34 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 17, 1989 re -- Canadian Cancer Soctety Scugog Branch presents BIG BAND BASH "The Islander" Scugog Island Friday, November 3,1989 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. $10.00 per person * Door Prizes * Refreshments Available ~All proceeds to the Canadian Cancer Society. Tickets Available: Emmerson Ins. - Irwin Smith - Remax or Call 985-7674 *Also Avallable At The Door.* ------ \S AJAX JEEP EAGLE LTD. SALES & SERVICE 493 BAYLY STREET EAST, AJAX, ONTARIO L1S 4S7 Jeep. (418) 683-4100 Eagle Oshawa [416] 434-1610 SALES: Monday to Thursday 9 to 9; Friday & Saturday 9 to 5. SERVICE & PARTS SERVICE & PARTS: Monday to Friday 8 to 5; Saturday 8 to 12. 4» | CUSTOMER J (oF {= { Ysa con dipend ead! mopar Bl dutopar Annual Rates 11.375% 10.875% 11.125% 11.050% 11.050% 2 YEARS 5 YEARS 10.625% Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN SRCEY -- PORT PERRY "Servin for Over 15 Years" PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 'LOSING WEIGHT IS A HEALTHY EXPERIENCE!' -- at ps -- WE po SER Th EER COUNSELLING CeEnTRY Individual Counselling by Professional Nurses & Nutritionists. NEW!!! "PAY AS YOU G0" SPECIAL Offer Extended to OCTOBER 31, 1989 510.00 per week. * does not include new members' enrollment fee of $35.00 Gal... 983-9833 For a Free, No Obligation Consultation. 238 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY HOURS; Mon & Thurs 1:30 to 6:30 PM; Tues & Fri. 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Rev. Pogue speaks at S.l. United We were certainly glad to get our rain earlier than predicted and have it clear for Sunday mor- ning to encourage church atten- dance for the special Anniversary Service at the Island United. We were again to enjoy the fine or- chestra and faithful choir music, with visitors. Rev. Barry Pogue of Durham College continues his connections with the church. Though 13 years have passed since he served on our charge, we have continued several contacts with him and his family. Mrs. Pogue is presently serving at South Minster Church in Oshawa. As Rev. Pogue recognized many faces, he was surprised to see so many new ones and a great number of unknown young children. But this linked up with his thoughts on anniversaries and roots of our families and the life of our church. On further thoughts of roots we realize that descen- dants of at least seven pioneer families of nearly 150 years are still upholding the church started by their forefathers. Years ago, after an Anniver- sary Service, the custom was for a prominent family to take the visiting minister and his family home for dinner. As they had lit- tle chance to meet the congrega- Scugog Island Area News by Mrs. Earl Reader tion or have any social time among members, things changed when all met in the church base- ment after service. As time pro- gressed this arrangement became too crowded and inconve- nient so the occasion was transferred across the corner to the Community Hall where it is thoroughly enjoyed by all. We were also made aware of the new convenience by way of newly built exits off Conc. 10. Sat. night there was a fairly quiet family celebration at Stouff- ville to celebrate the 40th Wed- ding Anniversary of Betty and Nelson Reader. Congratulations to this fine couple at the "Head" and still living on a Pioneer farm. Last week Bonnie Gerrow with some of her family, while visiting cousins at Owen Sound, called on our former residents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hood who are very happily settled on a farm at Chatsworth. Bonnie also called on Mrs. Eileen McCutcheon, a lady formerly interested in the "Head Memorial' Church and its - members, Eileen is in a nursing home at Beeton and reports that her 3 sisters are having health problems now. We remember them all as a wonderful, caring family. Our new minister for the Scugog Pastoral Charge has an- nounced that she will be setting up office in the Island United Church and will be available on Wednesdays, so you may call 985-2385 if you wish to talk with her. You may have been well prepared to welcome the Scouts on Sat. But if they missed you, please don't feel badly. We now have a sizeable population and perhaps there aren't enough Scouts or drivers. There wasn't any meeting in Sept. for the Scugog Social Plan- ning Council. It seems that everyone is too busy to serve in of- fices. There are so many organizations now requiring of- ficers and volunteer help. The Council has done a good job from the time it was organized. They have started many community in-. terests and wonder what they could do next. So it is possible, un- til a need arises the organization may be quiet. 140 years of worship at Burns Anniversary services were held last Sunday at Burns, when the congregation celebrated its 140th Anniversary. The guest speaker for the morning service was Rev. Dorothy MacDonald from Orillia. Guest soloist was Rosemary Burns, Etobicoke. Following the service, everyone enjoyed a lun- cheon in the lower hall. For the evening service, we welcomed once again to Burns pulpit, the Rev. John Robertson from Etobicoke. Soloist was Rev. McEntyre. A fellowship hour followed the evening service. It was nice to welcome former friends and members to both services. There will be no regular wor- ship next Sunday. Everyone is urged to attend St. John's An- niversary, Port Perry at 11:00 Ashburn and Area News by Florence Ashton a.m. and 7:00 p.m. There will be church school at Burns next Sunday. Muriel and Harold Fisher spent Thanksgiving weekend visiting Frank and Margaret Mitchell of Deep River. Visitors recently with the Gard- ners were Frank and Gladys McKim, Oshawa and Everett and Joan Westfall and family of Hamilton. Fern Stephen from Toronto visited at the Ashton home last Sunday, as well as with Bill and Bernice Gardner. The Ladies Bible Class met at the home of Margaret Davis last Wednesday evening with presi- dent Florence Ashton chairing the meeting. The hymn "Thanks to God' was sung, with Ruby Bryant reading Psalm 100. Prayer by Bernice Gardner. The meditation '"The Posture of Thanksgiving" was based on the scripture reading. Muriel Fisher was in charge of the programme and shared with us some Thanksgiving selections from the Ideals Magazine. Muriel gave us a lovely talk on the 23rd Psalm. Lovely refreshments were served by our hostess, followed with the plant exchange. The next meeting will be held at the home of Joan Knight. Pinedale Church anniversary A large crowd attended the 116th Anniversary Service at Pinedale Church on Sunday when Rev. Jack Roundell had as his message "Take Time to Smell the Flowers' it was a fitting r message, with so much beauty around us. Next Sunday the service will be at Greenbank at 11 a.m. - and keep in mind the Anniversary Service on Nov. 5 at 11 a.m. No @ DRiIP Oilshin Guaranteed rust protection for new and used vehicles. Stops rust in its tracks Will not crack or peel Will not wash off like oil Seals and forms protective skin And does not drip MENZIES CAR CARE & SALES R.R. 4, Port Perry, Ontario Phone 985-8291 The Evening Unit of the U.C.W. are taking Regal Card orders now, so call Pauline Young by: Oct. 22 to place your order. Mr. W. Graham will be at home for an Open House to his friends and neighbours, before his depar- ture to Port Perry on Monday evening October 30 from 7-9 p.m. Neil and Jean, also Gerry and Grace Hunter attended the 60th Wedding Anniversary for their former neighbours in Orono on Sunday. Our wishes for a quick recovery go to Margaret Jarvis whois a pa- tient in Port Perry Hospital. Also to Len who has not been well. Don and Helen McKean motored to Thamesville to visit their daughter Dale and Ken Ellison for Thanksgiving. That is all for this week folks. Please call 985-2092. The War Amps CHILD AMPUTEE PROGRAM For information dial toll-free arca codes 519, 613, 708, 1-800-268-8821; other area codes dial 1.800.268.8917 ll A