The Borelians Community Theatre of Port Perry is pleased to announce a student evening Janet Patricia Hofstee is the youngest daughter of John & Hinke Hofstee of Oshawa and is a graduate of Port Perry High School. She received her Bachelor of Science in nursing from the University of Toronto. Janet has accepted a position with the Durham Regional Public Health Department. Graduates VIOLIN, VIOLA & CELLO INSTRUCTION Instruction In Suzuki and Traditional Violin, Viola and Cello,-and Music Theory and History will be of- fered in Oshawa by John Beaton B.A. (Hons. Music), B. Ed. commencing in September 1989. Mr. Beaton began his violin studies with Edward Osca- pella and is a graduate of the Faculty of Music, Univer- sity of Western Ontario. He has ten years experience ~ teaching strings and has performed in several orches- tras and other ensembles. performance of Death of a Salesman, in addition to its pro- duction dates on October 26, 27, Tawni Lynn Newman, daughter of Keith and Dianne Newman of Prince Albert has recently graduated from Durham College, after having successfully com- pleted a three year Legal Ad- ministration course. Tawni is currently employed at the Land Registry office in Whitby. Recommended by Edward Oscapella For more information phone 579-2401 Brownie, Guide & Pathfinder REGISTRATION PORT PERRY: Monday, Sept. 11th from 7 to 9 PM KINSMEN HALL $18. Fee per Child SCUGOG ISLAND: Monday, Sept. 11th from 7 to 9 PM SCUGOG ISLAND HALL 18. Fee per Child. SEAGRAVE: SseAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH HALL Monday, Sept. 11th from 6:30 to 7:30 PM *18. Fee per Child Custom Gunite * Swimming Pool Construction & Service * Concrete & Vinyl Liner * Residential & Commercial ~ % Vinyl Welding * Concrete Repairs and Restoration * Custom Whirlpools & Swimspas * Marbellit fe 434-6581 --OSHAWA-- 28, November 2, 3, and 4. The student performance will be held on Wednesday November 1, 1989 at 8:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 1873, corner of Queen and Lilla Streets in Port Perry. After the show, the Loman family will remain on the stage to answer any questions that students and teachers may have about the performance. Ticket prices are $5.00 for this particular performance only. PORT PERRY STAR -- Death of a Salesman tickets available There are 150 seats available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested in bringing a student group for this perfor- mance, please call Sandra James- Mitchell at 985-8866 for further in- formation. You may also write to: Borelians Community Theatre Death of a Salesman Tickets P. O. Box 1256 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO Ensure that you include the Tuesday, August 29, 1989 -- 23 name of the school, a contact per- son with work and home phone numbers and approximate number of tickets wanted. Please include a contact home number as our business is often completed in the evening. We hope that high school students of Durham Region and the surrounding community can join us on Wednesday November 1, 1989 for an evening of great theatre at reasonable prices. Region requests input to solve waste problem Durham Region is working on a Master Plan proposal for a waste management system to handle only Durham's municipal solid waste well into the 21st Cen- tury. To do this, public input is needed. Interested people are in- vited to join the Public Liaison Committee or task groups. Durham Region is home to over 350,000 people and getting everyone's ideas is not an easy task. Gail Lawlor, Public Par- ticipation Coordinator for the Master Plan said: "At one of our first public meetings, people ask- ed for a Public Liaison Commit- tee that has easy access to Durham residents through ex- isting homeowner, agriculture, and environmental groups. Peo- ple like to be personally notified about meetings and important developments." Durham Regional Council and the engineering consultants preparing the Master Plan want the Public Liaison Committee's help in getting the word out to the public about the Waste Manage- ment Master Plan, but the com- mittee is not limited to liaison and education activities. Decision-makers will want feedback on proposed technologies and sites. Regional staff are always looking for in- novative and effective ideas to improve existing waste reduction programmes. The Public Liaison Committee provides one effective mechanism for the public to help Durham solve its garbage problem. Ms. Lawlor said: 'Anyone who lives and/or works in Durham Region is urged to consider par- ticipating in the Public Liaison Committee. Even people. who don't have much spare time should come out to the first meeting to help set the Terms of Reference and direction of the committee." '"We're looking for a variety of people from homemakers to engineers. People can tailor their involvement to fit _ their time schedules." The first meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 13, 1989 at the Brooklin Community Centre, 45 Cassels St. E., Brooklin. Leave a message on the Master Plan Information Line (416) 428-9918if you would like to receive more information. Port Penry, Ontario, Canada Dear Mun Dadd Fido, T have decided tn go back do schoo) oS ber. instead of heeon rock star. Please send. cash so I can PS. ITs 1+ true buy s4uff ab Play i+ 3 Game" - porcils, froggic sharpeners, Batwian back- pack Ze. you In September Mick Jagger Joe oil 36 Water St. Port Perry, Ont. 985-2362 Square Boy offers a medium cheese pizza for only $4.99 when you pick it up yourself. Only $4.99! So come in and pick up a great pizza! *SALES TAX EXTRA * EXTRA CHEESE - add $1.00 * EACH ADDITIONAL ITEM - add 75¢ Tues., Wed., Thurs., August 29th to 31st, 1989 ONLY a= BOY (1 ® 80 WATER STREET PORT PERRY 985-8448