| * In-office appraisals ¢ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE EDWIN TINSLEY All persons having claims against the Estate of GEORGE EDWIN TINSLEY, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional. Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 27th day. of October, 1989 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of January, 1989 full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the sald date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 1st day of December 1989. FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, P.O. Box 300, PORT PERRY, Ontario, LOB INO Solicitors for Timothy McConkey and Peter Hansen Executors of the above estate. D119 # PRIVATE MORTGAGES The place to go when your bank says no! . Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. $26 RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES * Firsts & Seconds * One day loan approvals and other mortgage services provides you with ~ one-stop financing * No fees unless funds are advanced * Avoid unnecessary delays and worries . * Confidentiality assured CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL CORPORATION 985-3832 FAX 416-985-4103 Existing mortgages Bought & Sold MORTGAGE LOANS + FIRST and SECONDS at PRIME RATES + UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES +» REFINANCING at LOWER RATES + EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD +» VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY + DEBT CONSOLIDATION +» PERSONALIZED SERVICE AFTER HOURS AVAILABLE +» NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS +» POWER of SALES REFINANCES + REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS For more information call: 571-2880 : Raycan Financial Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario r 1] Y8v res LB] ' 9 EEE EE EE EE LE A ~ i % % [LF a FREE TO CARING & responsible home, baby rabbits. To arrange adoption call 985-9531. © MATURE, good natured dog. Lab-cross. Call 985-2668. MISSING UTICA-EPSOM area - Airedale answers to Goliath. Please call 985-7743. MANNY AUCTION SERVICES Household - Estate Sales Antique Appraisals PHONE 986-4912 COCHRANE Auction Service Household -- Farm Antiques -- Real Estate PHONE 985-2788 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corniels Auction Barn 10 pc. pine dining room suite (ex. cond.), Lowry Twenle-Genie electric organ, wicker chairs, walnut vanity dresser, cookstove, oak curio cabinets, walnut dresser, 3 pc. chesterfield suite, Cannonball single waterbed, oak rocking chair, pine cupboard bot- tom, single brass bed, bronze matching fridge & stove, oval top trunk, oak library table, pine blanket box, antique dresser & chests of drawers, chesterfields, parlour tables, coal oll lamps, washstands, parlour chairs, odd wooden kitchen chairs, 1985 Dodge Arles, 4 speed transmis- sion, quantity china, glass & col- lectables. Don Corneil Auc- tioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 1-705-786-2183. ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holstein Dispersal . Ontario County Club Sale & Wilson's Christmas Bonus Sale featuring the complete Burwash Dispersal for the herd of Christopher J. Margison, Nedelec, Que., selling at. the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. This is a young herd with fan- cy udders Including fresh & springing cows by Triple Threat, Starbuck, Tempo, Thunder & Astro Jet. Helfers & calves are sired by Tab, Mark Anthony, & Inspiration. Features include a (GP) June/86 Triple Threat due 1 at sale time with 16565 Ib. milk & 593 Ib. fat at 2 yr. & from 2 (VG) Dams, a fancy "June/88 Chief Mark bred since Oct. from a (VG) Sheik Dam with 4y (172-207) BCA, a (GP) July/85 Astro Jet with 2y (164-185-179) fresh at sale time from (VG) Dam with 24103 Ib. 