Well attended Sunday decoration services Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Although, unsettled weather, it didn't dampen the spirits of the large crowd attending the Nestleton Decoration Service, on Sunday, August 20, 2:30 p.m.. A number were present from a distance, and folks had the pleasure of renewing old acquain- tances, thus, catching up on the latest news of families. Greeters at the door were Ralph and Leona Sadler. Rev. Dale Davis conducted the service and introduced guest speaker Rev. Victor Parsons, Col- borne, a former pastor and good friend of the Nestleton Church. He brought an excellent message to the congregation, using as his topic, "The Past Still Speaks" based on Scriptures from Hebrews and John. A male quartet from the Newcastle area, "The Country Four" sang three harmonious numbers unaccompanied, which included Jack Allin, Don Staple, Merrill Brown and Glenn Allin. A gifted foursome! The enthused congregation gave them a round of applause when they finished! To our able organist Gwendolyn Malcolm, sincere thanks! Ap- preciation to the caretaker Arnold Williams for the beautifully kept cemetery. Also, appreciation to the hard working committee, Messers Ralph Sadler, Robert Mairs and Art Rowan re - the cemetery board. Thanks to one and all who helped in this memorable day of fellowship! Social Bits and Pieces Paul Ford and friend of Toron- to, were dinner guests recently with Lawrence and Gwen Malcolm of Nestleton. Lewis and June Kent of Sun- dridge, are spending a couple of - days with Norm and Bernice Mairs this week, at their lovely Trailer at Janetville. We welcome back neighbour, 12 year old Scott Davis of Hyde House, Scugog Pt. Rd., who spent a delightful month visiting with his grandmother Mr. Christina Henderson in Edinburgh, Scotland! Neta Fish, R.R.1, Blackstock, and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Rd, had an interesting shopping trip to Lindsay, and a delicious dinner at the Bonfire Restaurant, celebrating their burthdays! Thursday guests at the S. Cawker farm this past week Mrs. Mildred Johne and daughter Jen- nifer, from Ottawa. Ralph Cawker and friend Diane Riccio and son Jake were Saturday guests. They reside in Scarborough! Tooting The Horn For The Women's Institute Again, the District of Ontario South Women's Institute will be having a booth at the Port Perry Fair, on the Labour Day weekend - Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Under the capable leadership of president Helen McKean, a plan- ning meeting was recently held at her home in Greenbank, to finalize plans pertaining to the District Display, for the 3 day Fair. Committees were set up, and details attended to. An information center will be a feature with knowledgeable peo- ple on hand to answer questions. Re-cycling will be a strong point of the 'set up." No crafts this year! Just items that have been recycled! A silent auction re - a quilt, made from recycled material will be of interest. Pam- phlets will be handed out! And don't forget the "Rest Nook" with the freshly brewed coffee and home-made cookies! Pennies for Friendship Jars will be placed here for pennies or whatever you wish to give in aid or our World organization - the A.C.W.W.. The display will be held in the Christie Building - so - watch for us folks - we'll be hap- Bowmanville man in fatal A Bowmanville man was killed Saturday evening when the carhe was driving collided " with a second vehicle at the in- tersection of Holt Road and Bloor St. in Newcastle. Terrance Beckett was pro- REGENCY 2'6" MAHOGANY OAK $100.00 * DOORS & MOULDING + HARDWARE * Complete House Trim Packages at Discounted Prices. RR4, UXBRIDGE Durham No. 23, just s. of 47 (416) 852-7722 nounced dead at the scene. Ac- cording to Regional Police, Beckett was southbound on . Holt Road when his 1979 Ponti- ac LeMans failed to stop at the intersection. It collided with an east- bound vehicle on Bloor St. driv- py to meet you there! (More in- formation next week). Best Wishes To those in Hospital or con- valescing at home, our thoughts and prayers are with you! It was wonderful to see Avelyn Williams -an old friend - at the Decoration service on