i i ESS ae. BE PORT PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE -- Tuesday, October 31, 1989 -- 9 KAREN E HUNT, C.P.E. Elec troylsis, permanent hair removal, medically approved, member of E.A.O., member F.E.A.C,, pro- fessional & confidential 985-9085. ATTENTION LADIES Nails by Pat. Shella's Hairstyling. Call for appointment 985-2274, still at 117 Perry St. J7 DID YOU KNOW -- The Best of Things Florist & Gift Shop in the Port Perry Plaza is open on Sun- days from 11a.m. - 4 p.m. for your shopping convenience. N 7 Rent & Save has all your dinner needs, cups, saucers, plates, plat- ters, glassware, flatware, tables, Chairs, etc. Call Rent & Save 985-777. SCUGOG CRISIS CENTER 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE 579-8006. Call collect if necessary. Office 985-8850 - Tues., Wed., Thurs. 12:15 - 3:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY afternoon ladies needs bowlers - come have fun & meet new people. Call 985-8210 ask for Carol. Box 1479, 169 North St. Place, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 2985-8416 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS BONDED INSURED 985-0069 HOME ¢ COTTAGE « BUSINESS CHECK SERVICE Year-round Maintenance Inside & Outside Call anytime for free confidential estimate BE AT "EASE" WHILE YOU ARE "ABSENT" "ABSENT-EZE tf WOODWORK REPAIR & preci sion finishing carpentry. Baseboard and trim, window and door renovations and refinishing 12 years experience. Rolf Peder son 9858720. CAKES - For special occasions by Heather (formerly of Kreative Kitchen). Please call Sweet Memories 985-7034. ALONE? Frightened? Need Help? We care. We will listen. Call anytime. Distress Centre 433-1121 or 433-1861. DIORYSITE NIN IFAS LO protect yourself INN IY I DAYS Get the facts. Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1-800-668-AIDS ATTENTION -- VETERANS Ex-Servicemen & Women & Dependents The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, MR. GORD ALGUIRE will be visiting SARA'S DIAPER SERVICING for more information please phone 105 - 357-3979 705 - 357-2583 BRANCH 419, PORT PERRY on NOVEMBER 27th, 1989. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding: (a) War Disability Pension; (b) Treatment for Entitled Veterans; (c) Application for Benevolent Funds; (d) Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows' Allowance; is requested to contact Jack Lee at 986-5424 before November 10th, 1989 to arrange an interview. WINNERS CBD Odd Fellows & Rebekahs TRIP OF THE MONTH OCTOBER TRIP WINNER One Week in Columbia John & Marie Lucyk, Port Perry FREE '90/'91 DRAW TICKET Terri Tripp, Port Perry TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MADE THROUGH Nonquon Travel DOWSON'S BOTTLED WATER -- now available at -- Paul Flieler's Petro-Can Utica Store Seagrave Store XL Gas Station Ashburn Store Sunnyside Market, Caesarea Greenbank Marquis Corners Myers Cash & Carry Brooklin IGA Country Corners Cafe Prince Albert Store Chicken Coop Aldred's Corner Provincial Traffic Signs Sunderland Seed Supply Ltd. DOWSON"S WATER HAULAGE inc. PURE SPRING WATER WELLS - CISTERNS - POOL - etc. Service & Prompt Delivery -- 7 Days a Week Dependable Serving Your Area Call Today: 985-3814 'CELLULAR PHONE DISPATCHER' Valu-Mart COMP-U-COUNT ACCOUNTING SERVICES Over 10 Years Experience * Full range of accounting /bookkeeping services available to owner-managed businesses. * Computerized financial statements. * New business set-up. * Computerized bookkeeping training available on a one-to-one basis. * Business consultations. R.R. 3, PORT PERRY ONTARIO LOB 1NO (416) 985-0712 (416) 985-7306 EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO NEW YEAR'S EVE Dance, Dec. a.m. fo 4 p.m. Immaculate Con- ception Church - Hwy. 7A. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS for help call THE DENISE HOUSE (formerly Auberge; FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN TOLL FREE 1-800-263-3725 or Confidentiality Assured 728-7311 SCUGOG MOVING . STORAGE nc -- PORT PERRY -- 25 Years Experience Bus. 985-376 1 If no answer call: (Res.) 985-7288 "Free Wardrobe Service" 31 - Oddfellows Hall, Live Band, Buffet, Party Favours - $10 per person. Tickets available at Irwin Smith Music or by calling 655-4787. LOYAL ORANGE Lodge Church Parade, Sunday Nov. 5. Start at Latcham Center 9:30 a.m. to Presbyterian Church 9:55 a.m. Oshawa Flute Band to play. C.W.L. BAZAAR, Sat., Nov. 4-11 HOT LUNCHEON at the Presbyterian Church FRIDAY, NOV. 3rd 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM *4.00 per Person BURN'S KIRK GUILD invites you to another of their popular Fall Country Craft Shows. Numerous artisans and Craft peo- ple will have their work available on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 at THUNDERBIRD GOLF CLUB, ASHBURN. The show opens at 10 a.m. and concludes at 3 p.m. with a draw for a signed, limited edition numbered print, by MARC BARRIE. A great variety of fine crafts will make your Christmas shopping a breeze! 