'milk & 831 Ib. fat. Also a group from the leucosis free herd of WILLDINA HOLSTEINS in: cluding a fancy Aug./88.Jethro selling open. Her (GP) Majesty Dam also sells fresh since Oct. with 2y (174-185-181), 2nd Dam is (VG) with 212-229-219 & also sells bred to Inspiration. Sale manag- ed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc- tions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. DS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 SALE TIME: 2:00 P.M. Building Lot for Sale "On instructions from Alan Lawson, Fisher Inc. Trustee in bankruptcy we will sell 1acredry building lot subject to reserve bid. Directions: 2 miles west of Bob: caygeon towards Fenelon Falls, take County Rd. 7 north at Kawanee Motel, for 4 miles to lot. Terms: $5,000 at sale. Balance 30 days. To view call 324-2783 Orval & Barry McLean, Auctioneers.D 12 DECEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. "Saturdays Auction Action' Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon 10 mi. N.E. of Oshawa Every Saturday Night This week to include very fan- cy bow-front oak china cabinet, very unusual large mahogany server, 9 pc. dining room suite, lots of pine pieces, computor, side-by-side curio cabinet, double pedestal empire table, armoirs, dressérs, limited edition prints, Kawisakl 90 trail bike, plus lots more Items to come, large sale - come early - viewing from 4 p.m. Terms are cash or cheque with 1.D. To list your farm, estate or consignment sale please call Garry to discuss your preference for your place or ours. Call 263-4252 -- 985-0749 - Garry K. Powell Auctioneer. Last sale for '89, Dec. 16 -- 6:30 p.m. - Watch for New Year's Day Sale Listing. THURS. TO SAT. SALE TIME: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. BANKRUPTCY SALE 50 Percent Off 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Having received instructions from Deloitt Haskins & Sells Ltd. trustee in bankruptcy we are clearing the assets of HUGGIES SPORTS, including sweaters, caps, billiard supplies, dart sup- plies, skates, sticks, ball gloves, hot tub, skate sharpener, safe, etc. plus fishing equipment. Sale hours: 10a.m. to 6 p.m. Shop ear- ly for best selection. McLean Auc- tion & Liquidations 686-3291 or 432-2836. THURS. TO SAT. SALE TIME: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bankruptcy Sale 50 Percent Off 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Having received instructions from Alan Lawson, Fisher Inc. we are clearing the assets of V.J. Sporting Goods Ltd. Including fishing equipment, rods, reels, tackle boxes, fishing supplies, etc. store equipment, also new mat- tresses, all sizes, name brands. McLean Auction & Liquidation 686-3291 or 432-2836. THURS. TO SAT. SALE TIME: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bankruptcy Sale 50 Percent Off Having received Instructions from Deloitte Haskin & Sells Ltd. we are clearing the assets of Seene of Heather including a large assortment of silk flowers, racks, 2 - 2dr. coolers, counters, cash register, etc. McLean Auc- tion & Liquidation 686-3291 or 432-2836. THURS. TO SAT. SALE TIME: 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. Bankruptcy Sale 766 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Having recieved instructions from a secured creditor we are clearing the assets of ONE STOP BRIDAL SHOP SERVICES, Inc. Including shoes, purses, decora- tions, office equipment, etc., flowers, etc. McLean Auction 8 Liquidations 686-3291 or 432-2836. THURS. TO SAT. SALE TIME: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Liquidation Sale 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Brand Name Mattresses, all sizes, - new, new sofa's & loveseats, chairs, fishing equip- ment, bedroom suite, pressback chairs, tables, chairs, etc. McLean Auctions 686-3291 or 432-2836. EXTRA POCKET MONEY Tum unwanted items from you garage or basement into cash by selling them In the PORT PERRY STAR "CLASSIFIEDS" 985-7383 SATURDAY, DECEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. MacMillan Auction Centre Six miles east of Argyle and 1 mi. north Featuring the contents from the Estate of MRS. ELS WEILAND, Toronto, plus others. Among the items to be sold are: two antique coal oil lamps, bracket lamp, depression glass salt & peppers, old prints and paintings, teak cabinet, old hand made Indone- sion rug, old bottles, antique chairs, several dressers & chests of drawers, Gate leg table, large assortment of linens, old quilts, several old pocket watches, quan- tity of old coins, military medals, W.W.