26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 6, 1990 iy) 0 - PHONE 985-7383 FAX 985-3708 id 235 QUEEN STREET - \. Diskettes Manufactured for highest standards of Printer Table De a eo an ave. 10 379- Measures 30° x 24" 220M Has sil in top 10r paper feed. Convenient for disketies per box. printers and other computer equipme S.RP. $258.44 each - 3%" double sided she, 2435 HD-Micro - 3%" high density S.AP. $68.51 box 4 079 box -RH-BIL - 5%" double sided 132 DMD ITI IAT - 5%" high density Multi-Adjustable Monitor Arm 4810-PT - Clamps to desk, height adjusts rom 16" to 26". Ect RR 1o the perfect viewi =" Titts 10 reduce glare ho S55 11) monitor is easily moved out of the WY 6 yve Werk area When sin hi I" WV SAP. $134.95 Printer Sound Covers 102 - 10%"H x 27"W x 16"D. For shallow, wde-carriage printers without on feed attachments: Epson FX 1 /286, Star SG15 and others. S.RP. $249.00 each 1 595 each 510 - 10%"H x 19"W x 19"D. For deep, fow-fron, narrow car printers without high 7 attachments: IB Propnnter, Epson #reuowes Diskette Fan File Provides dust-prool protection. Easy access and compact storage for disketles. Sturdy plastic astic construction. X80 and others. 85 96035 - 3%" SRP. $207.00 each SRP. $8.99 each Lo ------ 853 14% H x 27'W x 1740, For doop, 639 ' . wide-carriage panters without high Data Cartridges leo ahachents. LOI000/ 1500 C ton 96099 - 54" 3M cartridges are durable. The magnetic tape is S.AP. $15.99 each enclosed in a tough plastic shell and protected by a metal base plate. A self-closing dust door means the tape is protected from contaminants. F10. Juki 61/6300 and others. S.RP. $280.00 each 17895 INLINE Dynatech Fax Surge Protector DS-LP - Fax protector monitors data lines 0DC2000 S| yy $42. 47 each SRP. a3 9 600. DC600A - 2% Gr govt 4 5 S.R.P. $66.96 each o189 -based telephone or similar accessory. Plugs directly oh 1 AC receptacle, 2 RJ 11 phone 1 | fav each d.GUOBAL Data Caddy 1] 8 Salesman Ss 390 Measuss 24" xe 22"H. Two level FIRST BASE u casters, lower es Continuous orn paper io tne prover and op [I Wall Tap Outlet A2445 - single pe pedestal level fo calch paper from the printer. desk with box and 6001 - Simply plug i locking file drawer. Solid in and the number wood with legs finished to match. S.RP.$12263 each S.RP. $321.28 each 19 FaberCastell Uni-Ball Roller Pens i ~ ", -- = A line of leather light pens. Metal tip and quid ink make writing il =~ 4 a breeze. Av in a variety of popular mk colours. . N i =) The Pot Levey Slay 159 1799: = f/ | . each ye =~ 235 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-7383 P-