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Port Perry Star, 12 Dec 1989, p. 55

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DOWNTOWN apartment, 'non- smoker, no waterbeds, no pets, contained, heated, one parking space, single occupancy, avallable Feb. 1. Apply to Bob's Barber Shop. 160 Queen St. MANCHESTER - 4 bedroom, brick, double garage, barn, 25 acres, move in tonight - $1,200 monthly. 683-5503. LIVE IN A year round home on waterfront. Large kitchen, deck, washer, dryer, storage shed or cabin, dock. Very private setting. Call for more detalls. 985-2318. 2 STOREY brick home. 3 miles from Port Perry - $1,200.00/month . plus utilities. Call Ralph at Coun- try Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor. 985-7351. 1 BEDROOM ground floor apart- ment in Port Perry. $700.00/month Including heat-&: hydro. Immediate possession. Call Keith at Country Lane Real- ty Lid., Realtor. 985-7351. WATERFRONT 3 bedroom home. Avallable Dec. 15/89 - $850.00 month plus utilities, references, Ist and last month rent, no pets. Call Robin Parish 985-7351 F.S.P. Country Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor. RENOVATED FARM house, barn, paddocks, pond for rent, ex- cellent property located east of Port Perry at View Lake, $1000.00 month plus utilities, references, 1st and last months rent. Call Gall, 985-7351, F.S.P. Country Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor. KINSMEN HALL - available for dances, meetings and receptions - kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- ing. 985-3736. PRIVATE STORAGE for fur- niture. Adjustable units to suit your needs. 985-2597. MASONIC Hall available for dances, receptions, parties and, meetings. Kitchen & bar. New - facilities. Seats 141. Call 986-5335. HALL SPACE for rent - for bright, pleasant, carpeted meetings, banquets or exercise space call 985-3213. HALL RENTAL available, reasonable prices. Call Anne 986-4751 or Sharon 986-4612.EOW ONE BEDROOM apt. sunny & bright. Large sunny living room, kitchen, bathroom. Asking $700.00/month. Also large bedroom basement apt. with own entrance $800.00/month. Im- mediate occupancy. 985-3829.D 12 -4 BEDROOM house and small barn, large kitchen with woodstove, large lot In Nestleton. Commercial zoning. Available immediately $900/month plus utilities, references required. 986-5131. D 28 ICE FISHING hut rentals. Lake Simcoe. Heated huts, bait & tackle. For reservation 985-4018. COLUMBUS - 1 bedroom, deck, parking, available Jan. 1. 985-0163. ONE BEDROOM apartment in the country. Ideal for business person - $500.00/month including utilities. No pets. Non-smoker 985-9029. D119 " ONE BEDROOM apartment, spacious, close to downtown - $575/per month plus utilities, 1st 8& last, references. 985-9744. 3 BEDROOM. house on Lake Scugog. Available immediately $775/month plus hydro. 985-3191. ROOM - Close to downtown, suitable for male, use of facilities. 985-7600. D119 STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA a16) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA (705) 328-0061 800 SQUARE FEET Industrial Space, insulated & heated, large door, washroom facilities. Jan. 1 occupancy. 985-3885. D9 CAESAREA - 4 corners - house for rent - $925.00/month or 2 apartments - 1st floor $675.00/month - $725.00/month. Available im- mediately. 728-1491 or 668-5266. SELF-CONTAINED 1 bedroom. 986-4723. N 28 3 PLUS 1 bedroom home, finish- ed basement in Apple Valley. Walking distance to downtown - $1100/month plus utilities, no pets, references, available immediate- ly. Call 985-9777. D 12 IMMACULATE, SPACIOUS 2 bedroom home, finished rec room, workshop & cold storage room, central vac, attached garage, steps to downtown, first & last months rent - $950.00/month plus utilites, good references. If interested reply to Box 41, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO. Ds 2X a A MATURE babysitter required for Jan. to come into my home - two weeks on and one week off. Liz. 986-5362 after 7 p.m. HOMEMAKERS - new rates are here, required for private home & - general duty in Durham Region, particularly In Port Perry, Beaverton & Uxbridge areas. Call (416) 433-7600 (Mon.