PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 29, 1989 -- 51 AUCTION SALES --_-- MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 4 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Monthly Saddle Horse & Tack Auction Lindsay Community Sale Barn R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. Tack at 7:00 p.m. -- Horses at 8:00 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 - Sale Day Ream - Car Phone 705-749-7084.A 9 HOLIDAY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 4 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Spectacular Antique & Decorative Arts Oshawa, Ont. Gen. W. Sikorski Polish Veterans Centre Stevenson Rd. N., 2 mi. N. of Oshawa Airport Selling from various estates, senlors glving up housekeeping, private collections and others, a Special 400 lot catalogued auction of selected fine quality antiques, fine furniture, paintings, decorative arts, clocks and collec- tables. Furniture: Rare Limited Editlon 9 pc. Andrew Malcolm Chippendale dining room suite, exceptional 9 pc. mahogany Dun- can Phy fe dining room suite, 9 pc. Queen Anne oak dining suite, uni- que Victorian leaded glass china cabinet, Elaborate oak sideboards, bow front china cabinets, 7' pine harvest table (2 board, 2 drawers), Inlaid burled walnut Victorian oval tilt top table, and desks, tea wagon, parlour tables, parlour suites, Chippendale and oak games tables, hall stand, Deacons bench, several exceptional Victorian set- tees, sofas, chairs and loveseats, gold leafed French wing chair, wing chairs, dressers, chests, vanities, stands, credenzas, pine cupboards, armoire, blanket box, round oak table, dining tables, sets of chairs, occasional chairs, washstands, Swedish 1897 salon suite, sofa, 2 tub chairs, 3 tables (exceptional), Beautiful French Fauteil, and many other unique pieces of antique furniture. Pain- tings: Vandyck oil 'Wife of Langen Jon' unfinished, Geza Peske "Feeding the Rabbits," Edwin Hayes 'Fishing Boats at Sunrise,' Several other Victorian paintings, prints and pictures signed and unsigned. Lamps and Decorative Arts: Authentic Tif- _fany Lamp and base, Tiffany hand blown hanging lamp, Tif- fany candle holder, Steubben trumpet vase, D; Argental Cameo vase, Cranberry hanging lamp, Cranberry banquet lamp, 2 Pair- point lamps, French Cameo vase, Wavecrest box, Daum Nancy Cameo vase, Meissen, Limoges, Cranberry, Derby, R.S. Prussia, several Tiffany, Royal Doulton, bowls, plates, vases, etc., Opal and Cranberry Bride's Basket, palr of matching Moorcroft lamps, 2 other Moorcroft lamps, Moorcroft vases and bowls, bronze, French Bisque, Hummel, Royal Doulton, figurines, Flo Blue washbasin set, stirling coffee set, stirling tray, (small partial list only). Clocks & Jewellry: Old Vienna regulator clock, Ginger- bread, Steaple, Barock mantel, Pequegnat mantel, French Figurine clocks, Eatons Y Cen- tury watch, Tiffany gold pocket watch, Rolex watch, estate jewellry and coins. Oriental: Quezal King Tut decorated lamp and vase, Japanese Satsuma vase, Oriental horse carving, Han Dynasty Chinese man, cloisonne urn, vases and snuff boxes, Elephant plant stand, tomb figure, palace urn, snuff bottles, Mikado Royal Crown Derby dishes. Collectables and Rarities: Victorian doll carriage, antique bird cage, exceptional brass balance scale (from famous per- sonality 16th century), carpets, rocking horse, Naval Sea Cap- tains chest portraits and sword, of Admiral Fred Wise (Plains of Abraham) and so much more. 1981 Lincoln Town Care, Florida Winters, certified. Auctioneers Note: In our opinion this is un- doubtedly the most spectacular auction we have had the oppor- tunity to sell with so many im- pressive and exceptional quality Items. Sample listing only - much more. Note our new location. The Gen. W. Sikorski, Polish Veterans Centre, Oshawa. Country Club at- mosphere. A truly unique auction experience. Preview 16:00 a.m. Sept. 4. Sale time: 12:00 Noon sharp. Terms: cash or good che- que. Catalogues available. Steve Liptay Auctions, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 1-416-263-8710. SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Sold Auction sale of full line of farm machinery, tractors, hay & straw. Complete contents of Century old farm house including antiques, furniture & collectables. Proper- ty of ALEX & JESSIE LAN-- DALL, R.R. 3, Woodville, Conc. 10, Eldon Twp. 1 mile north of Hartluy or 5 mile east of Wood- ville to the 10th of Eldon then 3 miles north. See signs. Note: Par- tial list only. Tractors: Case 430 diesel with loader bucket, PTO (Good), Case V.A.C. Row Crop, (Gas tractor), Massey 85 Super (Gas tractor), tractor chains, M.F. NO. 12 baler, John Deere side delay rack on rubber, 28' bale elevator, hay wagon & rack, bun- cher, PTO Bush Hog, Cockshutt No. 15 Seed drill, Schultz manure spreader, 6' Allied snow blower (good), No. 10 Hoe drill, 3 pt. 15 tooth cultivator, 4 section dia- mond tooth harrows, 3 pt. 2 fur- row plow, full line of older machinery & farm related items, old logging slelghs, antique horse drawn Items, antique Dion thrashing machine, 40 rod new farm fence, 10 bush cord firewood, quantity of lumber, ap- prox. 700 bale of mixed hay, 70 bales straw, 2 ton oats, cement mixer, antique Findlay oval cookstove, antique sideboard, an- tique chairs, antique pressback rocker, 2 antique washstands, an- tique iron bed, antique Victorian chesterfield, old crocks, antique coal oil lamps, old kitchen cabinet, large number of old dishes, china, iron stone, old irons, licence plates, 17° Woods freezer, fridge & stove. Auc- tioneer's Note: Many hidden treasurers to be discovered. Never been a sale here since 1915. Plan to attend. Beginning with an- tiques & furniture. Machinery at 1 p.m. Terms: cash. No reserve. Lunch available. Calvin Mabee Auctions, R.R. 1, Lindsay. Phone 705-374-4800 or 374-4435. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Estate Auction Sale 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Selling the estate of the late WILLIAM CHEESEWRIGHT of Oshawa plus new furniture & vehicles, some from bankrupt estates including: Oak buffet & china cabinet, 6 oak chairs, dresser & vanity, walnut table, . white bedroom suite, 8 cu. ft. freezer, mats, pictures, walnut gate leg table, lamps, 6 pressback chairs, chest of drawers, drop leaf oak triangle table, 2 - 20" colour T.V.'s old what-not-stand, Chinese pieces, large collection of records, parlour tables, Queen Anne table, books, platters, sterling pcs., W.W. No. 2 medals, other medals, , crystal, 2 wardrobes, 8 pc. diner, Baldwin organ, Royal Crown Der- by tea set, old prayer book, pewter, carving set, dryer, al- mond stove & fridge, parlour chalrs, several lamps, hanging etc., silver pcs., glass, china, limoges, Dresden, linens, bed- ding, blankets, pots & pans, etc., NEW FURNITURE: single head- boards, bed chesterfield, Queen size bed, coffee & end tables, new chairs, chesterflelds & loveseats, etc. VEHICLES: 1980 Cadillac Seville, 1979 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, 1980 Ford, 1986 Blazer 4 x 4 c/w Meyers snow plow, 1978 & 1981 Cadillac Biarritz (Florida cars), 1986 Pony, 1974 Volva, 1978 Starcraft tent trailer, 1986 22 ft. Bayliner fishing boat & trailer. -Note Time: 6:00 P.M. excellent estate sale - new furniture & vehicles. Viewing Thursday from 1 p.m. McLean Auction & Li- quidations 432-2836 8 686-3291. THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER? SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture & Antiques Auction Sale of Furniture & An- tiques for the Estate of the late EVELYN HERON, Sunderland, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including chesterfield & chair, day bed, end tables, wooden stool, old mixing bowls, oil lamp, pictures, dryer, chest of drawers, sewing machine, spobn collection, cups & saucers, Cor- nflower pc., vacuum, garden tools. Also 8 pc. dining room suite, Edison gramaphone, sideboard, old pay telephone, office desk & chair, set of Rose Limoges dishes with serving pcs., set of sliding glass doors, B & D work bench, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. Sé FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. MacMillan Auction Centre Go 6 miles east of Argyle & 1 mile north Featuring partial contents of a "GOING OUR OF BUSINESS SALE," from a Scarborough bas- ed furniture co. NEW FUR- NITURE: 9 pc. Meditteranian style dining room suite, 5 pc. solid pine bedroom suite, assortment of oak & maple chairs, 2 oak sofa tables, 2 coffee table sets, 7 pc. kitchenette set, Curio cabinet, 1 black laquer & 1 oak entertain- ment centre, 4 recliner chairs, pair/Queen Anne chalrs, hi-back sofa & chair. ANTIQUES & COL- LECTABLES: Large assortment of old Canadian coins & tokens in- cluding small nickles, large pen- nies, silver dollars, mint sets, assortment of new tools, books, glass & china, linens, weight lift set, slide projector & screen, plus an assortment of antique & household furniture. Plan to at- tend this excellent sale. For infor- mation call (705) 374-4318, Jim MacMillan, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn The property of MRS. EDWINA EVANS of Woodville. 