I -- reel tt ------ | 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 17, 1989 Red Cross Homemakers enjoy Dedication celebration caring for elderly and disabled Several afternoons each week, Muriel Bunting spends a few hours working with Robert McMullen. She helps prepare a meal, does some light cleaning around the apartment, and perhaps may even do some shopping or banking for Robert who is con- fined to a wheelchair. Muriel is a Red Cross Homemaker, one of 125 in the Region and 6,000 across the province. She enjoys this special kind of work, caring for the elderly, the dis-abled, or those who are recovering at home after sur- geryor anillness. "Caring for people, that's what is so important for me. It makes me feel good," she told the Starlast week. The week of October 15-21 has been designated Home Sup- port Week in Ontario, a way of recognizing the contributions that homemakers make to their communities and society as a whole. The homemaking service, like the one provided by the Red Cross is acknowledged as anim- portant cornerstone in the poli- cies of the present provincial government as one of the alter- natives to institutional care. Muriel, who at one time worked as a nurse's aid in a nursing home, became a Red Cross Homemaker eight years ago. She began caring for the fa- ther of a friend who needed some short-term assistance. And it was suggested that she join the Red Cross Home- makers. She has been working atitever since. She works about 25 hours each week and though the sala- ry currently is about $6 per hour, officials say this will in- crease substantially this fall, thanks to an infusion of money from the provincial govern- ment. Red Cross Homemaker Muriel Bunting with client Rob- ert McMullen of Port Perry. Homemaking week is coming up soon. For Mrs. Bunting, it's more than just a job. She enjoys caring for people (see story) A high percentage of the cli- ents who receive this service in Durham Region are over 65 years of age, and many are sin- gle or widowed women. Red Cross Homemakers re- ceive professional training and supervision. There currently is a short- age of homemakers in certain parts of Durham Region, in- cluding the community of Port Perry. Muriel told the Star the work is very satisfying, and it has its own un-expected little rewards. While providing care for cli- ents like Robert McMullen, he is going to teach her how to play chess this winter, and introduce her to his computer. TY ranean Lanaas ras LAGALARRARAR] hb hbbbbhbhbhbhbhl Abhbhbbhbhhbbbbbbihl Lhhbhhl Lh hhh hb | hbbbhbhbbhbhl TITEITTATEY ha LLARALARALA LAS | | \_ CLOTHESOUT | > - revs rv rrrrrrrrrrere re? EEE EEE EEE TITTY | anda Frere Fall Fashion Sale NESTLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE Hwy. 7A -- East of Port Perry THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19th 12 to 8 PM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th 10 AM to 8 PM HHH . SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st 10 AM to 6 PM RS Celebrate Autumn with a New Wardrobe! See our Fall Coats, , Jackets, Tweed Suits, Dresses, Separates, Vests & Lots of Accessories .. Join us for casual, WN no pressure shopping. ALL PRICES APPROXIMATELY WHOLESALE! We clear for top Canadian Designers & Manufacturers. at Epsom this Sunday Utica and Area News by Vera Brown This week Church & Sunday School will be held in Epsom Church gf 11:15 a.m. This will in- clude a service of Holy Baptism and the Dedication celebration of the renovations in the basement. The U.C.W. met at the home of Nancy Skelding last Tuesday, meeting at 1 p.m. for pie & cheese & refreshments. Nancy led the worship which was followed by a very informative talk by Mr. Frank Murphy of Central Seven. A question and answer session followed. Shirley Baster thanked Mr. Murphy for his visit and presented a donation to his organization to help carry on their work. A short business meeting followed. Our November meeting is to be a visit to the Uxbridge Health Care Center. There were 13 tables of euchre played in the hall on Friday even- ing. Winners were Ladies 1st Doris Hill, 2nd Annie Bowman and 3rd Myrtle Gimblett. Men's "LEASING | 1st Art Parratt, 2nd Ken Watts & 3rd Earla Hill. Freeze-out win- ners were Mary Poots and Mary Cannon, Velma Ross and Marion Thompson were second. Lucky draw winners were Annie Bowman, Kay Brown & Bea Har- rison. There will be another euchre in two weeks. Mrs. Crosier returned on Tues- day from a week visit with Wally & Jean Scott and family of Lon- don and Toronto. Recent visits with her were Jean and Wally Scott of London and Dean and Gloria Beare, Derek and Daniel of Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver of Manchester who celebrated their wedding an- niversary in Utica Hall on Satur- day evening. I'm not sure, but it must be about 25 years since they tied the knot. Please call your news in to 985-7564. WAYNE FEASBY Leasing Manager ANY MAKE....ANY MODEL You can count on Williamson's reputation for satisfaction. Flexible leasing plans to suit your needs. Call Wayne or Jim for worry-free 'leasing JIM BRADBURY Leasing Rep FYI rTY ry LA Addl ddd recover s 4 Dr. Sedan, fully loaded 1990 CADILLAC SEDAN de VILLE $789 mth * Lease Rate 1990 HONDA ACCORD LX 4 Dr. Sedan including auto, tilt,' cruise, AM/FM cassette (4 spkrs) 345 mth * Lease Rate --y 332223303 33 En. re 3333 J3333 CRAM RARARARARARRREN | re . | 1333 ALhb) api . " ALRARARRRARLY 33 333 ARARARARARLN 33333 peti ALARARAARARARARARARARARARARLL] Since 1947 Uxbridge 852-3357 * Lease based on 48 months, $2000 down payment, - O.A.C. Licence and P.S.T. extra. No mileage restrictions. Williamson Uxbridge Toronto 294- 901 0