14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 31, 1989 _ A nation-wide campaign to rid communities of pornogra- phy is underway this week. White Ribbon Week or WRAP (White Ribbon Against Pornography) started October 29 and will continue through to November 5. Here in Port Perry, two women associated with Canadi- ans for Decency, have present- ed large white ribbons to mer- chants who have taken pornographic magazines from the shelves in their stores. The magazines the group considers pornographic include Playboy and Penthouse. Pr wilh eh Carol Switzer (left) and Mary Johansen are members of the group Canadians for De- cency, and last Friday, they presented Scugog Mayor Howard Hall with a white ribbon, symbolic of the national campaign underway this week against pornography, and especial- ly pornographic magazines. (see story for details) Ss SS hi GALAXY NEEDLECRAFT Vi " OF LINDSAY, ONTARIO % & 7 : 10% - 50% § i hi AND MORE...OFF REG. PRICES [if | (i | iy | iy hy I = = [7 Al ED i i ( Li | {7 ii} ( | [i {7 i 0 IN OUR FRAMING DEPARTMENT... d (/ *Up to 1/2 Off On In-Stock Frames! *30% Off Intercraft Photo Frames! {J (i (i | i} ig AY ] ] 1 1 i | VL ) | | ! ] | | l SO A ES wo bi BAGS OF YARN AT SUPER BARGAIN PRICES Custom Picture Framing i} " 324-4769 Framing of Prints Posters Needlework Awards {i © Lindsay St. front St. $10.00 off uy m Ridout St. Any Purchase of $40.00 or More i (Does Not ApplyTo Sale Merchandise) One Coupon Per Order * Offer expires December 2, 1989 i, J my ----- i -- ---------------- [i [ » GALAXY NEEDLECRAFT & PICTURE FRAMING " OF LINDSAY, ONT. hii § 8-B RIDOUT ST. STORE HOURS: Mon.-Thurs., 9-5:30 Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-5 7] (Lindsay and Kent Sts., Behind Pinocchio's) iM NSALE EXPIRES DEC, 2/89 mi iS 5 = & = SS = 8 8a Sl SS SPSS Ss Ss £53 As well as presenting mer- chants with white ribbons, Car- ol Switzer and Mary Johansen will also spend the week talking to store owners and operators who sell these magazines in an effort to convince them to volun- tarily remove them from the shelves. "Let's try and clean up the community, raise the stan- dards," Mrs. Johansen told the Star last week. Mrs. Switzer said they are very grateful to store owners who have already removed such magazines from their shelves. "I simply tell them they will never get my business as long as they continue to sell this ma- terial," she said. And she said part of the campaign will be to encourage other consumers to do the same thing. Canadians for Decency is a nation-wide organization founded some 20 years ago. Both Mrs. Switzer and Mrs. Johansen feel strongly there is a relationship between the even so-called "soft porn" material like Penthouse and Playboy, and the ever increas- ing number of incidents of vio- lence against women and chil- dren. "The girls in those photos - APPLES for SALE - White Ribbon campaign aims at pornography (in the magazines) may be safe, but women of all ages are not., Sick minds are feeding off this stuff," said Mrs. Switzer. And they feel that even among the un-committed public at large, there is a growing awareness of the relationship between pornography, violent pornography and eventually vi- olence against women and chil- dren. A pamphlet published by the Interchurch Committee on Pornography, which is affiliat- ed with Canadians for Decency, cites a study by a Queens Uni- versity professor which shows that one-third of 89 child mo- lesters and rapists studied had committed an offense after be- ing exposed to pornography. Other studies cited indi- cate that both men and women change their attitudes towards crimes like rape after frequent exposure to pornography, and consider rape less of a violent act. We care and we count is the slogan that has been adopted for White Ribbon Week. And this week, those white ribbons will be displayed not just in stores, but in other busi- nesses, churches, offices and po- lice stations all over the coun- try. Macintosh - Courtland - Talman Sweet Delicious - Northern Spy - Empire DURHAM RD. 8, PORT PERRY 1/4 Mile East of Epsom WILLOWTREE ORCHARDS 985-9205 sikkens Cetol 1 and Cetol 23 "sikkens 7 sikkens YOU'LL So the natural beauty of your exterior woodwork -- doesn't fade in the sunlight -- isn't damaged by majsture -- isn't hidden CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER 295 Ritson Rd. S. -- OSHAWA 434-3939 PAINTS V3 4 Now Available only at Port Perry's Meating Place TRY NEW YORK DELI STYLE PIZZA LIA s (010) 185) Sun-Thurs 4 PM to 8 PM Fri-Sat 4 PM to 10 PM The Meating Place: Where the Quality y comes First and the Freshness comes Naturally 180 QUEEN S1 PORT PERRY 985-2818