0 3 THE TRAVEL CLUB will be meeting Thursday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p-m. at Scugog Library - Topic - Hawaii. THE COUNTY TOWNE Singers at Blackstock United Church, 7:30 p.m. on Sunday Nov. 5 - collection. Everyone welcome. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Bazaar Caesarea Hall, Sat., Nov. 18, 10 am. - 3 p.m. Tables available $5.00 each. Contact Ann Harron 986-4751 or Sharon Smith 986-4612. Sponsored by Caesarea Ladies Auxiliary. RALPH & RUTH MALCOLM in- vite 'you to join with them in celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary at the Nestleton Community Centre on Sat. Nov. 11 - 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Good wishes only please. COURT LADY Snowbird Christmas Bazaar & Tea, Thurs- day, Nov. 16, Nestleton Hall -- 7:30 p.m. - $1.50 adults - .50 cents 10 years & under. Penny Sale, Draws, Home Baking, etc. Enter- tainment Good Tyme Cloggers. Everyone welcome. N 14 CREATIVE CIRCLE Open House, Thursday, Nov. 9, 7 to 9 p-m.; Sat. Nov. 11, 1 to 5 p.m. First quality needle-craft kits, money-back guarantee, 2 price specials. Bring a friend. Any new or past clients welcome, no obligation. Come see our new line and do your Xmas shopping ear- ly. Door Prizes. Orders welcome. 41 Riverview Dr., Port Perry, Ont. 985-0669. HANDMADE FOR YOU - Knit- ting, smocking, cross-stitch, hair- pin lace, crochet, jams, jellies, baking. Sat. Nov. 11-10:00- 4:00. 278A Union Ave., Prince Albert {Kelly Olsens). CITRUS New Supplier! PORT HIGH MUSIC DEPARTMENT is holding its Annual Citrus Sale FLORIDA NAVEL ORANGES Large ................ $25.00 Medium ............. $15.00 INDIAN RIVER MARSH GRAPEFRUIT Large ................ $20.00 Medium ............. $12.00 ... and by popular demand ... TANGELOS To order contact any PPHS MUSIC STUDENT or phone: 655-8755 "LETTER FROM Wingfield Farm' featuring Rod Beattie, Friday November 17, 1989 - Blackstock Recreational Centre 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by O.N.O. Club - $10 per ticket. 986-5530 or 986-5574. 0 31 NEXT MOVIE - Walt Disney's "The Jungle Book'* Latcham Hall, Port Perry on Friday November 3; Blackstock Com- munity Hall on Saturday November 4. Start 7 p.m. Admis- sion $2.00 all ages. 031 FOLK ART FOR KIDS - 6 weeks, $45 everything included. Next ses- sion starts Nov. 11. Call 985-9494 to register. Oo FOLK ART FOR BEGINNERS - 6 weeks for $50 everything includ- ed but your brushes. Next session starts Nov. 6, 7. Call 985-9494 to register. on Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! SAT. NOV. 4, Hwy 57, Blackstock, 8 am. - 4 p.m. Wooden chairs, wooden wall dividers, etc. LOVE --S&D Lordy, Lordy, Look who's 40 If you see ... MARJ DEMPSEY wish her a Happy 40th! And we thought his being a Lady's i Man was just a fish story. HAPPY 80th | ALBERT NOTICE TO ALL VETERANS & MEMBERS OF REMEMBRANCE PARADE Saturday, November 11th BR. 419 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Parade will form at Br. 419 Parking Lot at 10:15 AM, then proceed east on Bay St., south on Rosa St., west on Balsam St., north on Simcoe St., then east on Bay St. to the Cenotaph. SERVICE at the CENOTAPH LEGION HALL 11:00 AM "We will remember them!" ARIENS 16 H.P. tractor with front end loader, all hydraulic, ex- cellent for snow removal, etc. $3,500.00. 300 gallon plastic water tank - used one month $325.00. 985-0669 - 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. 1988 DODGE Leisure Van, low km., captain chairs, sleeps four, loaded, super deluxe, can be seen at 205 Casimir St. 985-8385. DEEP WELL pump, like new. Call Armour MacMillian for details. 985-2924. OLDER PIANO - needs refinishing $300.00; snowblower $425.00; Kreepy Krawler (only us- ed 2 summers) $350.00. Call 986-5171. WHEELCHAIR - excellent condi- tion - $250.00. 986-4953 after 5p.m. BEEF - Young Canada Grade A. Whole, half, or quarter. Natural- ly grown. $1.99/1b. Call 985-9029.J 21 NEW MAGNASONIC portable stereo, w/dual cassette - $200.00 & new queen size brass bed - $200.00. Inquire at Gold 'N Glow. 985-8555. 20 INCH Television & VCR. Both 3 months old - $250.00 each. 985-7555. USED GOLD Gourmet stove & a 18 cu. ft. fridge, suitable for cot- tage; Bed chesterfield & chair, suitable for rec room; Player' piano - good condition, 115 rolls. Reasonable. 985-7072. DARK PINE kitchen drop leaf table & 2 chairs, twin bed & dresser, coffee table & 2 end tables. 985-7670. HAWAII - 2 plane tickets. A bargain at $800.00 - good till next Aug. Call 985-3786.