34 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 30, 1990 Exchange student sees snow for first time Luciene Monteiro had never seen snow until two weeks ago when she departed an airplane in Toronto, after a twelve hour flight from Votuporango, Bra- zil. Luciene is a 17 year old, Ro- tary Club exchange student, who will be living in the Port perry area for one year, to brush up on her English, and explore the wonders of Canadi- an culture. When Luciene filled out her form for consideration of bein an exchange student she liste her three choices of places to visit as Canada, France, and the United States. On January 13, she got her wish as she land- ed in Toronto. Luciene had only been out of Brazil once prior to this trip, and that was a trip she took to Florida four years ago. She stated she is happy to be in Canada, it may be cold(com- pared to 28 degrees in Brazil), but she lovesit here. "I really like it here, the peo- plein Canada are more friendly than the people in the United States. People here are more or- ganized, and civilized. I feel more at home. They(Ameri- cans) are more individualists," she said. Luciene is having a little trouble relating to some of the English language. She speaks Portuguese, and carries a translation dictionary with her everywhere. "People here talk fast, this dictionary is my best friend. Even Brian is trying to speak some Portuguese by using my dictionary," she said. Luciene is currently living with Brian and Marianne Da- vies(Brian is the Youth Ex- change Chairman for the Port Perry Rotary Club, and also a local lawyer), and Mr. Davies really seems to be enjoying hav- ing Luciene in his home. The Davies will be Luciene's first host family, before she will move to three other families, for roughly three month visits at a time. Luciene said she misses her family, but she really likes Brian and Marianne. "They make me feel so wel- come, and at home," she said. Luciene has three younger sisters, at home. Her mother is a housewife, and her father is a doctor, specializing in nose, throat, and ear problems. Currently in Brazil it is sum- mer, and the time is two hours ahead. She brought a video with her of her home, and club in Brazil to show to everyone. Brian has seen the video and describes her house as a beauti- ful, spanish style, open concept, with a pool. Currently Luciene is attend- ing Port Perry High School tak- ing courses to determine what level she will be studying at. In Brazil, she has already gradu- ated from High School. Allen's Siding Products Lp. REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK She said she has met a lot of friends, and has attended a dance at the Latcham Centre. Although she did not know the music, it was a good time, she said. Mr. Davies who has heard some of Luciene's rock music from Brazil describes it as spir- ited, and lively, with a beat much like that of "Dire Straits". Luciene said that school here is different than in her country. In Brazil they start at 7:30 a.m., and are finished between 12 and 1 p.m. She has six class- es a day, and does not have a locker, as they do not need coats, she said. Her school year begins in Feb ruary and continues until May. She then would return in Au- gust and remain in classes until December 15. She added they are also out of school for one week in February to attend the- world famous "Carnivale" held in Rio. : School is not the only thing Luciene finds different about Canada. She stated the trees, and the houses are different, and the social activities her friends at school participate in are a little different as well. In Brazil on the weekends everyone attends a hall, where we talk, dance, and drink(there is no drinking age limit there) she said. She said that is really differ- ent not being able to legally drink here, but thinks it is AGRICULTU ALUMINUM & VINYL WINDOWS -- tilt for easy cleaning -- install in existing frames -- Casement Bay, Bow Side Sliders " and many more styles. NEW SERVICES: Shingles - Asphalt Roof - 15 Year Onduline - Spanish Style Roof - Lifetime TO BEAT THE SPRING INCREASES ... BOOK NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY! RAL BUILDINGS c/w STEEL SIDING & ROOFS POLE BARN or COMMERCIAL SHUTTERS LTR The best patio doors on the market! Triple Glazed Et Cll ae OS WINDOWS DOORS AWNINGS Double or ADDITIONS FLORIDA surrounded by sunshine. "Your One-Stop Aluminum Needs" IN-STOCK -- Variety of Colours Siding, Soffit, Eavestrough - 5" Seamless SUPPLY ONLY or SUPPLY & INSTALL STEEL AVAILABLE IN A VARIETY OF COLOURS FOR MORE INFORMATION & FREE ESTIMATES CALL: MIRE ..........connvrnncennnnanennee: 985-3741 ROB.............occconnnnn.. 1-105-328-1402 JIM cern enrsssscennnnnn 985-3333 ROOMS Enjoy the seasons -- OPEN -- Mon.-Fri. 8 to 5 Luclene Monteiro is not used to the cold Canadian win- "THA \ } } pm ter as yet, but Is enjoying her stay thus far in Port Perry. Lu- ciene is a Rotary Club exchange student from Brazll, and will be spending one year in our country. Pictured with Lu- clene Is Brian Davies, Youth Exchange Chairman of the Port Perry Rotary Club, as well as Luclene's first host family. great that people can drive at 16. compared to 18 in her coun- After school she and her friends attend the "Club" in Brazil, which is like a spa in Canada, with swimming pools, tennis courts, and a lake. Their major sports are soc- cer, basketball, and swimming. She has never ice skated, or skied, but said she does have lans to try both while she is ere. She explains that the food is very similar between Canada and Brazil, except she has rice every day, and lunch is their biggest meal of the day. She added that our milk tastes a lot better than theirs, but their cof- fee, and orange juice are a notch above ours. While in Canada, Luciene plans to see as much of the country as possible. In Febru- ary, she along with many other exchange students will attend a four day orientation in Ottawa. In July, the group of ex- change students will travel across Canada for 29 days. They will visit as far west as British Columbia, and return through the Northern States. In her first week Luciene did take a trip to the C.N. Tower, in Toronto which she described as a nice place, and very beauti- ful. She said that they have tall building in Brazil, but nothing quite like this. One aspect of being an ex- change student is she spends a lot of time doing the family things with her host family. Accordi to Mr. Davies when an exhange student is ac- cepted, parents of the student are expected to pay. their air fare, then they are alotted $100 a week for their activites. "The objective of the ex- change is for the host families, and the community to treat the students like they would mem- bers of their own family," Mr. Davies said. Luciene said that when she returns to Brazil, she will at- tend college or university, and when asked what she is going to study she replied, "maybe I'll be a lawyer, but not quite as crazy as Brian." In only two weeks in Canada, she has found people in Port Perry, to be very friendly. She describes us as open, generous, and "sweet-heart" Roorls. Mr. Davies added that in 1991, the Port Perry Rotary Club will be sending exchange students from this area to visit other countries. {PP CIBC PORT PERRY -- Effective February 16, 1990 -- NEW HOURS of BUSINESS Monday ......... 9:30 AM to 4:00 pm Tuesday ........ 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Wednesday ... 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Thursday ...... 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM FRIDAY ........ 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday ....... 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM a Ty