-Fri.) from 9-5. D 12 CLASS A MECHANIC, G.M. ex- perience preferred. Apply in per- son to Peter Snowden, Service Manager, Philp Pontiac Buick, Port Pery. 985-8474. N 28 BOOKKEEPER/AD- MINISTRATOR required for Port Perry office. Please reply to Box 43, c/o The Port Perry Star, 235 Queen St.; Port Perry. L9L 1B? PART-TIME OR full-time clean Ing person required. Call 985-8131 2nd floor -' MATURE WOMEN to babysit in my home starting Jan./90, Utica. Monday, Wednesday all day plus Thursday morning. 2 children - 3 yrs. & 22 mos. References please. Call 985-0978 after 6 p.m. CHILD CARE PROVIDERS re- quired to give care in the homes of FARM families In the DURHAM region. Part-time work for flexible, caring, safety con- sclous persons. Must have own transportation (mileage allowance). Training and activi- ty resources provided. Contact: DURHAM WEST FARM CHILD CARE PROGRAM, 170 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario, L9L 188. (416) 985-3831, 1-800-263-3825. FURNITURE refinisher and/or touch up person required im- mediately for furniture service company in Port Perry area and 1-800-263-2652 or 985-4502. D 28 BABYSITTER in my home for 18 month old. Afternoons only. Greenbank 985-3839. WEEKEND HELP for horse stable, Sat. & Sun. morning. Also required: night watchman. Wot- ten House Farms. 985-3212. D 19 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers required. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. It's all yours. Get your Class "A" licence at Ontarlo's oldest and largest training centre. Tax deductible, professional training, job assistance, no experlence necessary. Merv Orr Transport, Pickering. 1-800-265-3559. TF PROFESSIONAL dutch trained experlenced only need apply. Call' SCHOOLHOUSE PLAYCARE CENTRE requires enthusiastic ECE Staff to work in our pre-school program. 3/4 time to start with potential for full time employment. ' For further information call Jan at 985-8936 Retail Management Opportunities The Beckers Milk Co. Ltd. is presently seeking applicants to train for positions of Retail Manager in Blackstock. No investment required, we provide the successful can- didate with training, emphasizing customer relations, staff administration, sales promotion, inventory control, ac- counting and payroll procedures. If you have an excellent credit rating and can handle responsibilities and converse well with the public, please pick up applications at the Blackstock Beckers Store. T'was a month before Christmas when ... GRANDMA'S COMPANY began ... 'If mom can't be there, our Grandmas can! Grandma will meet the school bus, she is very dependable, And she'll prepare the evening meal in time for your arrival. Grandma will work weekends so you can go away. Grandmas are rarely frazzled when it comes to kids & play. The best part about Grandma is she's got decades of experience. Just ask her and she will tell you That what she says makes good sense! GRANDMA'S COMPANY 986-0689 Applicants must have an Utica * Community Daycare Centre is actively seeking applications for the position of SUPERVISOR minimum of 2 years related daycare experience. Interested candidates are invited to send resumes to the attention of: The PRESIDENT, c/o The Board of Directors, UTICA COMMUNITY DAYCARE INC. R.R. 4, UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO v Inc. ECE Diploma and have a LOC 1KO painting & "papering services. 1-705-357-2532 or 985-9907 after 8 p.m. . D119 DOG GROOMING - Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located at 159 Casimir St. (Corner of Water Street & Casimir St.) Phone 985-4191. MORRIS Home Improvements, home renovations, basements, bathrooms, handyman service, etc. Work fully guaranteed. Free estimates. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Call 985-3663 or Whitby 668-1506. LYNDA'S HOUSECLEANING Services - established 1975 - residential homes. Call (res.) 985-8605, (mobile) 432-0369. PROFESSIONAL wall papering 8 painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. RESPONSIBLE mother willing to babysit In my home. All ages welcome. 985-0315. D 28 PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin' 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF TREE FELLING - Big or small - we fall them all. 985-9386. D 28 NEED A HAND? Call Murray 985-0069. Clean-ups, paper. paint, leaves, yard, basement, snow, etc. TF ROBERT MORELLI Water Delivery-- all your water needs. 