competitions. (From page 16) these games, Prince Philip has succeeded in Drsservin much of the riding skills and abilities that were part of everyday life at the turn of the century. It is quite a sport in which the competitors have to retire at 15. This is Keith's last year to enter, and had he not suc- ceeded, he would never have a - second chance. To clarify what the Pony Club is about, requires an ex- planation of what a ponyis. By the official definition, it is a horse which is under 14.2 hands high, or below 56 inches at the withers - thus suited for the use of children. The best horses for the Prince Philip Games are small and fast. Keith's pony, Rosha, is well suited for his purposes. fact that Lorna's father had just undergone surgery. We do hope for a speedy recovery. Another family gathering on the week-end was at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold Asling in Hanover. Congratulations on their 25 wedding anniversary. At- tending from this area, Jerrolds parents Don and Stella Asling, his sister Faye Ashton and husband Keith, also Robert and Jamie, his She is maximum height and spirited, which has required Keith to learn how to stradle mount her, and keep her in check. "If he can ride Rosha well, he can ride any pony," ex- plained his father. "This was a real advantage in the finals. Keith has been riding this half looney horse for years." Keith will be well prepared for international play with his background. When he travels to England for the games next August, he will be prepared to get on any pony they give him, and perform very well. Speaking of the Interna- tional games, the members of his team and Keith will onl meet for the first time a week before competition. In an event that will require a lot of cooper- ation, this could make things "Daisy's ] Fabrics located in Luke's Country Store 201 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRRY 985-3221 sister Pat Asling and family. Joan's mother Olive Barton and her family from Uxbridge area were also present. Both Asling and Barton families stayed over- night and for lunch on Sunday. Other friends present were Beth and Kenneth Catherwood of Oshawa, Walter and Elva Kerry, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dearborne of Prince Albert, Joyce and Allan Ashton of Oakwood, Roy and Lillian Asling of Buckhorn. Well the Church group were have a union service with Good- wood at the Redwoods, but it rain- ed, so we had a beautiful service at the Goodwood Church and en- joyed a pot luck lunch. more difficult still. There are few boys in- volved in the Pony Club in gen- eral. Most of the competitors for the Prince Philip Games were female, and many of Keith's teammates will be girls as well. While the Pony Club is open to any up to age 21, many of the older members are in- volvedin the financial prizes to be had in dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country competition. Keith's mother is glad her children have had this opportu- nity to participate in the Pony Club." It is good for kids to meet other children from other parts of Ontario. It's nice for them to be able to share a eommon in- terestin horses." His father advises that Pony Club parents are secure about their children's social lives, "You can't do drugs and ride horses, or drink and ride. Last year, because of Keith's earnest desire to do well in competition, his parents boarded him at Greystone where he rode every day. In ad- dition to getting in those 45 minutes of riding every day (snow or shine), his horse was kept warm in the heated stables and didn't grow a win- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 22, 1989 -- 17 There is Vacation Bible school at Epsom this week Aug. 21-25 from 9:30 to 11:30. On Sept 9. there will be a corn roast at the home of Nancy and Gerald Hill, at 6:30 p.m.. All peo- ple are invited. Semhar and her mother Abeba of Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Paul and Shirley Baster. Several boys in our community participated in N.A. Baseball Tournament at Port Perry on the week-end. Mike and Tanya Wilson, Tricia, Amy, Stephen and Jeff Postma enjoyed a week at Circle Square Ranch at Washago. Jill and Gord Postma, Gord's pi 356 KING STREET W. OSHAWA sister Tina and her husband Garth Wilson attended the wed- ding of Gord and Tina's nephew on Saturday in Belleville. Miss Janice Evans entertained several of her friends on Sat. evening with wiener and corn roast. Barb and Ross Evans, Marion and Ross Miller of Sunderland journeyed to Peterborough on Friday night for the Peterborough County Holstein Show. I would appreciate it if the new comers to Epsom would accept our invitations to meet with us. We really would like to get ac- quainted. 985-2620. in 1990 After the years of exposure to horses, Keith doesn't want to make it a career, but rather keep it as a hobby. He is realis- tic, "you can't make money at horses." VALMED HEALTH SERVICES INC. LE Foot Care Services in Your Home. 433-1494 AMADEUS SEAFOOD ... STEAKHOUSE (BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE) Roast Prime Beef Can. Grade A New York Steak & Shrimp .. Royal Seafood Plate ................ Orange Roughy ............. (above includes Caesar Salad & Garlic Bread) 'ter coat. 136-9333 1180 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA Keith felt that this made 436-9065 Mon. to Fri. Met skid iy oh 5PM to 11 PM LSU SUIT TCIC TANAANANANNNNNAN VANS SE SUITCASE Ld ~ "~ .- NA arr NN, ~ NNN GN os ~ gg NAY rig NN ~ N oi PAA A AA A A A A A A NNN NN NAAN NNN NNN NNNNNNNNNINOS NANA OC ES SM A A MN N 2, 2 7 *) Nh bY Ld 'y NY 'a NN NN' ' 1 t-)] Pelican Pier's August Sale Days are coming to an end! Lx 2 7 . 7 7 4 oy Last chance to take advantage of Great Sale Prices! nN | CN 7 2 7 A XN IN A 0 a NS, oN) TAR NN SON 1 RN tN ha) i] WA a SUMMER & FALL no 7, 7 7 4 NNN AA) SEN NIN] SR - ry ,.' 7 7 4 NNN AYA L727 H 7 \1 XN in the store AX SO nN & 7, 4 NY hy '] 3 '\ Q 7, 4 , nn ™,) 2 NY hy / 7 4 Nh > NS 3 oN No] -- fashions and accessories -- ~] h ay 1 237 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-8221 "\] NY \ 7D. A] NSN AYA) ot SALE ENDS LABOUR DAY WEEKEND. Ry OG Open Evenings Monday to Friday for your Shopping Convenience. oN 7 0 4 NSLS SN AAD I A AAAI LLL IRR R RII IIR IRIRERISNONN A AAA AANA AAA AAA ANA AA AAANAAAANANNA ALA