PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, December 28, 1989 -- 27 Prince Albert Public School heh Duo entertains students Family entertainers Kim and Jerry Brodey were at the Prince Albert Public School last Thursday morning to entertain the students and teachers. The Toronto based couple en- tertained the children through music and stories that were not only fun, but very educational. The couple sang songs, that the children could understand and relate to with humor and joy. The children were very in-' Christian Women's Club The first "Dessert Evening" for 1990 of the Port Perry Area Chris- tian Women's Club is scheduled for Thursday, January 4, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Masonic Lodge on Queen Street. The Christian Women's Club is + inter-church & non-sectarian with 2200 groups across Canada, the U.S.A. and around the world. There is a special feature of cur- rent interest, a musical presenta- ~ short skits, t volved with the songs, as each song had a part for the kids to sing, or make gestures that went with the words. The Brodeys also performed at had the audi- ence Eng at the seams, also ones that had messages about such things as littering, ani- mals, and family. The couple also is known for stressing the need for world peace. The Brodeys are a Canadian each month, yet there are no membership or dues. This month the special feature is "Winter Warmth" with Chris Rollo from "Antonie's" showing wool sweaters. "Sweet Assurance Trio" from Uxbridge will be bringing the special music. Mrs. Gloria Ruber from Oshawa, who is also the Area representative for C.W.C. will be giving her once-in-a-lifetime story as the special speaker. group who perm all over the country. They have played in Vancouver, Calgary, Ontario, and the Atlantic provinces. They entertain 50,000 chil- dren, and families every year. Prince Albert School repre- sentatives felt very fortunate to have had the opportunity to see this duo perform in their school. meeting All interested women of the Port Perry area and all the sur- rounding communities are especially invited by making a reservation. Please call Donna at 985-2912 for your reservation. The cost of the evening is $4.00 and a free-will offering is taken. So ladies come and start the New Year along with us. Bring a friend. You will have a great time. See you January fourth. tion, and an out-of-town speaker The Immaculate Conception School held its annual Christmas concert on December 18th. This group of students entertained the audience sin carols. PRICE OFF ging three different Christmas * Seasonal Items * A wide selection of Blouses & Sweaters * Keep warm with big SALE STARTS DECEMBER 27th, 1989 Monday to Wednesday 9:30 to 5:30; Thursday & Friday 9:30 to 8:00; Saturday 9:30 to 56:00 Brooklin Village Shoppe Fine Ladys' Wear HWY. 12, BROOKLIN 855-3474 Kim and Jerry Brodey entertained the children and stu- 'dents of Prince Albert Public School last Thursday. The £ouple delighted the audience with their humor, and sing- g. KARATE Ka, PARTICIPATION NIGHT If you have been considering learning karate but keep postponing it, mark this date on your, calendar. Come and join in with others in the same situation. This is a special night to help you feel comfortable. Bring some loose clothing and ... JOIN US! Mom and Dad, learn with your children ... ALL AGES! Self-defence and exercise ... . FREE! This Introductory Class is FREE, No Obligation! "JAN. 9th at 7:00 PM MASONIC LODGE HALL Queen & Lilla Streets, (across from Presbyterian Church on Queen St. Port Perry) 985-0205