Sunday. Also - had a nice visit with a fine neighbour and friend, Irma Welts this mor- ning! She is not too well at anytime but always has a cheery greeting! Frank Hoskin in Oshawa Hospital - our best to him! Caesarea Community Church A good congregation for Sun- day, August 20, 11:00 a.m., with Rev. Dr. W. H. Crawford in pulpit. He spoke on the theme, "What Must I Do?" taken from Acts 16:30. Lesson read by Norma Stek. (Thought re- sermon). The jailer's life was threatened and his appeal to Paul was - "What must I do to save my life?" Paul's answer not only saved his life but gave him God's peace and joy, when he believed! Special songs by the children, a chorus selection, with Rebecca Marple, Joan Anderson, Melanie Devins and Duane Brown with Kathleen Watts at the piano. She also played the organ for the hymns. Next Sunday for family worship at 11:00 a.m.. Williams Point Auction and Bake Sale The Auction and bake sale on Saturday last, proved to be a great success for the Williams Point Association. The folks work- ed hard for this event and our con- gratulations are in order! Sorry we couldn't attend, better luck next year. Hymn Sing By all reports the hymn sing held in the Rec. Hall at Blackstock on Sunday evening was a successful event, we are pleased to say! A lot of planning goes into this type of evening, so, warm congratulations to the com- mittee in charge. car accident en by David Vandyk of Bow- manville. Both the driver and a pas- senger, Steven Vandyk were taken to Bowmanville Hospital for treatment of injuries suf- feredin the crash. { CATERING SERVICES For All Your Social Functions WEDDINGS, PARTIES, B.B.Q.s, etc. RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER, Ba. Lib. LAW OFFICES 38 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-8491 -- providing 14 years experience in -- REAL ESTATE -- INCORPORATIONS FAMILY LAW -- WILLS -- ESTATES Holy frog Batman. The Blackstock Fair is reviving the Frog Jumping Contest. Kimberly Stirpe, Richard Frew and Shannon Stirp their search for the best leapers right now. e decided to get a 'jump' on things by starting The kids thought they might throw these little ones back in favour of some bigger bull frogs, which can really hop the distance! Come visit Blackstock Fall Fair It is fall fair time again in Scugog Township. For the next month there will be fairs every weekend in the area. The first two are the Blackstock Fair this weekend, and the Port Perry Fair on the Labour Day weekend. Blackstock boasts an in- teresting collection of activi- ties, starting with a demolition derby Friday night at the Blackstock Fair grounds. There are three heats sched- uled followed by the feature ac- tion, all of which will begin at 7 P.M. Saturday is the 124th Blackstock Fair, featuring a midway and many interesting exhibits. Everything opens at 9:30 AM. and 4-H Achieve- ment Days and the Horseshoe Pitching a mid morning. The parade will be led by the D.S. Park Omp-paa-paa Band, and upon their arrival former Mayor Lawrence Mal- colm will open the day. In addition to Horse and Cattle Shows, Magic shows and Cetol 23 sikkens Cetol 1 and CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER 295 Ritson Rd. S, OSHAWA 434-3939 assorted entertainment will be available for your enjoyment. This year there will be Chil- dren's Olympics including a frog jumping contest and farm olympics. The Musical Ride by Ho- skin Stables and the media milking contest will both take place during the afternoon. The Horse Pull, a crowd pleas- er, will take place at4 P.M. All day the fairgrounds will be busy with demonstra- tions, displays and exhibits. Do not forget the balloon launch or the log-sawing con- test. This year's cake auction will be featuring the champion light cake. Wind up the day with an All Ages Dance at the Recrea- tion Centre. All roads will lead to the Blackstock Fair on Au- gust 26 and 26, where all the ac- tion happens on the same day. For more information con- tact the secretary Joyce Kell at 53 Scugog St. N, Blackstock 416-986-4267. See you at the fair. So the natural beauty of your exterior woodwork -- doesn't fade in the sunlight -- isn't damaged by majsture -- isn't hidden