ee a a V1 -- O88 0 ~akrneafyinr 0 DLT? FOI 0 rage 2 Py » T 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 12, 1989 Grants have a catch council learns Two representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and Recre- ation attended council Monday morning to explain funding available under their new Com- munity Waterfront Program. Ann Fraser and G. Ad- ams explained to council that the am was first intro- duced three years ago, and there is $60 million available for community projects over the next five years. The purpose of this govern- ment assist program is to help smaller communities (under 50,000 population) develop their waterfronts for tourism and recreation purposes. In outlining the program, Ms. Fraser explained that the pro- gram was available to commu- nities such as Scugog which are planning waterfront develop- ment, enhancement or im- provements. Some of the things eligible for cost sharing include landfill, site servicing such as access roads, water, sewer, lighting, parking, landscaping etc. The program will also help with the purchase of land with- in the community waterfront boundary that does not belong tothe municipality. Of course like all government programs, there is a catch, and council was quick to learn that for every dollar the government authorizes, the municipality would have to put up an equal amount. Waterfront projects are eligi- ble for up to a maximum of $500,000. This amount must not exceed one-third of the total project cost, and must be matched by at least a like amount by the municipality. While councillors were pleased to know there was some Provincial funding available to help with park development, they were unhappy to learn that the project could not be split into small projects in vari- ous parts of the township. In order for council to get any of the $30 million available, they will have to come up with a project that will cost a mini- mum of $260,000. Of this cost they would have to provide doc- umentation to the Province that they would spend $125,000 on the project, before the would be eligible for any fund- Driver leaves scene Durham Regional Police are still investigating an accident that occurred on Labor Day. According to police, someone driving an '88 Nissan was west- bound on Concession 3 when the vehicle went out of control and struck a fence. The driver left the scene with- i reporting the incident to po- ce. . on Fashion PORT PERRY PLAZA 2985-0129 20% OFF NEW FALL FASHIONS 1 Day Only - Saturday, September 16th PLUS ... SPECIALLY MARKED RACKS! PLEASE JOIN US IN THE GRAND OPENING | OF | | ON } SEPTEMBER 15,1989 LARGE SELECTION OF PAPERBACK AND HARDCOVER BOOKS * COMIC BOOKS (NEWAND BACK ISSUES) * COLLECTABLE CARDS "BUY ¢ SELL « TRADE BRING THIS FLYER IN AND RECEIVE 15 94 oFF! Jon ud for coffee aval donuts on Coeruryy Dey! TWICE TOLDTALES. 68 SCUGOG STREET, PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-0979 | "pm