er en yeslen aval) vesheyudY --- AATZ YRA2Q TAO -- p¢ PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, December 28, 1989 -- 35 MALE SHELTIE - lost Dec. 26, sable colour, white chest. Tatoo on thigh. 75 Caleb St. 985-7098 or 728-5280. PROGRAM COORDINATOR re- quired by DURHAM WEST FARM CHILD CARE PRO- GRAM. The focus of this program FOR HIRE -- Cube Van & Man leaving from Port Perry Area, 7 evenings per week, will deliver large or several items to the Oshawa or Toronto area. Reasonable rates. Call Jim 1-705-324-9745. J3 SARA'S DIAPER Service and Sales. Phone Anna 1-705-357-2583 or Shirley 1-705-357-3979. D 28 DAYCARE PROVIDED in my home on Scugog Point, all ages welcome, references available. PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF RESPONSIBLE mother willing to babysit in my home. All ages welcome. 985-0315. D 28 TUESDAY, DEC. 26 - at the Catholic Church - one medium siz- ed long hair dog. Knows lots of SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Antiques & Collectibles Wilson's New Years Auction Sale of Antiques & Collectibles, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. ANTIQUE FUR- NITURE Including 8 pc. Dining Room Suite (1840's, orig. Windsor green paint, all stencilled & inlaid - rare collector's pc.), beautiful 9 pc. Mahogany Dining Room Suite (excell.), Bird's Eye Maple chest of drawers, 2 Brass Beds (1890's), oak curved glass china cabinet, 3 JANUARY 1 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon 10 mi. N.E. Oshawa Take 401 east to exit No. 431 Follow Durham No. 57 North 8 mi. Watch for signs. We have another quality sale to start the year off with to include oak beau-front china cabinet, oak side-by-side, round oak table & chairs, oak servers, oak hall stand, large pine flat-to-wall, large mahogany buffet, 9 pc. mahogany dining room suite, Vic- torian settee's, mahogany what- not shelf, pine armolr, fancy parlour tables, 5 ft. carousel horse, rubber tired horse buggy in Is to address the child care needs | Please call 986-0572. D28 | 4ricks. 985-4010. Ht ackishes ina cupteates, excellent condition, bells, pine of farm families in Durham Quebec ATTROI dry sink 2 dressers, blanket box, lots of Region and surrounding | COMPUTERIZED & manual Church Cews Scottish oak or primitive pine, wicker chair & townships. The job duties include | bookkeeping, financial moir, 2 Pars: benches, Quebec | rocker. old wicker baby buggy, a mix of supervisory and direct service responsibilities. The suc- cessful candidate will have an E.C.E. diploma or equivalent, minimum two years experience Inthe child care field, and good In- terpersonal and organizational skills. An understanding of the needs of farm families would be beneficial. This two year contract position begins February 1990. Salary commences at $24,500. Forward resumes by January 19, 1990 to: Mrs. Miriam Reesor, Pro- gram Director, Durham West Farm Child Care Program, 170 Queen Street, Port Perry, On- tario, L9L 1Bs. J3 statements, new business set up and small business servicing. Reasonable rates. 985-0712. D 28 TYPING SERVICE. No [ob too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements, Office Overload let- ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing. 852-9414. NEED A HAND? Call Murray 985-0069. Clean-ups, paper, paint, leaves, yard, basement, snow, etc. TF TREE FELLING - Big or small - we fall them all. 985-9386. 'D 28 HANDY PERSON required for car lot duties. Must have a valid drivers licence with good record. Some mechanical knowledge an asset. Steady work week - 5 days. Suitable for retired person still in- terested in working. Philp Pon- tiac Buick. 985-8474. JOB OPENING - early Jan.-Feb., 1990. Downtown retail store, mature salesperson. Sales stock Confederation plaque | -control, etc., typing and/or. P.O. Box 300, | per i approvals familiarity with computers. App-'| LYNDA'S HOUSECLEANING PORY PERRY, Sajerio, Dm Rory eae * In-office appraisals ly in writing to P.O. Box, 305, Porf Perry. CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers required. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. | & painting. Reasonable rates. J3 Bunsiey: oh ania Apa. . one-stop financing It's all yours. Get your Class "A" | Call Roy Povey 985-0940. Morecroft, Noritake, PK. No fees unless licence at Ontario's oldest and NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' 1 gd largest training centre. Tax deductible, professional training, job assistance, no experience necessary. Merv Orr Transport, Pickering. 1-800-265-3559. TF FURNITURE refinisher and/or touch up person required im- mediately for furniture service company in Port Perry area and experienced only need apply. Call 1-800-263-2652 or 985-4502. D 28 Could you be 2220) a Red Cross |: : Homemaker? oid Red Cross employs, trains and super- vises mature, friendly individuals to take care of people in their homes. a non-profit voluntary organization. DOG GROOMING - Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located at 159 Casimir St. (Corner of Water Street & Casimir St.) Phone 985-4191. MORRIS Home Improvements, home renovations, basements, bathrooms, handyman service, etc. Work fully guaranteed. Free estimates. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Call 985-3663 or Whitby 668-1506. Services - established 1975 "- residential homes. Call (res.) 985-8605, (mobile) 432-0369. PROFESSIONAL wall papering New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 MOBILE: 432-5509 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RALPH SOMMERVILLE All persons having claims against the Estate of Ralph Som- mervlille, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who dled on or about the 24th day of November, 1989 are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before the 19th day of January, 1990 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the sald date the assets of the sald deceased will be distributed among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 12th day of December, 1989. FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Solicitors for Ruth McCoy and Yvonne Gibson Executrices of the above estate. AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of |. ANNIE MARJORIE McCOMBE, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 30th day of October, 1989 must be filed with the undersigned per- ~onal representatives on or before the 12th day of January, 1990 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executors then shall have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 5th day of December, 1989. Daniel Edward Arthur McCombe, James Brian McCombe and Hugh Barry McCombe, Executors By their Solicitors, MACKEY, BAILEY & KORB, Barristers and Solicitors Part-time month as required. Apply to: Ontario REGISTERED NURSES Part-time Part-time work is available for Registered Nurses with experience in medical-surgical nursing and/or emergency and operating room. Must be willing to work 2 shifts per Manager, Personnel Services, Community Memorial Hospital 451 Paxton Street, Port Perry, LOL 1A8 Household - Estate Sales Antique Appraisals Bailey - Graham AUCTION SERVICES All Types of Auctions. Ress Bailey 985-0697 Harvey Graham 986-4856 rocker, 3 pine blanket boxes, hall table with drawer, wicker settee (excell.), Victorian hall mirror, needlepoint side chair, 2 board table with drawer, ladder back chairs, high chair, Captain's chair, cedar chest, dresser top mirror, oak hall mirror, organ stool with claw feet, antique wooden telephone, pine rod-back' rocker, child's rocker, display showcase, pump organ. COLLEC- TABLES: including blue flowered crocks & jugs Including Burns & Campbell, Toronto (rare), W.E. Welding, Brantford, merchant crock, log cabin quilt, hooked rugs, baby quilt, Coke cases, but- ter bowls, butter press, butter churn, candle maker, knife box, lanterns, bells, flat irons, flail, wooden rake, apple peeler, brass scales, splint box, post card viewer, postcards, antique prints & pictures, potters scale, copper boiler, wool winder, egg crate, 2 dough boxes, harness maker's bench, block planes, picture frames, cast Iron pots, stained glass windows, Tiffany lamp, cop- fireplade screen, weathervane. FINE CHINA & GLASS: in- cluding Royal Doulton figurines (some discontinued), jugs, Silesia, Bisque, Dresden figurine (Card Player), English painted vase, silver water pitcher set, pickle cruet, collection of washbasins including Flow Blue, Bridal Rose dishes, plus many other items. NOTE: This sale in- cludes a large number of wooden collectibles, from a private collec- tor in Toronto, that have been stored for 15 years. Also the fur- niture from Norm & Thelma Macleod's home in Markham who have collected antiques since 1948. Preview for this sale will be Thursday, January 4 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. & Friday, Jan. 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29 SALE TIME: 2:00 p.m. New Sale - Uniforms supplied 400-22 King Street West, Mini-Stocker Sale + FIRST and SECONDS at - Paid Training NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 Oshawa, Ontario: | | indsay Community Sale Barn PRIME RATES - Paid Mileage D 28 Minimum 3 in aid, This sale is devised for Feed Lot Customers ra d-8700 couieor and Buyers from a Distance. v= UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES Stocker sale at 2:00 p.m. followed by regular sale. For further infor- LOWER RATES mation contact Sale barn 705-324-2774 or Carl Hickson Auc- | | +» EXISTING MORTGAGES tioneer, 324-9959 or Car 749-7084. SOLD REGISTE RED MANNY NOTE: January Mini-Stocker BOUGHT & AUCTION Sale will be January 19, 1990. Feb. | | »» VACATION and ALL N U RSI NG ASSISTANT SERVICES 23, 1990. Note: There will not be a OTHER PROPERTY saddle horse & tack auction in January. Carl Hickson Auctions. Snodden 357-3237; Sales Arena 324-8311 or Carl Hickson Auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 324-9959 or Car - 749-7084. spool bed, spool leg table w/leaves, pine harvest tables, bronze figurines, hooked rug plus lots of small collectables. Terms are cash or cheque with I.D. Viewing from 10 a.m. Coffee and donuts are on us. What better way to spend New Year's Day than at a quaint little country auction. Call 1-263-4252 or 1-985-0749 Garry K. Powell, Auctioneer. PRIVATE MORTGAGES The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES * Firsts & Seconds * One day loan and other mortgage services provides you with funds are advanced * Avoid unnecessary delays and worries * Confidentiality assured CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL CORPORATION 985-3832 FAX 416-985-4103 Existing mortgages Bought & Sold MORTGAGE LOANS + REFINANCING at +» DEBT CONSOLIDATION + PERSONALIZED SERVICE 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario O=-irFcom>o =-omom Registered Nursing Assistant with recent experience in PHONE 888-4912 WEDNS Se: ART 0 AFTER HOURS AVAILABLE PORT PERRY Diadical surgics) oii chronic care nursing required. = The Select of 1990 ,~ NO COMPLICATED INCOME STAR V palat e to vor a shits as needed. COCHRANE Hi isl sth) Sale re or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS REAL ESTATE pply to: anager, Personnel Services, 3 : .R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. Community Memorial Hospital Auction Service Approx. 76 Head of Registered | [+ POWER of SALES REFINANCES AND 451 Paxton Street, Port Perry. Household -- Farm & Grade Holsteins in all stagesof | |, REFINANCING of CLASSIFIED Ontario LOL 1A8 Antiques -- Real Estate a helpwin you son PROBLEM SITUATIONS ADVERTISING PHONE 985-2788 John Buckley 705-324-4017; Gall For more information call: 985-7383 : (] i ¥ i J. ' ¢ & - 2 wei i AB 4 BE fA [fd New Year's Day Sale J BUYING A NEW HOME? You owe it to yourself to look first in the PORT PERRY STAR'S "FIRST CHOICE" REAL ESTATE a = Th sl roa ion LN il ii lll ua salu: