eZ REIT --h-- 7 red 7% A ra & RRR er or WEIGHTS (4-101bs., 4-5 Ibs., 12 - 2%2 Ibs.) and adjustable bench, good condition - $50.00. 985-877) after 6 p.m. FIREWOOD cut, split, delivered, Ya - 12% bush cord loads. 705-357-3410, 985-8955 or 852-6548. J 30 ASSELSTINE"S Yamaha have the Parts & Personnel to service your Yamaha. Durham Road, south of Blackstock. 986-4437. TF BEAGLE PUPS for sale, 985.3170. PUREBRED Norwegian Elkhound, registered, female, 9 months, shots, house trained, great with children. 985-2178. AIRTIGHT stoves, fireplaces, complete Installations. Over Ridge Renovaotor - 985-0715. CEDAR FENCE posts, reasonable. 986-0828 - leave message. D 28 1 FISH HUT - aluminum 6xé6x4 - $35; dishwasher - $275. Call 985-7732. , SEASONAL FIREOOOD - $70.00 per face cord; $5.00 extra for delivery. 985-7745. J4 FIREWOOD - hardwood season- ed one full year. Quality white birch available - delivery or pick- up. Kiln dried kindling. Inquire about special on chunks and ends. Galway 'Wood Products. Jos ae 20m - Visa or Mastercard. F SQUARE BALES Alfalfa hay. 986-4735. D 2s BUILDINGS SPECIAL Clearance - 20' x 24' - $2900.00; 24' X 24' - $3100.00; 28' x 36' - $4500.00; 32° x 36' - $4900.00; 36' x 48' - $6900.00; 40' x 60' - $8800.00. Call 985-7930. : TF HAY - round bales. Can load or deliver. 1-705-324-1981. WOODWORKERS - Looking for a table saw, radial saw, {ointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw or Shopsmith? Call Port Perry 985-2443. -- FIREWOOD - cut and split 16". 985-3361. 1984 LINCOLN Continental. Treat yourself to driving pleasure, ful- ly loaded, keyless entry, power moon roof, excellent condition, only $12,900.00 fully certified. 705-357-3279. D112 1986 HONDA Civic wagon, perfect for family or commuting, am/fm stereo, 4 door hatchback, Halagen headlights, front wheel drive, completely spotless. $6,500.00 ful- ly certified or best offer. 705-357-3279. D112 1983 CHEVETTE 4 dr., 4 speed, 2 tone paint, excellent condition, certified - $2,500.00 or B.O. 985-8592 days. 1980 HONDA 3 wheeler, runs good - $950; Playcat amphibian recrea- tion vehicle - $1,800.00. 985-4314 anytime. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dryers & freezers. 986-5312. 1981 CHEV. Caprice with options - $3,200.00. 986-4343. 1979 CHEVY 4 x 4, good reliable truck, certified. Best offer. Rick 985-0462. / EMM INSURANCE BRO 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO y | (416) 985-7306 ERSON KERS LIMITED REALTY HIMITID - 985-7351 Hwy. 7A & High Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOOKING FOR AN IMMACULATE, WELL DECORATED HOME? This 3 bedroom brick & aluminum Port Perry sidesplit has main floor fami- ly room - fireplace - 5 piece and 3 piece baths - new double doors to privacy deck - 5 appliances and all window dressings - all rooms are spacious - an ex- cellent value at $217,900.00 - Call 985-7351. YESTERYEAR CHA doors - wiring, RM- PORT PERRY - 2 storey brick classic home has 4 bedrooms, beautiful hard- wood floors - original oak trim - double glass french plumbing, etc. all updated - huge private lot very close to downtown - An excellent home listed at $309,900.00 - Call 985-7351. EXCELLENT VALUE! PORT PERRY EX- 985-7351. 3: $189,900.00 - Call 985-7351. maculate - Listed at $369, AFTER - Gail Scala Keith Puckrin Ralph Fairman, F.R.I, C.R.A. ... Res.: 985-2160 PORT PERRY EXECUTIVE - quality is the distinc- tion which sets this apart - fireplace and ensuite - formal dining and living room - main floor family room and den - new kitchen cabinetry - private rear yard - plus many added features - $359,900.00 - Call 985-7351. PLEASANT POINT ESTATE Port Perry - 3 bedroom sidesplit room - 100 x 200' lot - Reduced to $184,900.00 - Call cst ; on i" WATERFRONT HOME ON SANDY BEACH - LAKE SCUGOG - 3 bedroom unique home - separate din- Ing room - finished recreation room with walkout to gorgeous mature treed lot - 2 fireplaces - Listed at MOVING UP? EXECUTIVE HOME in Cawker's Creek - Port Perry - 21 x 22° master bedroom with ensuite - 2 additional bedrooms - beautiful large kit- chen - main floor-tamily room - walkout to 20 x 40' Inground pool - 2 acre lot - home is absolutely im- sib rssnnee veeniteciieenn.... RES. 985-9395 LE 1978 AUDI FOX - as is, good mechanical condition, needs body work - best offer. Phone 985-3409. D 28 1978 PLYMOUTH Volare wagon, $300.00, as Is. Call 985-0876 anytime. D 28 1983 NISSAN Sentra, 4 door, 5 speed, cloth interior, burgundy, real 'clean car - good, cheap transportation - $2,500.00 cer- tified. 