------ LR XEEN 3 52 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 23, 1990 Eddie Luther to attend fair board meeting The Zone Games for the Junior Farmers' Association were held in Victoria County on Saturday with many of our local young peo- ple participating. The event end- ed with a huge dance held at Manvers Community Centre. Howard Bailey and Julie Wright of London were home for the weekend attending the Zone Games and working on wedding plans with Howard's parents Neil and Elaine Bailey. At the regular Sunday morning Church Service at the Blackstock United Church, the Installation of UCW Executive took place. Past President Jean Adams, President Mavis Brodie, 1st Vice-president Grace Hall, Secretary Jean Ferguson, Treasurer Barbara Byers, Stewardship Ruby Van- Camp, World Outreach Marion Larmer, Social Issues Edith McLaughlin, Supply and Service Peggy Larmer, Aileen Byers, Programme Anita Davis, Liz Henderson, Literature Connie Swain, Archives Jean Ferguson, Catering Co-ordinator Tallya Moore, Flowers May Shortridge, Cards Jean Mahaffy. Represen- tatives to Manse Committee BLACKSTOCK NEWS | BY JOYCE KELLY } Sharon Wilson, Shirley Gibson; to M & CE - Nancy McConnell - to committee of Stewards - Eileen VanCamp. Nominations - Jean Adams, Margaret Mountjoy, Unit Leaders - Morning - Oney Gauld, Peggy Larmer Afternoon, Marion Larmer Evening, Michelle Adams, Ingrid Larmer were in- stalled. Rev. Dale Davis preach- ed a very thoughtful sermon en- titled "The Road to Damascus." Two large silk plants "Fiscus Benjamina" were dedicated in memory of Norma VanCamp and donated by the Morning Unit of the U.C.W.. Cheryl Graham returned home on Friday from a most enjoyable two week vacation to sunny Cuba. The Lake Scugog Historical Society will present Bill Lishman talking about his video "Come On Geese' on Wednesday, January 31 at 7:30 p.m. at Latcham Cen- tre Port Perry. Bill is Purple Hill's colourful resident who regularly creates some new adventure. Try not to miss his talk about his famous geese. On this Thursday evening January 25, the Blackstock Fair Board will hold its annual meeting in the form of a pot luck dinner at the Rec. Centre beginn- ing at 7 p.m.. The guest speaker will be Radio Personality Eddie Luther who will talk about his im- pressions of his first visit to Blackstock Fair. All chairmen are reminded to have their annual reports prepared for presenta- tion. All are welcome. Bring your favourite dish and join this en- thusiatic group. Sympathy is extended to Pat and George Obstfeld and girls on the passing last week of Pat's father Mr. Bray of Raglan after a lengthly illness. Many of the local farmers are involved these times by attending various meetings and In-service sessions. Recently the Provincial Milk Producers met in Toronto, The County Milk Producers will meet in Orono and last week the East Central Farm Conference was held in Lindsay with each day being devoted to a different phase of agriculture. Esther Kelly of Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston was at home this weekend to attend the Junior Farmers' Zone Games. The Dance Committee of the Blackstock Co-op Nursery School' met at the home of the Chairman Tracy Vernest on Monday even- ing, January 8 to make plans for the annual Valentine's Dance which will be held on February 17 with music by Dennis Franssen. Lunch was planned as well as decorations for this festive dance. Tickets are available from ticket committee at 986-0195 or 986-4393. The Fletcher Memorial Bonspiel is to be held at the arena on Saturday, February 3, at the local arena. Plan to bring a team for this annual event. Sign up sheet is at Rink Bulletin Board. The Morning Unit of the U.C.W. met on Wednesday January 17 with 17 ladies at the home of Alma Duff, for the first meeting of 1990. Jean Kyte reported that the silk flowers presented by our unit as a memorium to Norma VanCamp will be dedicated on Sunday, 180 MARY STREET, PORT PERRY (behind the post office) is celebrating our Large Clothing for the Fuller Figure /) 985-9948 , BRING THIS AD INTO OUR STORE & RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL 5% OFF YOUR PURCHASE. COME IN and BROWSE Our sizes range from 14 to 26 selection of DRESS PANTS, etc. ESAS GRP AEV EN 000048200000 000 00st drsnnt ens January 21. The Unit agreed to put together a layette for use when needed at our hospital. Eileen McLaughlin volunteered to act as co-ordinator and will have a list of needed ar- ticles for the February meeting. Alma Duff immediately produced a shawl. It was decided to hold the se- cond (annual) Stew Supper on April 21. It was pointed out that this event did provide lots of good fellowship as well as fill the coffers. Jessie Gunter's theme for the worship was "Live your Lives on Love," reading from New Testa- ment in Modern English {or Schools Ephesians 5:1-14. Edith McLaughlin's programme was based on Coping With Stress. She gave many suggestions for fin- ding happiness in our stressful society and assigned us into groups to make our own recipe for happiness and to enjoy her clipp- ings. Connie Swain presented some books from our church library for lending. The meeting closed with our prayer and seventeen ladies thanked Alma and left for their homes on a very foggy Wednesday. Gwenyth Thompson, Press Reporter 28 present at hospital auxiliary meeting by Luella Graham On Jan. 15, the Port Perry Memorial Hospital Ladies Aux- iliary held their first meeting in 1990, with 28 ladies present. The President Elaine Bucanan open- ed the meeting and pleased to see so many out as there is so much flu and sickness at this time. The Auxiliary prayer was then repeated in unison. The Secretary's report was then given and accepted. The Treasurer gave a good financial report and Camille, gift shop co-ordinator gave us her report and told us the gift shop opened in 1969 and Bonnie Gerrow reported 9 boys and 7 girls were born since our last meeting and thanked the ladies who made baby booties and those who decorated the booties. Gwenyth Thompson, newsletter co- ordinator, has some good ideas for our next letter. Mr. Brown was with us and welcomed all in the New Year and said from what he heard it looks like an interesting year ahead. He then gave a talk about a "Birthing Bed" for the maternity ward, this is being used in some other hospitals, and very satisfactory in helping patients. Under new business this was discussed and approved that we purchase this bed. The President then introduced Joan Bennett of Campbellford, chairperson of Region 7, who gave a most in- teresting talk, also some new ideas. We do hope to meet her again at the spring conference be- ing held on April 17 in Richmond Hill. A motion was then made and accepted that our Annual Meeting be held May 28. Also the Spring Fair is on May 26. A social half hour and cup of tea was then enjoyed. Ladies do not forget to bring your craft ideas along to our next meeting as this is our project for part of our next meeting being held February 19.