dap SR PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 19, 1989 -- 25 BE RE RR EF FF RE oA 6 or A Rg or a Rh OF 0 A 7 RF 8 SF Rh Er oh es Matches character of building Owner carves sign for real estate office Guy Latreille spent almost a year perfecting a wood carving project. The result of his time and effort now hangs in down- town Port Perry, for all tosee. The handcarved sign is over ie Free Pickup -& Delivery Free Estimates 2nd SET FREE COUNTRY TPHOLSTERT 105-328-1156 * Reprints « Enlargements + Slide Developing ~ Leave your film with us! Stedmans PORT PERRY PLAZA 985.3844 the Re/Max Realty Building, on the corner of Queen, and Water Streets, where Mr. Latreilleis a realtor. Mr, Latreille is a member of the Birdseye Centre Carving SCL cigog realty In realty dl ndent member bro Kar DONNA ANDERSON 4 2» re 2 8 PM ARN & AN * Quality film developing * Processing of all film brands Robinson Holder Club, and said" he has always been 'intrigued by "relief" carv- in I wanted a Project to do, and I chose to make this new sign for the building," he said. Daniel Browne hel make the design and the 3.2 out, and Herman Rutschmann, made the sign holder. With the layout complete, Mr. Latreille went on to carve the sign from Aad After almost a year, Guy Latreille's carving project is final- ly finished. Mr. Latreille hand-carved the new Re/Max Realty 'sign, located on the corner of Queen and Water streets in Port Perry. Pictured is Mr. Latreille and his wife Donna, who did much of the painting on the new sign. : BILL'S CHIMNEY WEEP or a Complete Cleaning "* Chimneys | Fireplaces * Furnace Clean Outs * Inserts * Please call: 986-0807 C "there. He stated he began with the layout, and had to conform the logo sizes to the patents, He then took raw wood, which he laminated, cut up and carved. From there the finishing touch- es of painting were added. He said his wife Donna spent many long hours painting this art work. Mr. Latreille put many hours of his spare time into this pro- ject, turning his spare bedroom in toa workshop. "I started in January, it was not steady work, but it has tak- en from the start of the year, until now to complete. It is a big project, to do in your spare time," he said. One other reason he decided on making the double sided sign, was that he did not like the flourescent sign that hung infront of the building. "We did work on the front cor- ner of the store, taking it back to the old colonial look. I decid- bo! we needed a sign to match the character of the building," he said. The old sign did not fit with the character of the downtown area, he added. "I looked for a new sign for the building, and I didn't see onel liked, so I decided to make my own,' "he said. He continued by saying he wasn't sure if he would under- take such a big project again in the near future. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM "HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF SANITARY LANDFILL SITE The SCUGOG LANDFILL SITE will be closed commencing Satur- day at noon, December 23, 1989, for the Christmas Holidays. Regular hours will resume on Wednesday, December 27, 1989. The site will be closed again on Saturday at noon, December 30, 1989, and will resume, normal operations on Tuesday, January 2, 1990. ] W.A. TWELVETREES, P.ENG., COMMISSIONER OF WORKS . . . that makes Square Boy pizza taste so good. ' Serve it to your friends this holiday season." - HOLIDAY HOURS - Christmas Eve - 11 AM to 9 PM Christmas Day - CLOSED December 26 - 11 AM to 1 AM New Years Eve - 11 AM to 2 AM New Years Day - 12 to 1 BOY Ln Jom 80 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY 985- 8448 . (Free Delivery-in Town Only'. Cl pl Busy rt rh