705-357-3279. D119 1984 NISSAN Stanza GL fully loaded, alr conditioning, moon roof, power door locks, power windows, am/fm cassette, automatic, cloth interior, 4 door, no rust, new tires, great family vehicle - must be seen - $4,900.00 certified. 705-357-3279. D119 master bedroom with ood nd - 15 minutes from -rec room - dining by .00 - Call 985-7351. S: Res.: 985-2489 1975 T.N.T. Skidoo, good condi- tion, asking $v00.00. M.T.D. snowblower 8 h.p., runs well - $400.00. 985-4314. D 28 Trail Cat with trailer $1,600.00. 985-4226 after 6 ask for Ed. 1973340 TNT very good condition, with cover - $475.00. 986-5070. 1978 - 5000 Panther and 1980 - 4000 PRIVATE STORAGE for fur- niture. Adjustable units to suit your needs. 985-2597. MASONIC Hall available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. New facilities. Seats 141. Call 984-5335. SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS - apt. in Prince Albert $250/month Inclusive. Available immediately. Call Mark 985-9989. LARGE BRICK farm house with wood heater/oil furnace for rent on paved road In View Lake area. $900/month plus utilities. Barns & up to 260 acres of land also available. Please call 416-433-2579 -- 9-5 days only. J 16 BACHELOR APT. furnished, references, 1st & last. 2 miles west of Port Perry. 985-2368 or 985-8075. ONE USED exercise bike. Cali 985-7220, STANDING "HARDWOOD 985-3723. 5 to 10 bush cord. OLD woodworking & other trade tools, antiques & collectables. Will buy single items or collections. Phone 416-433-7086 evenings. EOW 3 BEDROOM bungalow, 2 miles from Port Perry, 1st and last, references. Available immediate- ly. 985-2368 or 985-8075. 2 STOREY brick home, 3 miles from Port Perry - $1,200.00/month plus utilities. Call Ralph at Coun- try Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor. 985-7351. RENOVATED FARM house, barn, paddocks, pond, for rent, excellent property located east of Port Perry at View Lake, $800.00/month plus utilities, references, 1st and last months rent. Possession Feb.1/90. Call Gail, 985-7351, F.S.P. Country Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor. WILL PICK-UP without charge all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. Call 986-4926. LIVESTOCK Highest Prices Paid for Crippled & Disabled Cattle: We also buy old horses. Market prices for Colled Cows. -- COLLECT -- 416-852-3238 1 BEDROOM ground floor apart- ment In Port Perry, $700.00/month including heat & hydro. Immediate possession. Call Keith at Country Lane Real- ty Ltd., Realtor, 985-7351. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE on % acre lot for rent in Port Perry, $850.00/month plus utilities, available in JANUARY. Call Keith at Country Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor. 985-7351. 3° BEDROOM house on Lake Scugog. Available Immediately $725/month plus hydro. 985-3191. (3S Serving your areg for over 10 years. Gs EA a SS i: 2 Li ay | 7 LANDLORDS - houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. Monday to Friday. - 4:30 p.m. TF KINSMEN HALL - available fo dances, meetings and receptions - kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- Ing. 985-3736. ' We can offer you great CARPET VALUES! Come to us for a free estimate and compare our total cost in- cluding underpad and in- stallation, combined with our fast, courteous service. HOMESTEAD port penny 985-2451 STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA 416) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA (705) 328-0061 A ABC's of HALL RENTAL Bright, GETYOUR ORY 14 DI DAK ON THE RIGHT TRACK. JOHN VERNON 288-7371 Winda Walsh Robin Parish ER vee... RES. 986-4335 Res. 705-439-2173 Clean, Garpeted, Centrally located, ECUTIVE HOME : Brick & aluminum large backsplit - open foyer - master bedroom has ensuite EEE EEE Century and walkin closet - 3 additional bedrooms - family Roy Corden ........................ ..... Res. -941 i size kitchen - dining room - huge family room with Dianne oer hes. Sead Dinner, CALL: 21 brick fireplace and walkout to rear yard - double : MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA & DISTRICT Exercise, 985-3213 GERRY MEHARG LTO garage - Only $234,900.00 - Call 985-7351. REAL ESTATE BOARD (MLS SERVICE) Facility! 985-7278 nT TE o