28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 26, 1989 "Now it's time to wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands," sang the group of pint-sized children as they made their way, sleeves rolled up to their elbows, to the sinks. The children at the Black- stock Cooperative Nursery School knew exactly what was required of them before they could indulge in, "the best time ofthe day" snack time. Located in the Blackstock Recreation Centre, the Nursery School provides an opportunity for children (and parents) to grow a little in a controlled set- ting. With classes for parents and two year olds through to a class of four year olds, everyone interested is encouraged to par- ticipate. Blackstock Nursery School Supervising teacher Anne Lane is present at every class, together with an assistant teacher and at least one parent in the atmosphere of coopera- tion. Since the formation of the nursery school in 1977, chil- dren have been encouraged to be creative, tointeract with oth- ers and to grow along the path of self discovery. Elyse prefers playing in the kitchen with the other young ladies. A rolling pin and three colours of playdough are the main ingredients in a recipe of fun and creativity. Feature by Rob Streich Look Ma, no feet! In addition to plen- ty of opportunity for minds to grow, a set of floor mats encourages healthy bodies. i sare . : Py or Sg " BRE RE CAE 4 EE CS rR » i el Row > Seni & 4 wl Hold on, rough waters ahead. These four hardy sallors seem to be having a con- ference about where to travel to In their rocking boat - or maybe they are just wonder- Ing who the landlubber is that keeps trying to take their picture. i : W " i 2 fi Hf What do you mean upside down? | know this Is the right way to use a slide - see this mat Is for your head. o Nt Hands up, baby hands up. Supervising Teacher Anne Lane helps to entertain ana teach the chlidren through a variety of fun songs - adults enjoy them too.