34 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 5, 1989 Couples Club dances in the Christmas season Prince Albert and Area News by Peggy Bredin The Prince Albert Hall became very lively when 24 couples celebrated the Christmas season. They danced and danced to the sounds of Bill & Shea. The dance was sponsored by the Prince Albert Couples Club. Many thanks to Sharon & Gerrit Versluys, Bev & Dave Stanley, Beth & Lloyd Pereman and Jim & Janet Buchan for organizing this very good evening. Sunday morning the first ad- vent candle was lit by Nicholas Ostafichult. : Bob .was a little surprised to have said his sermon to the whole neighbourhood as well as the church. Don't forget the Christmas din- ner at Linda McMillan's on Wednesday evening for the U.C.W. Keep in mind the Sunday School Christmas party on Dec. 17. The CENTRAL VAC NOW AVAILABLE . BAVE UP TO S2B0. Es on our complete line of QUALITY PRODUCTS. 1908 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA (Just south of Durham College) X 3 3-80 416 children are doing special things at the morning service and after- wards they will be having a party. If you didn't wish Irene Har- rison a happy birthday last week then do so now. She has been an extra special crossing guard who has a good word for every child she helps to cross the busy street. Thanks Irene and happy birthday from all of us. Nine tables of avid euchre players assembled at the hall on Thursday night. Ladies winners were Erma Watson, Earla Hill and Kay McNenely. Men: win- ners were Thomas Manns, Ilean Pugh and Mary Williamson. Lucky draw winners were Clare Wariner, Thomas Mann & Ilean Pugh. Tuesday we will be celebrating the birthday of our oldest Elizabeth. She will be 13. The time has gone very quickly. I hope we have as many happy memories of SALES & SERVICE her next 13 years. John and I were fortunate to have John's brother Bob and his wife Barb from Beaverton for din- ner. We were joined by his sister Shirley and her husband Jim from Peterborough. by Ilean Pugh Thursday evening the weekly euchre was held with eleven tables. The winners for the ladies: Myrtle Gimblett, Gladys Slack, Bessie Spencer. Men: Verna Draper, Gordie Ireland, Grant Bright. Lucky Draws: Verna Smith, Jim Redman, Verna Draper. Lone hand series went to Grant Bright with 12 lone hands. ~ At the United Church on Sunday special music was provided by Bob Cawker with a Clarinet solo and the Intermediate class a in- strumental. We will be looking forward to more special music with Christmas season starting next Sunday. Ilean Pugh and Pearl Gostick attended the funeral of Boyer Philip in Brooklin on Saturday. This was Mrs. Gostick's last brother. . Birthday greetings to Irene Harrison on Nov. 29th. Irene is the very faithful crossing guard at King & Simcoe St. Congratulations to Cindy Knox and Kevin Crosier who were mar- ried at Prince Albert on Saturday evening. The happy couple will be living in Port Perry. The U.C.W. Christmas meeting will be held one week earlier - Dec. 6 at the home of Linda McMillian. This will be a '"Pot- Luck' supper with special meeting to follow. Any ladies of the church are invited to come. Sunday dinner guests with Les and Grace Beacock were their friends Mr. and Mrs. T. Cole. Sympathy is extended to the family of Ralph Somerville. Ralph had lived in the Port Perry area for many years. Please give Peggy Bredin a call - with your news next week. Twin brothers Walter (left) and Wilber Holliday enjoyed'; a special celebration December 3 as family and friends gath- ADDER ADADAADIA NNN NNN ONNN ered at the Corinthian Hall, Columbus for an Open House on NNN " RN NN A NNN NN NNN NEN - thie occasion of their 80th birthday. Walter and Wilber were NAN 2.x] born December 3, 1909, the eldest of seven children for Mr. No I sa] @nd Mrs. Fred Holliday, Concession 5 West Whitby. They at- ar NOW OPEN! wa tended Kinsale School and then Continuation School in SEY | 2] Brookiin. Walter remained at home to help with the farm - NG LT sxx] work and on Nov. 16, 1935, he married Evelyn Prouse. For A " P ATTI S OWN KITCHEN NESS 5 : the next 30 years, they farmed on Concessions, Norn Whit: ANY g vasa] by, before moving to Columbus where they continue to re- NN "Quick Lunches 12] side. They have two children, Gordon of Oakwood and Rob- AAA -*Eat In or Take Out van] ent (deceased) and five grandchildren. Wilber went west in 2000 *Q ecialty Caterin irri] 1930 to assist his uncle on the farm In Saskatchewan. Upon NNN P g s;333] his return, he worked for Grandys and the Langstaff Jail ANH ~~] Farm. In 1949, he married Maude Knott of Holt and they kept NN Monday - Thursday 10:00 A.M. 17:00 P.M. s/»/s/s] the post office and general store there for the next 27 years. REY Friday 10:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. "ans ] After his wife passed away, Wilber remained In Holt until oy Saturday 10:00 AM. -4:30 PM. 3] this year when he moved to Little Briain, The Broitore er Woon savy] pressed thelr deepest thanks to friends and family who - AR 52 Water St. Port Perry 985-8062 Ji] helped make the 80th birthday party so special for them. NS, u (IS >, 4 rn A A ARP RPI ILIA BIGFOOT - 20 pc. family feast Cheese Pizza plus 1.20 per add. item 'BIGFOOT GIANT - 28 pieces OO Monster Cheese Pizza PIZZA BIGFOOT N\A taste 5 when | fren square oy Y 4 2 Free Delivery In Town Only Sales Tax Extra 80 WATER 8T., PORT PERRY plus 1.75 per add. item Extra Cheese $2.00 285-8448 | GIT S230 J a | SUNDAY © 0 8:30 P,