| Bayonet, RCA fridge & stove (avacodo green), automatic washer & dryer, oak plant stand, broad axe, ladies Bulova wrist watch, two radio control cars, ac- cordian, Yamaha 12 string guitar, large assortment of glass & china, several 22 Cal. rifles, Smith & Wesson super 1000 semi auto. 12 GU. shotgun. Plus many other in- teresting items. Plan to attend. Consignments welcome (any item 1 to 1009). Will sell from your place or mine. Consignments welcome (i.e. collectibles: coins, military, guns, comic books, stamps, badges, hockey cards, tokens, etc. For information call (705) 374-4318 Jim MacMillan Auctioneer. SMITH-CORONA TYPEWRITERS Manual or Electric Ribbons for most makes. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Lemonville Community Centre McCowan Ave., 1 mi north of Stouffville Rd. . Household furniture and anti- ques, tools. The property of the late MORLEY SYMES of Stouff: ville. Terms: cash. Earl Gaulsin, Auctioneer, Norm Faulkner. D5 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Real Estate Auction Property of ELLA LATIMER, 325 Simcoe St., Beaverton. Large lot with charming 4 bedroom brick home in excellent location on Main St. across from Bank of Commerce, zoned commercial. Would make excellent business location or an executive home. Mature trees, shrubs, garage. Don't miss this opportunity. Sell- Ing subject to reserve bid. Terms $5,000 at sale, balance 30 days. PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD to view'call Orval McLean Auctions: 324-2783 Orval or Barry McLean. D112 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Victorias Christmas Special . Holstein Sale Hickson Sales Arena R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. Approx. 80 head of Registered & Grade Holsteins In all stages of lactation. An opportunity to choose a 'fancy female" to upgrade your "herd. For con- signments contact Sales Arena 705-324-8311, John Buckley 324-4017, Gail Snodden 357-3237 or Carl Hickson Auctioneer. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or Car 749-7084. DID YOU KNOW your Dream Home could be listed this week in the Port Perry Star REAL ESTATE SECTION Don't miss out....lJook now! MONDAY, DECEMBER 11 SALE TIME: Bowmanville, Ontario Important Catologued Antique & Art Auction Sale Steve Liptay Auctions, Auctioneers of Quality Furniture and Fine Antiques invite you to an Impressive sale of several 18th, 191h and 20th century oil paintings and watercolours by renown- ed European, British, and Canadian Artists, Albert Robinson, Charles J. Lauder, Willlam Shayer, Walter Tyndale, J.S. Hallam, Willlam Mark Fisher, Arthur Hemming, Louis Mazot, Eicheriger, Battista, Futterer, Redmore, Coffey, Cronch, Several framed Limited Edition signed prints, Casson, Bateman, Romance, Loates, Calvert, etc. Numerous bronzes highlighted by tall Tibetian Lady, Two C.M. Russell pcs. "Buf- falo Bill" and "The Roundup" Older Royal Doultons, Doulton Lambeth Falence Lamp, Hummel fig. eskimo sculpture, Per- sian Carpet, Indian Carpet, 2 quilts, Estate jewellry - Diamond and Ruby Dinner ring (app. $5,800), 3 emerald & diamond even- ing ring (app. $2,150), Birks jewellry box, Walthom pocket watch, carriage clocks, Vienna reg. clock, mantel clocks, sliver tea sets, silver dinner sets, several tea dessert sets, exceptional Victorian furniture, Vict. walnut sofa, Vict. down filled settee, Vict. 6 plece parlour settee set, assort. Vict. chairs balloon backs, needlepoint, rockers, etc. Spectacular Chippendale serpentine drop front secretary, exceptional solid walnut Chip- pendale ladles desk, Jenny Lynde spool bed, cedar chest, ice box, round oak table and set of 6 oak chairs, sets of pressback chairs (6, 8, 3,), dressers, cedar chests, vanities, sideboards, oak breakfront, Lories 15th style bombe cabinet, oak desk, oval parlour tables, Art Deco dining room suite, harvest tables, side tables, hall tables, oak draft table, many excellent mirrors. Super selection of lamps, lights including large gorgeous brass and silver chandeller (Cornflower globe and frosted shades), Victorian hand painted hanging Library lamp, milk glass and slag glass lamps, statue