986-4632 or 986-4763. D112 TYPING SERVICE. No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements, Office Overload let- ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing. 852-9414. WOODWORK REPAIRS, in- stallation, finishing and re- finishing. Renovations and all tricky baseboard, moulding, door 8 furniture tasks, cheerfully con- sidered, 12 years experience. Rolf Pedersen. 985-8720. D112 D. BRAIN CONTRACTING Custom Homes Commercial Homes Renovations 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES 985-2180 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 MOBILE: 432-5509 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 MOTHER OF TWO in Man- chester will provide daycare - lots of Indoor and outdoor activities. References avallable 985-9988. D 19 PRIVATE MORTGAGES The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. MORTGAGE LOANS + FIRST and SECONDS at PRIME RATES + UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES + REFINANCING at LOWER RATES + EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD + VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY +» DEBT CONSOLIDATION +» PERSONALIZED SERVICE AFTER HOURS AVAILABLE +» NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS +» POWER of SALES REFINANCES + REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS For more information call: 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES Firsts & Seconds One day loan approvals * |n-office appraisals and other mortgage services provides you with one-stop financing * No fees unless funds are advanced * Avoid unnecessary delays and worries * Confidentiality assured CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL CORPORATION 985-3832 FAX 416-985-4103 Existing mortgages Bought & Sold #* DEAR JOHN: Did you know the new Subaru Dealership in Whitby is now open. If you love me you would buy me a new Subaru. They have grand opening specials on right now. Call them at 430-6666. Love Marsha Take advantage of 1989 prices on Eavestroughs. DEPENDABLE RAIN GUTTER SEAMLESS TROUGH ~ SOFFIT & FACIA 986-0628 W¥ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of - ANNIE MARJORIE McCOMBE, late of the Township of Scugog, in the' Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 30th day of October, 1989 must be filed with the undersigned per- sonal representatives on or before the 12th day of Janiary, 1990 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executors then shall have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 5th day of December, 1989. Daniel Edward Arthur McCombe, James Brian McCombe and Hugh Barry McCombe, Executors By their Solicitors, MACKEY, BAILEY & KORB, Barristers and Solicitors 400-22 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7L9 D 28 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE EDWIN TINSLEY All persons having claims against the Estate of GEORGE EDWIN TINSLEY, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who dled on or about the 27th day of October, 1989 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of January, 1989 full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the sald date the assets of the sald deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 1st day of December 1989. FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, P.O. Box 300, PORT PERRY, Ontario, - LOB INO Solicitors for Timothy McConkey and Peter Hansen Executors of the above estate. D119 GOLD RING - last Wednesday, 2 diamonds on top, 1 on each side. Box 44, c/o Port Perry Star, 235 Queen St., Port Perry. L9L 189 MANNY AUCTION SERVICES Household - Estate Sales Antique Appraisals PHONE 986-4912 COCHRANE Auction Service Household -- Farm Antiques -- Real Estate PHONE 985-2788 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Real Estate Auction Property of ELLA LATIMER, 325 Simcoe St., Beaverton. Large lot with charming 4 bedroom brick home in excellent location on Main St. across from Bank of Commerce, zoned commercial. Would make excellent business location or an executive home. Mature trees, shrubs, garage. Don't miss this opportunity. Sell-_ ing subject to reserve bid. Terms $5,000 at sale, balance 30 days. PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD to view call Orval McLean Auctions 324-2783 Orval or Barry Melson 12

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