a ------ a ---- a =e et omental area a -------------------- \ Exciting year for 1st Port Another exciting/and adven- turous year in Scouting is near. First Port Perry Scout Group is anticipating that a large number of boys will enroll this year. Registration will be 6:30 Sept. 18 at Church of the Ascension for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. - Scouting programs are outlined according to the bylaws, policies and procedures of Boy Scouts of Canada, which dictate the leader to boy ratio, which should not be exceeded, : Although 1st Port Perry has some excellent, well trained leaders, they are going to require more this year, Last year, they had 50 boys and 12 leaders. Unfor- tunately, some of these leaders have had to leave or have taken a different position and must be replaced. The Group Committee provides an excellent benefit package. They pay for all leadership train- ing sessions and will reimburse the cost of a leader's uniform. Prospective leaders can look forward to having the opportuni- ty of sharing experiences and - having. fun while helping in the proper development of our com- munity's youth. -Scouting can prove to be one of the most rewar- ding experiences of your life. Last year, the Group Commit- tee had 9 members; this year, they would like to add more members in positions such as transportation co-ordinator; ban-, quet organizer and event person. The group committee meets generally once a month for about two hours. This team, made up of some leaders and other dedicated citizens, co-ordinates and controls the financial and logistics aspects of 1st Port Perry Scouting movement. This year they helped organize and host several Pine Ridge District events such as Beaver Winter Fun Day, Kub Kar Rally and annual Cuboree as well as entering a float in the Santa Claus Parade, holding a family Christmas party and helping with fundraising. If you have some time you can devote to this worthy activity, either as.a leader or as a member of the Group Committee, please contact Ellen Greenough at 985-8047 or come out to registra- tion night Sept. 18 at 6:30, Church of the Ascension Hall. The individual sections in Scouting include Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The Beaver Colony is for boys age five, six and seven. A boy must be five years old before Dec. 31 in order to be enrolled. Our leaders provide enjoyment, outings and the opportunity to be part of a group to share ex- periences and adventures, to learn and have fun together. The Cub Pack is for boys age eight, nine and ten. The boy must be eight years old before Dec. 31. The Cub program is set up so that the boys can earn badges and stars with a little help from their parents. The Scout Troop is for boys 11, 12, 13 and 14. They must be eleven before Dec. 31. The Scout Pro- gram is designed to develop. leadership skills, self-reliance and pursuit of hobbies and in- Ashburn and Area News by Florence Ashton We were pleased once again to welcome The Rev. John Robert- son to Burns pulpit on Sunday morning. Hugh Knight and Moyra Dobson sang a duet "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go." Rev. Robertson chose as his sermon ti- tle "The. Vital Relevance of the Christian Gospel," his text being from 2 Timothy chapter 1, verse 7. Next Sunday morning Rev. McEntyre will return to the pulpit. His subject will be "Glad to be of Service." Mary Briscoe has recently returned home, after spending four weeks in England, visiting at Harrogate, N. Yorkshire. Bill Gardner enjoyed a visit with his relatives in Manitoba. Bill and Bernice Gardner at- tended church service at the Old Stone Church, Beaverton on Sun- day, September 3, with Rev. Alex Calder as the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Westfall, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Heather and Trevor, visited at the Gardner home recently. The Eleanor Knight Group of the W.M.S. met at the home of Muriel Fisher last Wednesday evening. In the absence of the president, Muriel conducted the meeting. There were 10 ladies present. Florence Ashton was in charge of the worship. Ray Death continued our study in Africa. Our hostess served lovely refreshments, and everyone en- joyed a nice visit in Muriel's love- ly new home. The Ladies Bible Class are look- ing forward to their celebration on Wednesday evening of this week, as they commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the organiza- tion of the group. The evening will begin with a banquet at 6:30, with special guest speaker Mrs. Olive McDonald from Cannington. Other guests will be providing special music. Monthly Rates Annual Rates 1 YEAR oviiiins 11 1/2% "2 YEARS ............ 11 1/8% 3 YEARS ............ 10 3/4% 4 YEARS ............ 10 1/2% 5 YEARS ............ 10 1/2% 1 YEAR ................ 11 % 2 YEARS .-....cccnu. 10 5/8% 3 YEARS ............ 10 1/4% 4 YEARS ................ 10 % B YEARS. .ccernsinnins 10 % PHONE Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY for Over 15 Years" 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation terests. There are more camp and outdoor activities than in previous sections, and many undertakings . require team effort. Can You Help? As you can see, Scouting plays a big part in the overall healthy development of the boys of the community. Scouting is an old organization, but new leaders help keep the organization in step with the times. Therefore your help is greatly needed. Without your help, the boss will not have such a fine opportunity to learn and share with others. Most section leaders and group committee members take on their responsibilities without having had previous Scouting ex- PORT PERRY STAR <0 Todsday Sdpretitibs 12) TW¥ -- Perry Scouts perience. Help was required, and they gave joyfully. They were trained by people with many years of experience and they learned and grew to love Scouting and the boys associated with it. If you care about youth develop- ment and community service please contact Ellen Greenough 985-8047 for more information. EVERYDAY is a SALE DAY WITH OUR PRICES ... SINC EVEE [CRE TL CI@ LER G OE CY o Superbly er) fo! sal cast iron: . i r an all-night bun vight CONSE Lindow lets you €% ¢ Te Ero Quatertord Stoves of Ir with air- Jand , Inc. roe Waterford rsh SE! The cookstove that warms your 3 thing you The Stanley: gerry dburning armth and co room heater. ° One loading our home ] oven easily holds ® 225 Ib. turkey. 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