28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, December 28, 1989 Nursing home a busy place by Wendy Clark Christmas Day has gracefully floated by with each and everyone enjoying this lovely festive holi- day. Many were able to go home for the day but for those who re- mained they were paid a visit by Santa bearing gifts. Monday December 11th, lots of residents were kept busy decorating Christmas trees. In the evening the "Big V" drug store sponsored a travelling store which enabled our residents to do some shopping. Tuesday after- noon a bus load headed to Niagara Falls to view the beautiful Christmas lights and go out for a wonderful supper. Those who stayed behind took part in a sing-song. The following day we had Breakfast with Santa. This activity was thoroughly enjoyed by many residents. Later in the day there was a Residents Coun- cil meeting. On the 14th, we had our monthly birthday party. Our _ friends from the Senior Citizen Choir were our host for this special occasion. The week ended with a silk scarf workshop. Many beautiful scarves were made. Monday, December 8, we had movies. Three exciting movies were watched by many. Over sup- per hour we had several go out to the Rotary Club Dinner. Everyone devoured the delicious turkey dinner and thoroughly en- joyed the entertainment. Also we had a delightful visit from the "Blackstock Guides. Well Tuesday was the big day for our annual - APPLES for SALE - Christmas Party. A very special thank you to Mr. Larry Mabely for saving the day by becoming our last minute call-in Santa. We also send out our appreciation to the great entertainers and to the kitchen staff for the delicious meal that was prepared for the residents and their families. The following day many were 'recuperating from their big par- ty. In the afternoon a few ladies made silk earrings that will match the many scarfs that were already previously made. In the evening a small group travelled to the High School for a viewing of their Christmas concert. Others back at home enjoyed a visit by the Pathfinders. Thursday morn- ing, the Grade 1 French Immer- sion Choir visited and sang us many delightful songs. The after- noon was spent busily preparing the Chirstmas pudding for Christmas dinner. The Legion members carolled throughout the halls in the evening hours. The last day before the holidays we spent watching a Christmas movie and then enjoyed a couple of hours of sippin' and singin'. Birthday wishes are extended to Mr. Bordon Barry (6) and Mrs. Inez Rowett (10). At the present we have not worked on plans for upcoming events but I will be sure to post them in the next column. On behalf of the residents and staff of the Community Nursing Home we wish you all a safe and happy New Year. Macintosh -- Courtland Delicious -- Empire DURHAM RD. 8, PORT PERRY 1/4 Mile East of Epsom QdIT * Proven Effective * Diet Points Included WILLOWTREE ORCHARDS FOR LIFE STOP SMOKING WITH LASER THERAPY * Qualified Therapists * Eliminates the Craving * Campletely Painless * Individual Consultations 985-9205 *100 Includes counselling, a treatment, PLUS a free re-inforcement if needed JOIN THE NON-SMOKERS - CALL TODAY ... 1-800-268-3649 or 416-666-0440 in PORT PERRY, Fri.. Jan. 5th & Thars. Jan. ith, 1990 Quit for Life LASER THZRA?Y INC. ox - vo 8 4 rE AWN Frank and Laura Lee of Greenbank celebrated their 60th wedding an niversary on De- cember 18. They farmed near Greenbank until 1973 when they retired, and moved to the village where they continue to live. They have two sons, Murray of Greenbank and George of Port Perry, two daughters, Annabelle Ball and Beatrice Murphy of Uxbridge. There are five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. A family gathering was held to help the couple celebrate this happy occasion. And family and friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Lee many more years of health and happiness together. Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are continuing to appeal for the Public's help in solving Break and Enters and acts of Vandalism which are oc- curring across our Region. Break and Enters and Van- dalism continue to cost us hun- dreds of thousands of dollars and are an ongoing problem. You can help our community solve and possibly prevent some of these criminal offences by call- ing Crime Stoppers if you know or even suspect that a person is responsible. ) Obviously people who steal pro- perty have to sell at least some of the property. Have you been offered proper- ty which you think has been stolen. Have you heard about so- meone stealing. Have you seen or heard about anyone doing damage. You can earn up to $1000 in cash if the information leads to an ar- rest. All calls are treated con- fidentially. You will be given a code number to identify yourself and you will never be asked for your name. No one will ever know who you are. The Crime Stoppers number is: 436-8477 that's 436-TIPS RQ LN Crime Stoppers ask for publics help to solve numerous break & enters If this number is long distance call us collect or through your local Durham Regional Police number and ask for Crime Stoppers. A Citizen Board administers the Crime Stoppers Programs of which there are now over 800 in North America. The reward money is raised through Tax Deductible donations which may be sent to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K8. 261 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY, ONT. 985-3040 IMAGE Z 7 25% OFF on all DENIM CALVIN KL Until December 30th, 1990 EIN * BLUE ZONE * SCRATCH