GEER - In loving memory of Ricky who passed away January 27, 1983. Broken is the family circle Our dear one is passed away Passed from earth and earthly darkness Into a bright and perfect day But we all must cease to languish O'er the grave of him we love Strive to be prepared to meet him In the better world above Lovingly remembered by, Grampa Strong GEER - In loving memory of Ricky Geer our nephew and cousin who passed away January 27, 1983. We think of you In silence We often speak of you Ricky All we have are memories And your picture in a frame Our hearts still ache in sadness Our silent tears still flow For what It was to lose you Ricky No one will ever know Sadly missed by, your aunts, uncles & cousins, June, Garry, Ruby, Harvey, Isabelle, John, Joyce, Alan, Janice, Scott, Bruce, Stephen, Shelley, Suzanne, Lisa, Jason, Michael, Greg, Sandra, Paul & Bradley BEST, Lawrence (Larry) - In lov- Ing memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who pass- ed away January 23, 1980. Always remembered, his family JEFFREY & MICHAEL - My sons, who dled on January 29, 1984, aged six and three. Though their lives were short, they were my greatest blessing. Beneath the cold snow, soft and deep My babies lle in peaceful sleep Though six years now, have come and gone My dreams of loving them live on Forever, Your Momma GEER - In loving memory of our son Rick. No work boots at the back door No service van in the driveway No [oyous laughter ringing out At some joke played to the fullest No Rick to sit and chat awhile with But ever near and ever dear In our hearts and thoughts you stay Although its been seven years Since you went away Lovingly remembered, always in our thoughts, Mom & Dad GEER - In loving memory of a dear nephew and cousin, Rick, who passed away January 27, 1983. A little tribute small and tender Just to say we still remember Forever in our thoughts, Jack & Marian, Glenn & Garry, Gord & Marilyn, Michael & Tammie, Melissa, Jennifer and Lisa McINTYRE (Captain) Steven James - In loving memory of a dear son & brother taken from us January 28, 1988. 'Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear Fawn memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near Always remembered and ever missed, Mom, Murray, Sharon, Andre, Shelley and Anthony SMITH, Donald S. - In loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away January 24, 1989. Deeply missed and lovingly remembered by, wife Helen & family Portraits & Wildlife ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS J by -- Ellen Cowie 985-9824 EXPERIENCED TEACHER wishes tutoring duty, grades (1-12). Will also give piano or organ lessons, near Blackstock Schools (reasonable). Mrs. K. Watts B.A. 986-4968. J 30 FOLK ART painting classes, all levels. It's fun -- it's easy. Call 985-9494. J 30 IF WE CAN'T help you help yourself, we know who can! Distress Centre. 433-1121 or 433-1861. ATTENTION Ladies Nails by Pat. Sheilas Hairstyling. Call for appointment 985-2274, still at 117 Perry St. HORSE DRAWN Sleigh Rides. Scenic trails, hot chocolate and bonfires. Available anytime. Clubs or groups welcomed. Call Keith at 985-3855. F113 SCUGOG CRISIS CENTER 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE 579-8006. Call collect if necessary. Office resumes, 985-9315. ICE TIME AVAILABLE - Wood- ville Arena. Sunday mornings 8 am. - 705-439-2993. BUSINESS SERVICES - typing, income tax, efc. F113 Lordy, Lordy, RONNIE'S ... 40 January 27, 1990 12 noon. 705-439-2547 or J 30 985-8850 - Tues., Wed., Thurs., 12:15 - 3:15 p.m. KAREN E. HUNT, C.P.E. Elec- troylsis, permanent hair removal, medically approved, member of E.A.O., member F.E.A.C., pro- fessional & confidential. 985-9085 (SHI RYSITEUG RY DAY by touching SOMeONe SYM RYIDRY WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS for help call THE DENISE HOUSE (formerly Auberge) FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN TOLL FREE: 1-800-263-3725 or Confidentiality Assured 728-7311 Now don't you worry, Don't you fear, You're already in NO! Get the facts. STONEMOOR Let's Talk. Call the DAYCARE CENTRE Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline has limited spaces available for children ages 18 mths. to 30 mths. Child Enrichment Program. For further information please phone: 985-0800 1-800-668-AIDS By Your 41st year! GUESS WHO? STOP If you had installed SUNFOIL RADIANT BARRIER in your home last month, you could already be enjoying more comfort at lower heating costs. For a demonstration of this amazing product, please call: PORT PERRY APPLIANCE # you want i Bonnie Ballingall 985-8732 SCUGOG MOVING . STORAGE ic. -- PORT PERRY -- 25 Years Experience Bus. 985-376 1 If no answer call: (Res.) 985-7288 "Free Wardrobe Service" * Furniture + Antiques * Pianos 2 3 02802 onie = We also buy & sell - PARTS -- SERVICE ET LA Notice Schoolhouse AFTERNOON Playcare DELIGHT Centre Cheesecakes - Pies now has limited openings in its afternoon NURSERY PROGRAM. | | Specialty Desserts = For further TR information please To place your orders call: call Jan at: Candace Duda 985-8936 ||| 985-2498 -- NOTICE -- TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG REFUSE COLLECTION A REMINDER to the Residents of the Township of Scugog. Are you aware that there is a refuse collection By-Law which contains the following restrictions? 1. Maximum of 5 receptacles per dwelling unit will be collected each week. 2. A receptacle with contents must not weigh more than 50 pounds. With your co-operation, we can work together for the following Mutual Benefits. An improvement to the Health and Safety of our workers which will lead to reduce costs of our operation through improved broductivity. YOUR UNDERSTANDING IS APPRECIATED E.S. Cuddie, Clerk-Administrator DJ TAYLOR oor 1, /NBURANCE BROKERS LTD. ox 1479, 169 North St. Place, 985-8416 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS GRANDMA'S COMPANY We are a domestic service, we've seen and done it all. So if you've got a problem, don't hesitate to call. We wouldn't limit our staff, to just babysit, cook or clean. We've got a gardener and a pet sitter, Who are also very keen. 986-0689 REBEKAH VALENTINE'S Lun- cheon, Feb. 14. Also St. Patrick's Luncheon, March 14 at the Odd- fellows Hall. LAKE SCUGOG Historical Socie- ty presents Bill Lishman talking about his video "C'mon Geese' Wed., Jan. 31/90 at 7:30 p.m., Lat- cham Centre, Port Perry. Members - Gratis; Non-members - $2.00. J 30 BLACKSTOCK CO-OP Nursery School presents: Their Annual Valentine's Dance, Feb. 17, 1990 at8p.m.-1a.m. D.J. Tickets on sale. For information call 986-0195 or 986-4393. J 30 RETURN ENGAGEMENT - An- tonin Kubalek, planist, Benefit Concert for Uxbridge Chamber Choir on Saturday, Feb. 3, 1990 at 8 p.m., Uxbridge Music Hall. Ad- mission: $12.00 each. Tickets avallable at: Yellow Brick Rd., The Sound Shop, & Presents, Ux- bridge. A.W. Brock Dept. Store, Port Perry and Walters Music, Oshawa. For information call 852-6924. J 30 HIGH SCHOOL REUNION - Anyone who graduated from P.P.H.S. during 1980 & 1981 and remembers the 'Smut Patrol,' "Laughing Society' or "The Night Before Christmas Choir' - don't wait for Godot." For infor- mation call Kim Evans 985-0279; Leanne Doupe 985-9520; Terri Henderson 841-3226 or Bonnie Bridge 420-6482. HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH rides. Call John Leask. 985-7818. TF ANNUAL UTICA HALL Board meeting will be held, Feb. 4, Utica Hall at 2 p.m. All welcome - come out & support your hall. J 30 ODDFELLOWS BINGO January 29 - starts at 7 p.m. THE GRACE U.C.W. of Scugog Island United Church will hold their annual Beef Supper at the Island Hall on March 28, 1990. Three sittings 5:00 p.m.; 6:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. M 27 A meeting of the Cartwright Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion will be held at Blackstock Community Hall, Scugog St. S., Blackstock on Wed., Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. Come & hear June Smith president of Durham East Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion explain the rules for the elec- tion of a new leader for the Pro- vincial Party. All Interested per- sons welcome. DOWSON'S BOTTLED WATER -- now available at -- Paul Flieler's Petro-Can Utica Store Seagrave Store XL Gas Station Ashburn Store Sunnyside Market, Caesarea Greenbank Marquis Corners Myers Cash & Carry Brooklin IGA Country Corners Cafe Prince Albert Store Chicken Coop Aldred's Corner Provincial Traffic Signs Barry's Variety Sunderland Feed Supply Ltd. DOWSON"S WATER HAULAGE inc. PURE SPRING WATER WELLS - CISTERNS - POOL - etc. Service & Prompt Delivery -- 7 Days a Week Dependable Serving Your Area Call Today: 98 5-3 81 "ih 'CELLULAR PHONE DISPATCHER' Valu-Mart All Grandma's are bonded. TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG PUBLIC NOTICE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA The Council of the Township of Scugog has been re- quested by the Board of Management for the Business Improvement Area to establish minimum and maximum charges to be paid by persons in the area assessed for Business Assessment. The Council will consider the request and the By-Law to specify minumum and maximum charges on Monday, February 19, 1990. Any person who would be liable to a special charge levied in accordance with the By-Law proposed to be passed by the Council under Subsection 17, specifying minimum and maximum charges, may object to the proposed By- Law by filing a written Notice of Objection with the under- signed on or before Friday, February 16, 1990. Earl S. Cuddie, Clerk-Administrator OPEN HOUSE for ' DOUG FISH to celebrate his 10th BIRTHDAY MANILLA COMMUNITY HALL 2 to 5 PM, SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1990 r---- =~ - HOT BEEF SUPPER Odd Fellows Hall WED., JAN. 24th 6:30 PM -- admission -- Adults $8.00; Children $3.00 - for tickets call - Clem Jeffrey 985-2343 Burnsell Webster 985-3120 - sponsored by - Odd Fellows Lodge (416) 985-7306 MMERSON I ER OUON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO Co