7 48 (PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, Jdnoary 23, 1990 Sunshine Club resumes meetings A thought that I like: We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us real- ly happy is something to be en- thusiastic about. Charles Kingsley Blue Ray Inspection Night Blue Ray Chapter, No. 238, OES, had a smaller attendance than usual due to wintry weather, held on Thursday evening, Jan. 11th, in the Masonic Temple, Port Perry. Worthy Matron Sister Jane Galbraith, assisted by Past Patron Brother Wilfred Alex- ander, extended a warm, frater- nal welcome to the District Depu- ty Grand Matron Sister Bette Rew of District II, from Agin- court, who paid her Official visit on the boundary line. THANK YOU ... We at STOCKWAY TRANSPORTATION LTD., would like to thank Collin Haines, Wayne Malcolm and Bruce Goble for helping Helen Nesbitt on Thursday, January 11th, when her bus was stuck Thank you for your help beyond the call of duty! of Inspection. She was escorted to the East by Conductress Sister Laura Alton. Many other dignitaries were also welcomed. After a brief business period, the District Deputy Sister Bette inspected the work of the Officers. In her remarks the Officers were congratulated for the most effi- cient manner in which they car- ried out their duties, a very fine report! Everyone worked so diligently for Inspection, and we commend our fine officers for a task well done! On Thursday evening, Feb. 8th, Blue Ray will be honoured to have as guests, the Worthy Grand Matron Sister Audrey Martin, Worthy Grand Patron Brother Mike Beacock, and Grand Chapter Officers; along with HOURS: MONDAY - SATURDAY 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM FRIDAY 9:30 AM to 8:00 P.M. on Fashion PORT PERRY PLAZA 2985-0129 WINTER CLEARANCE SALE Beginning Monday, Jan. 22 NESTLETON NEWS BY MABEL CAWKER visitors from the neighbouring Chapters, to share an evening of fellowship with Blue Ray members. There will be enter- tainment! Make plans now to at- tend this special occasion. Remember! Pot Luck supper at 5:45 p.m. and please bring along your favourite dish, first course only. Dessert is looked after. Keep in mind the Robbie Burns night coming up on January 27! After closing, the refreshments were convened by Joyce Taylor, Kay Walker and Judy Davidson and much enjoyed. A pleasant social hour followed. A great night for Blue Ray Officers and members! Nestleton Presbyterian Chiweh With an average attendance, the 11 a.m. service on Sunday morning, January 21, was con- ducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley. Mr. B. McCabe and Mr. G. Scott welcomed at the door. Joyce Taylor played the organ, and also assisted D. Lee in the Sunday School. Responsive Psalm was from Isaiah, and Matthew 4:12-23., The children's story was an ex- cellent lesson on "values." Speak- ing on the Scripture which was read Rev. Fairley brought the message of "Jesus in control' - as our Light, Salvation and Strength" as his sermon. A luncheon was served in the Sunday School room, pot luck style, and the annual congrega- tional meeting was held after. The annual meeting was chaired by Rev. Wm. Fairley with Dorothy McCabe - Secretary. The minutes of 1989 were approved, and election of Managers as follows: Irene Brown, Oliver Rohrer, Dorothy McCabe continu- ing for 2 years: Dorothy Lee, W. Davison, Stan McNeely continu- ing for 1 yr, and Joyce Taylor, Peggy Jones, Russell Brown for a 3 year renewal term. Other of- ficers - Sec'y - Treasurer D. McCabe. Trustees - C. Scott, M. Magill, Stan McNeely. Auditors: Peggy Jones and Joyce Taylor ac- cepted their Office 1990. Joyce Taylor was voted sincere appreciation for her leadership in Music and preparation of Reports of 1989. The Every Home Plan for the Presbyterian Record will con- tinue, and church Anniversary will be Sept. 16th at 11 a.m., with SAVE $ % OFF * Xk Save on Fashions you can wear right into Spring! * Drop in and see what we have to offer SAVE special speaker and music. There will be Congregational visiting from the Presbytery in April As the meeting adjourned, ap- preciation was expressed by Clerk of Session, George Scott to Rev. Wm. Fairley for his Ministerial leadership. Best Wishes Sorry to hear that Anne Harren of Caesarea, is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. We do hope for better health soon. Chin up, Anne! Irene McKee of Nestleton, home from Oshawa Hospital, is doing fine, using a walker, and now getting use to a cane, so Irene is on the way to good health again. God Bless! The Flu is still rampant within this area. Many folks are in bed with this very contagious dose. We trust Rev. Dr. Crawford will have better health soon, he has had a bout with Pneumonia and isn't the best yet. Our "best wishes" to him! On the bright side, we extend a belated happy birthday to Les MacKenzie of Nestleton who celebrated on Friday last. Merna and Cathy Cawker of Oshawa were guests on Saturday afternoon at the Cawker farm- stead. A happy time reminiscing and visiting while enjoying the coffee hour, made up a part of the afternoon Nestleton United Church On an unsettled' Sunday, January 21st at 11:15 a.m. Nestleton United had a fair con- gregation, and the friendly greeters at the door were Ina Davis and family. Rev. Dale Davis conducted the service and used as his sermon theme, "The Road To Damascus," a good message for the congregation to take home. Kathy Tromans was the reader with Scripture from Corinthians aand Matthew. The quartet sang, "O How I Love Him" with pianist Carol Mairs at the piano. Rev. Davis installed the U.C.W. Executives for 1990, in a most impressive ceremony! Of- fering was received by Arthur and Ken Weir. Next Sunday, January 28, Nestleton Annual Congregational Meeting will be held, following the Pot Luck Luncheon. Caesarea Community Church At11 a.m. onSun. Jan. 21, Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford conducted a short service taking as his topic, "God So Loved" based on John, Chapter 3, read by Norma Spek. Dana Gibbons led the Responsive reading. Kathy Watts - organist. The Sunshine Club has resum- ed meetings on Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m. with Cecile Gibbons in charge. Next Sunday for a fine message at 11:00 a.m.. EMMERS INSURANCE BROK: YON 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. L9L 1B9 (416) 985-7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE NATIONAL | TRUST A Division of National Victoria . and Grey Trustco 1% 1 Year Annual Interest 10% % 5 Year Annual Rates Subject bo Change without Notice EE ------------s VG