1 --- 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 19, 1989 Choir members show appreciation to Edna Beckett Scugog Island Area News by Mrs. Earl Reader I's The GATE FAMILY RESTAURANT NEW YEAR'S EVE MENU On Saturday night there was a supper at the Island United Church for about 20 choir & TAVERN * * * * RESERVE OUR "OAK ROOM" NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY Open 7 Days a Week 8:30 AM to 9 PM PORT PERRY PLAZA Phone 985-8686 * Lobster Tails New York Steak with Lobster Tail Crab Legs New York Steak with Crab Legs * Prime Rib Seafood Platter & much more. "ats Sm -- an members and their friends to show appreciation to our long time music instrumentalist, Mrs. Edna Beckett who is resigning at the end of the year. She was also presented with a seasonal, 3 col- our poinsettia plant. On Sunday morning the Island United Church was almost filled to capacity for a fine service leading up to Christmas. This coming Saturday December 23, at 10 a.m. there will be a rehearsal for the Christmas Eve Service and at 11 a.m.. There will be rehearsal for the Sunday School Christmas concert at Island United Church. Last Monday evening a sizeable group from the Island United visited in about 8 homes to bring lovely carol singing to handicap- ped or elderly people. This gesture was much appreciated by the lucky hosts and hostesses. Mr. Percy Jeffrey from the Foot of the Island has been spen- ding some time in the Port Perry hospital with near pneumonia. Mr. Lloyd Clark, husband of Island former resident Marie ADDRESS..........c.cecuvenne TE. Cerne ARN innpidig VPHONE ....occooconsresrrsnsosssnsrsssss. POSTALICODE ovserersnseesssessnssensn [ 1 1YEAR [] ] . ' | Canada $20 per year 2 YEARS [] 3 YEARS [] Elsewhere $60.00 per year Clark has been spending some time in hospital with heart trou- ble. We wish both these men a speedy recovery. We send thoughts of sympathy to former resident Gilbert Reader and his daughter Terri now of Oshawa, as wife Heather, a former member of the "Head" U.C.W. suddenly passed away on the street on Saturday while her little granddaughter was with her in a hand sleigh. It is indeed nice' to get Christmas Greetings from former residents even if it does go back a few years. Some of these people are Owen Cliff of Barrie, Laura (Needham) of B.C..The Ferrier, Dunbar, McCutcheon and Hanaghan sisters of Port View Beach but now of Toronto and Beeton, the Hughes couple from Peterborough and Thompsons from Richmond Hill. Grace United Church U.C.W. held their December meeting at the home of Joan Aldred - seven- teen ladies answered roll call - Camille Crozier group was in charge of the devotional. After a short meeting we enjoyed singing carols, a funny reading "Tis the season to be frantic," and a game: Hot mince tarts and ice cream, fruit cake, and candies made us all realize we do live in a wonder- ful country - Merry Christmas to all. Saturday evening members of Scugog United Church choir held a Christmas dinner and evening in honour of the retirement of Ed- na Beckett - Edna has been a very faithful organist for the past years. The choir members presented a lovely poinsettia plant to Edna and Florence Fralick read a humorous piece of poetry in the form of a 'roast.' We had lots of music. Our new organist, Bonnie Bell, her assis- tant Carol Edgar both took their turn at the piano for sing-songs'- "Bob Cawker played his violin, Betty Reader on her guitar and Nelson Reader on his harmonica. Cecil Fralick recited a humorous story in rhymn about a bear, a rabbit and a worm. Edna took her place back at the piano and we ended the evening with more singing. All agreed this will be an annual event. Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! OAK - PINE - MAPLE - EURO KITCHENS VANITIES COUNTERTOPS Cultured Marble CE Cuisine Expert up to 240% OFF M.S.L. We Install, Visit our Showroom. OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE RR4, UXBRIDGE Durham No. 23, just s. of 47 (416)852-7722