2 pc. pine flat-to-wall cupboard (6 lights each door), oak buffet washstands, double brass bed oak dresser (with bevelled mirror}, oval top trunks, crocks, 12 cu. ft. 2dr. refrigerator, 24 inch electric stove, 6 pc. modern dinette suite, oak rocking chairs, 4 pc. tollet set, 4 arrow-back chairs, walnut buf- fet, copper-tubbed washing machine, end tables, blanket box, coal oil lamps, hand made quilts, 20 cu. ft. freezer, Empire cookstove, portable colour T.V., pine chest of drawers, pine corner cupboard, quantity of carnival glass, milk bottles, & collectable items. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. LABOUR DAY SEPTEMBER 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon Take 401 to Exit 431 Waverly Rd. North to eighth Con. Turn right v2 mi. Continuing a tradition of fine auction sales on Labour Day we are offering to be sold: oak bow- front china cabinet, Victorian set- tee, Blackstone player piano, pine flat-to-wall, oak break-front buf- fet, kitchen Hoosiers, Trisha Romance prints, 18th Century blanket box, Windsor Hoop-back chairs & rocker, oval Coke mirror in oak frame dated 1912, plus other Coke collectables, several stamp collections, Royal Doulton figurine collection, Hummels, gold coins, diamond rings, loose stones, including diamonds, rubies and emeralds, crocks, slag glass chandiller, 2 pr. French doors, hockey card collection, oil lamps, Palak Russia boxes sign- ed and dated, plus lots of collec- table glass and fine china in- cluding Noritake, Royal War- wick, collector cups and saucers, eggs, Bridal Rose dishes, old Depression glass, Stratford-shire ornaments, jugs, bronze lamp, several sets of Wedgewood dishes, numerous Art-deco pleces, clocks, and a whole lot more. Come early and spend the day as-it is going to be a large sale. Garry K. Powell, Auc- tioneer. 1-263-4252. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Farm Sold Farm Machinery, Some Furniture The Property of LESLIE COULTER, 4 miles east of Kirkfield on Hwy. 48, turn east on Balsam Lake Drive or 12 miles west of Coboconk. Sale Includes: Ford 6600 diesel tractor, Ford 5000 diesel tractor, Int. 250 industrial tractor with loader, 1986 M.F. 1455 round baler; New Holland 273 baler, New Holland 488 Haybine, M.F. 33 seed drill, A-C 180 Bus. manure spreader, Kneverland plough, Triple K cultivator, Danuser post hole digger, full line of Machinery. Terms: Cash. No Reserve. Lunch Avallable. Fur- niture Sale at 10:00 a.m. Machine Sale at 11:00 a.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario - Phone (705) 324-9959 or 324-2774 - Car Phone (705) 749-7084. The Auctioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public in- jury, public liability, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. A229 THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 1 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture, Antiques & Tools Auction sale of furniture, anti- ques & tools for STAN LENO, Ux- bridge, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including Frigidaire fridge, antique egg boxes, pictures, brass fireplace fender, dehumidifier, teak coffee table & end tables, oak pedestal table, crock, 4 dr. filling cabinet, telephone answering machine, 2 cedar chests, linens, glassware, 16' C S Bell (1913 - cast iron), Thompson & Shackell burrelled walnut piano, traffic lights, rallway sign, wishing well, 3° child's picnic tables, Mikita grinder, B & D router, flourescent lights, 2 H.P. motors, paints, skill saw, |lg saw, sander, glue gun, paint stripper, molding planes, band saw, sledge ham- mers, hydraulic jack, ratchet screwdriver, 18° wood bits, alr compressor, electric grinder, combination table saw & router, Jacobsen S.P. reel mower, elec- tric water pump, Remington chaln saw, Winchester Rifle, 32 H.P. Outboard