i a 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 9, 1990 Back Talk by Kelly Storry Continued from page 12 overreact to weather changes, stress, red wine, and even strong perfume. There is a long list of foods, and daily things to avoid to lessen one's chance of getting a migraine. The list is so long, oN hard to stick by, it is almost impossible to not get a head- 0. Here are some helpful hints: 1. Watch your diet, experts say no alcohol, cheese, or nuts. 2. If you must drink choose white wine, vodka, and scotch. 3. Limit caffeine intake to two cups a day. 4. Stay away from anything aged, cured, fermented, pickled, marinated, anything with meat tenderizer, soy sauce, yeast extract, chocolate, citrus fruits, bananas, avocados, nuts, seeds, and aged cheeses. 5. Migraine sufferes do not take a liking to routine changes. Do we) skip meals, no naps, and get up every day at the same time. Another friendly piece of information picked up is that peo- ple Who use non-prescription pain relievers can suppress the y's production of natural pain killers if taken all the time. This can result in a daily headache, that will not respond to treatment until the body has withdrawn from the drugs It almost seems a little impossible to stick too to me, so | think for now, I'll keep the ice-pack, and Tylenol 3's close by. IF YOUR RD WARS HERE OVER 16.000 people could have read it this weekl That's a lot of potential customers for your business. For Advertising Made Easy call the STAR - 985-7383 Ladies ... -- call -- Beat the January Blahs! COME SING WITH US! Debbie 852-6350 Arlene 640-8276 Kathy 985-9261 Nursing home news by Wendy Clark As we enter a new year we have many residents looking forward to many new adventures. The first day after the holidays it was spent doing a major clean- up job. On December 28th the Lindsay Concert Band visited and presented a wenderful show featuring old and new tunes. Throughout the evening we had a pre-New Years Eve Bash with great entertainment by the Golden Slippers. Afterwards each resident announced their New Years resolution. Friday after- noon featured an exciting Bingo match. After recuperating from the New Years weekend we got back into the swing of things on January 2nd with a game of darts. Wednesday afternoon there was a manicure session that many were in attendance for. The following day we had a discussion group. Many ideas were flowing for our plans for the Spring Bazaar. Later in the evening there was a Winter Quiz. Finally Friday ar- rived and with it we had a Wawtsotny Party which stands for --What a way to start out the New Year-Party. Many enjoyed the variety of fun and challenging games. Along with this we had a sing-song and a treat of ice-cream cones. Birthday wishes are extended to Mr. Harry Sanderson (12). On behalf of the residents and staff we extend our sincerest sym- pathy to the family and friends of Mr. Bill Attwood who passed away December 23rd. Bill has been with us for a long time and was a very special friend. We will all miss him dearly. A special welcome to Mr. Per- cy Jeffrey who has come to us from the Scugog Island area. The winner for the best decorated Christmas door was won by Mrs. Muriel Lawrence. Congratulations! We welcome any clubs or organizations who may be in- terested in sponsoring a monthly birthday party. We still have a few months available throughout 1990. If you are interested and would like more details please contact Kim Mitchell (985-3205). Upcoming events include 1989 in Review-1:30 (10), Monthly Bir- thday Party-7:15 (11), Residents Council (17) and Supper Club (18). Jersey club winners At the Kawartha Jersey Club - annual meeting, awards were presented to high production winners. The Marsh Hill Trophy was presented to Harvey Risebrough, Oakwood, for the High Fat Pro- ducer, Sunrise Kenkare Brandy, with 395 kg. of fat. The Award for the highest composite BCA cow was also won by Harvey Risebrough with the 2 year old Sunrise Beacon Roxanne, with BCA"s of 270-242-259. This excep- tionally good type cow was recently exported to Brazil. The Kawarth Jersey Club is composed of Jersey breeders in Durham Region and Victoria County. Durham West Corn Club Winners At the recently held Durham West 150 Bushel Corn Club Ban- quet, Lloyd Harbron of Ashburn received the MacAllbright Trophy for the highest yield of 142.6 bushels per acre. He was also awarded the Durham West Soil and Crop Improvement Association Barometer Trophy. The second highest yield winner was presented with a DeKalb Watch by Mrs. John Oldham. This was won by Mac and Grant Mustard of Uxbridge, with a yield of 129.5 bushels per acre. Yields were significantly lower this year due to severe drought in most areas, particularly Brock Township. Brucellosis Act repealed The Brucellosis Act has been repealed. A bill to repeal the act received royal assent December 6, 1989. Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of cattle, which causes abortion and high infertility in cattle. Through a Federal- Provincial program of vaccina- tions and testing, the once- prevalent, costly disease has been eradicated. Since Ontario has been brucellosis-free since 1985, the Brucellosis Act is no longer re- quired. Agriculture Canada con- tinues to provide livestock owners with a national vaccination pro- gram, and brucellosis is on the federal list of reportable diseases. Most of the diseases on Agriculture Canada's reportable list have been eradicated, but if a - veterinarian suspects that an animal has one of those repor- table diseases, he or she is oblig- ed to notify the proper authorities. THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION KINDERGARTEN PRE-REGISTRATION Applications by telephone for September 1990 Kindergarten Classes are now being accepted from parents whose children will be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 1990. CLASS SIZE: If the number of students registering exceeds the accepted class limit of 23 pupils, some of the students may be transported to another school. Individual schools will arrange for a formal registration at a later date at which time you will be required to present proof of the child's age (birth certificate, baptismal record or passport) and the child's immunization record. Beaverton P. S$... 426-9081 Cannington PS.............................432-2461 Cartwright Central PS..................986-4227 Epsom P.S./Greenbank PS..........985-2567 Goodwood PS. ............................640-3092 H.W. Knight PS. ...........................432-2601 Prince Albert PS. .........................985-2877 R.H. Cornish PS..........cccceceeenee.....985-2591 S.A. Cawker PS............................985-4491 Scott Central PS..........................852-6961 Sunderland PS...........cccceeeeeeeeeee 357-3975 Thorah Central PS. ......................426-7724 | Uxbridge PS..eerennee...852-9101 ) ON I I I as os ee i A a