lamp, several Victorian and Art Deco celling lamps (some signed), Tiffany style lamps, 3 delft lamps, brass student lamp and several rare and unique oil lamps. Ex- ceptional vases, bowls, cruets, crystal, cranberry, ruby, Royal . Bayreuth, Steuben, Wedgwood, ford, R.S. Germany, R.S. Prussia, Flo Bleu, Copeland, Noritake, Satin glass and fine tea dessert sets, Oriental pieces include Ter- racotta figurines, Imari figure, Satsuma fig. imari bowl, snuff bottles, Cloissone, and soap stone carvings. Many collectables Nazi airforce dress dagger, gramophone, clarinet, bobsled, sleighs and so much more. Very Important Sale - 200 catalogued lots. Please note date and time: Monday Evening, Dec. 11 - Preview 4 p.m. Sale time: 6:30 p.m. Est. selling time 3'2 hours. Christmas and end of '89 Auction Season social hour 10 p.m. Location Bowmanville Recreation Centre, Hwy. 2 and Reg. Rd. 57. Plan to attend - many unique and impressive items. Good lunch with hot soup available. Assistant Auctioneer: Gary Hill, Auctioneer 8& Sale Manager Steve Liptay - 263-8710. 6:30 P.M. Baccarratt, Orrefors, Water- SATURDAY, DECEMBER ¢ SALE TIME: 1:30 P.M. . Real Estate Auction A 2 storey, 3 bedroom solid brick home. Eat-in kitchen, redecorated, gas furnace, 4 pc. bath, town sewer & water. Located on a 78 by 130 foot corner lot at 557 James Street, Beaver- ton. Sold subject toreserye bid or prior sale. Terms: $10,000.00 deposit day of sale remainder In 30 days. Can be seen by appoint- ment - call 1-705-426-5717. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183. D5 THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 4 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture & Antiques Auction Sale of Furniture & An- tiques for NANCY DUNCAN, Sunderland, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., In- cluding Walnut gate-leg table, an- tique settee & chair, oak arm chair, waterfall trunk, parlour table," braided rug. pine table, quantity of named boxes, washs- tand, Santa Claus advertising signs, antique magazines, wooden medicine cabinet, military belts, bags, holsters, child's sled, Maple kitchen suite, wicker chair, 20" colour T.V., picture frames, wicker baskets, crocks, ceramic pc., quantity of new giftware, 8 h.p. riding lawnmower, work bench & grinder, 1000 watt spotlight, plus large quantity of small items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755.D 12 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Annual Snowmobile & Vehicle Sale Peterboro Auction Center Hwy. 7 east. We are expecting approx. 20 snowmobiles including: 78 Polaris TX340, 74 TNT, Under in- structions from Lawson & Fisher Inc., trustees in bankruptcy we will be selling a 87 Honda Civic low mileage good condition, 88 'Ford Tempo 4 dr. excellent 8 commercial carpet cleaning machine with 4 cyl. gas motor. Also: double trailer, office equip- ment, box trailer, 78 Pontiac Parl- sienne, Hovercraft, 78 Malibu, 69 Wabco grader 660 with sliding & tilt muli-board & front blade, Sears snowblower, 79 Chev. Caprice, 80 Pontiac Lemans wagon, 69 Mustang 302 auto., 4 brand new vinly replacement windows, quantity new roof trusses, engine hoist, quantity tools. List subject to additions & deletions. Consign now to adver- tise your unit. All items must be at barn by Friday, December 8. To consign phone 745-5007 Peter- boro Auctions. Dale & Orval McLean, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry. Consignment sale with good pump organ, china cabinet, din- ing room suite, Queen size waterbed, automatic washer & dryer, refrigerator, washstands, chesterfield & chair, occaslonal chairs, microwave oven, youth's desk, 9 x 12 carpets, apartment size table & chairs, bench, coffee tables, dishes & many more in- teresting items. This is our last sale of the year and we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and looking forward to seeing you In the new New Year. John and Beryl Pearce of Pearce Auction Service. 655-8073. YOU'LL FIND IT A set of golf clubs, a new apartment, good used cars, boats, appliances, planos, lawn mowers, and much more In the PORT PERRY STAR "CLASSIFIEDS" A My rat RDA + do i i ao ae Pe pm Wap oi WE ae i)