Motor, 1979 Plymouth Car, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. A 29 THURSDAY AUGUST 31 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Excellent appliances, modern furniture, antiques, vehicle, boats and outboard motors, riding lawn mowers Orval McLean Auction Center Lindsay Property of Mrs. FRAN HAR- RIS, Lindsay property sold, and Mrs. MONTEMIGLIO, Lindsay. Lge. GE white F.F. refrigerator (nearly new), 30°' auto range, gold refrigerator and matching range, Gibbard 8 pc. pecan solid dining suite, Duncan Fyfe dining table, 5 pc. modern solid bedroom suite, console and portable colour TVs, antique oak d.f. desk, anti- que oak high back rocking chair, Jacobean twist oak stand, sec- tional oak bookcase, oak coffee table, antique iron pot and kettle, white 5 pc. dinette with glass top, 4 antique ice cream chairs, anti- que flle cabinet, bed chesterfield, qty. antique glass and china, qullts, 2 coverlettes, 12' sailboat, Viking 3%2 h.p. motor, 16' Chrysler fiberglass boat and 80 h.p. motor and trailer, 8 h.p. riding lawn mower, 11 h.p. Dynamark riding lawn tractor with snowblower. From Lawson and Fisher Trustees in Bankrupt- cy 1986 Ford Escort. No reserve. Orval McLean Auctions, Lindsay (705) 324-2783 Orval and Barry McLean, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon 10 mi. N.E. Oshawa Sale to Include contents from Oshawa home giving up housekeeping to include matching gold fridge & stove, nearly new washer 8& dryer, T.V. Satellite dish, colour television, chester- field suite, coffee and end tables, occasional chairs, kitchen suite & appliances, dishes, dressers, oil paintings, and much more. Lots of collectable pleces. Our Labour Day Sale will be set up for view- Ing Saturday night. Come have a look. "Saturdays Auction Action" Garry K. Powell Auctioneer. 1-263-4252. WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER § SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Selling a truck, 2 riding lawnmowers, tools, furniture, & appliances. The property of MYRTLE & CARL GIMBLET on 7A Hwy. just 1 km. east of Port Perry. 1977 Ford 3% ton truck, 1 owner, only 56,000 mi. M/F 10 h.p. riding lawnmower, M/F 12 h.p. riding lawnmower with snowblower & tiller attachments, snowmoblle, 16'* chain saw, small box traller, truck cap, han- dyman's tools, wrenches & socket sets, 2" elect. drill, Weedeater, ext. ladder, elect. pump, 5 ton hydraulic jack, Shop Vac, 7" M/C skill saw, 24' Kelvinator elect. stove (almond), freezer, Danby Fridge, McCleary washer, 4 pressback chairs, old washstand, old quilts, wooden high chalr, odd chairs, gas barbeque, glassware, dishes, setting for 8 Royal Swan (Eng.) old comic books, odds & ends, metal desk and more. Note time: 5:00 p.m. Lunch avallable. Owner or auctioneer will not be responsible for accident or injury in connection with this sale. Auc- tioneers Don 8& Phil Cochrane 985-2788. Sé MONDAY SEPTEMBER 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 a.m. Complete Body & Shop Equipment, Tools, 4x4 Jeep Cars & Household Contents Calvin Mabee, Auctions Property of Creamery Auto Body, R.R. 6 Woodville, Lorneville Ont.. Directions on Hwy 46 between Woodville and Argyle, see signs. Partial listing only, Snap on YR 2230 Plazma Cutter, Powermate 230 AC Arc Welder, Porta Spot Welder Model 2002, 59° Metal Brake, 2 ton Floor Sisar Jack, Portable 100 Ibs Sand Blaster, 10 ton Body Jack, Paper Machine, 48° Box stove, tire- change machine, Air and electric Power tools, grinders, sanders, air etc. Number of paint sprayers, door stands, OX and AC Torch and Gauges and Cart, Devibbiss 4 cyl.. Shop compressor (like new), large quantity of hand tools, wrenches, vise-grips. Number of safety flares, and boxes, 1974 V8 Jeep with snow blade, 1980 Chev. Acadian, good runner, 1979 Mercury Monarch 4 dr.. Number of body shop tools, scrap iron etc.. Furniture: Anti- que Sewing machine, Knick- Knacks, dishes, misc household items, books, 2 western saddles, Lawnboy lawn mower, picnic table, more, far to numerous to mention. NOTE: Property sold. Owners moving to east coast. Terms: cash, no reserve. Lunch available. Calvin Mabee Auctions R.R.1 Lindsay. 705-374-4800 or 374-4435. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Brand New Furniture Auction Orval McLean Auction Center : Lindsay Approx. $100,000 of New Brand Name furniture by Sklar, Kroler, Bauhaus, & Citation. Living room suites, loveseats, sectionals, wall units, bedroom suites & furniture, coffee & end tables, wood & chrome dinette suites, mat- tresses. Don't miss this giant li- quidation. NOTE TIME: 7:00 P.M. No reserve. All must go. Preview from 1:00 P.M. Don't miss this giant clearance of choice merchandise. Orval McLean Auctions (705) 324-2783 Orval & Barry Mclean, Auc- tioneers. Sé SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry Pearce Auction Service Estate of MRS. LILLIAN MORISON of Oshawa. Excellent sale with Heintzman piano and stool, spode dishes, Royal Doulton, Noritake and Bavarian pieces, good jewellery and freezer, convection oven, colour T.V., dryer, washer, stove, secretary desk, bow front bedroom sulte, cedar chests, smoker's stand, flatware with large chest, stemware, coal oil lamps, crocks, good lamps, pic- tures, pots & pans, sheet music, electric mower, hand & garden tools & much more. Pearce Auc- tion Services 655-8073. Sé MAGNETIC SIGNS For Trucks, Cars, etc. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Estate Sale Furniture, Antiques & Real Estate The Estate of the late PETER MCINTYRE of Oakwood. On Hwy. 7 just west of four corners. 9 pc. oak dining room suite, McClary 2 door refrigerator, 24 In. G.E. electric stove, pressback high chair, walnut dressers, oak dressers, walnut end tables, 12 cu. ft. freezer, Captains chalrs, An- nex stove, walnut parlour table, Lazy-Boy chairs, floral chester- fleld & matching chair, blanket box, roll-a-way bed, electric sew- Ing machine, spin washer, 3 h.p. lawnmower, quantity china & glass, bedding & linens, small electrical appliances, partial toilet set & collectable items. REAL ESTATE: 1% storey aluminum sided house, electric heat, 3 pc. bath, sunporch, 3 bedrooms, situated on a 99 ft. frontage by 350 ft. deep well treed lot with small barn on Hwy. 7 in the Village of Oakwood. Terms: $10,000.00 down the day of sale - remaining amount in 30 days, can be seen by appointment the week of the sale by calling 786-2915. Sold subject toreserve bid at 1:30 p.m. Lunch available. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Blackstock Arena Included in this sale: Hoosier style cabinet, large wooden cased english stereo speakers, Sears Kenmore family size microwave, childs metal desk, custom made wall unit, B & W T.V., sofa and chair, double bed, silver platter, assorted dishes, lots of books, small box lots, etc., hunting equipment including: 12GA. Laurona double barrel, 12GA. Mossberg model 500 pump action shotgun W/Deer barrel 3° Mag. new in box, Marlin .22 rifles, Car- cano 6.5 x .52 MM Italian army Carbine, gun racks, assorted 12GA. shotshells, F.A.C. required for firearms. Ice Fishing Equip- ment: 1972 Ski-Doo Olympic 15 h.p. - like new W/Cover, Sleigh for Ski-Doo, 6'* ice auger, assorted other items. Automobile: 1981 Cadillac Sedan De Ville, 56,000 miles, Florida car, immaculate inside and out, 2 tone blue, selling subject to reserve bid, car may be viewed all day Friday and Satur- day. Well stocked snack bar with reasonable prices so come on out to a sale and bring your friends. Auction means action and action means lots of fun for everyone. Consignments being taken now for this sale. Sale conducted by DeShane Auction Services, Prince Albert, Ont. Call 985-4240 to consign your items. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Orval McLean Auctions Quality antique furniture, anti- que glass, fine china, Gothic style heavily carved Welsh open faced sideboard with brass handles, rock maple dining room & living room furniture. Contents of LANGDON'S LAKE SIMCOE RESIDENCE at MAPLE BEACH, BEAVERTON. Large quantity of quality furniture, an- tiques, collectables, antique glass, china, prints, figurines, 2 Indian rugs. Don't miss this one. See listing and directions next week or call for flyer. Orval MclLéan Auctions - Orval & Barry McLean, Auctioneers. - NOTICE - REAL ESTATE DEADLINES Due to the increased amount of Real Estate Advertising in the Classifed Section of the Port Perry Star, a new advertising deadline has been set for Real Estate advertising. Thank you for your co-operation. ] * * NEW ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR REAL ESTATE COMPANIES FRIDAY - 5:00 P.M. P29 rr ITE SRE YSIS ORES