Sunderland man suffers internal and head injuries A 23 year old Sunderland man is in critical condition in Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital with head and internal injuries after he was struck by a car on Durham Road 23 early Sunday morning. Regional Police say the ac- cident took place shortly before 2:00 AM when Darcy Muhl was struck by a car driven by Rich- ard Wilson of Uxbridge. A Police spokesman said Mubhl, who had been involved in an earlier minor accident, was apaprently trying to flag down the Wilson vehicle. No charges have been laid, but the accident remains under investigation, according to Dur- ham Police. Regional Police report nu- - merous "fender benders" in the Scugog Township area over the last five to seven days, several of them attributed to slippery road conditions. There were no serious injuries reported. And Police said a Prince Al- bert man suffered minor inju- ries when his snowmobile hit something on the Lake Scugog ice last Friday afternoon. Norm - MacKinnon was thrown from his machine when it struck the object near Fra- lich's Beach. Police said the machine was damaged to the tune of $50. Letter: Still waiting aresponse To the Editor: On 6 September, 1989, a two- page ad appeared in your paper, placed by the federal govern- ment, which dealt with the pro- posed goods and services tax. Telephone numbers were includ- ed for those who wished further information, whether in English, French or by means of a telephone device for the deaf (TDD). No mention was made of the availability of materials on tape or in braille for blind citizens. I am legally blind. With my limited vision, I am able to read some print, but my eyes tire easi- ly and even with the use of strong- ly magnified glasses, I cannot hope to read as much material in print as I would like (I cannot read the entire Port Perry Star, for example, so I usually just look through a few 'favourite' col- umns). I try to get as much material as I can in braille or on tape. When the government's ad ap- peared in your paper, three months ago, I "phoned the telephone number provided and asked for more detailed informa- tion about the goods and services tax. I explained that I was blind and that I would appreciate hav- ing the information in a usable form. IMhaven't yet checked today's mail but, so far, it hasn't arrived. Your very truly Sean J. Madsen Port Perry, Ontario A fire resistant panel for covering walls or ceilings. 4-t. X 8-ft. X 1/2" DRYWALL 9.99.. DELIVERY .50¢ per Sheet Extra DAD'S SPECIAL Bring this coupon to FIBREGLASS INSULATION R20-6" Thick 54.9 sq.ft. bdle. R12-32" Thick 99.9 sq.ft. bdle. 21.99... 23.99... | ---------- sy EE e-- -- | POWER TOOL || -- TIS [1 / J U -------- -- -- / J 2 28 28 28 LE XE 2K XE 2K 28 XE 2h even at our special low, low prices! (Sorry, this does not include Blades, Parts or Accessories) Ew See our Christmas Display! Touch Lamps, Fireplace Accessories, Ceramic Heaters, Heat Strippers, and many more Christmas Gift Ideas! DE SE LE SE PE LE PE LE PE LE PE LE LE PE LE LE PE PE 2K REMODELING D> I ili HOME ~ | W-- RED TAG SALE! 2 PRICE FINE QUALITY INTERIOR LATEX PAINT" + Durable and washable + Smooth velvet Nat finish + For fiving, dining and bedrooms + White and 1100 colours DECEMBER SPECIALS! (all advertised prices are net) ls Seats ................... / u 9 4 Uaineg une 63.50 pail Brtieub erereeneeea 182.00 Oak INSUL-AID LATEX Toilet Seats ............... 25.95 VAPOUR BARRIER 4 pc. Oak & Brass «Helps reduce heat oss Bathroom Sets .......... 34. 99 -- = «5 SPRED LO-LUSTRE Ih, LATEX ENAMEL V+ Long lasting LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) hy clistie PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 ® COMPETITIVE PRICING [o 17]] Te] centre J ¢ QUALITY PRODUCTS ® QUALIFIED SERVICE y a "a ra lt Al wr BA andl dt Se,