mint condition, 28,000 kms. $14,000.00. 985-9165. 1983 FORD Fairmont, 4 door, automatic, air conditioning, am radio, good tires, clean. 985-8628 or 986-5146. F113 1983 CAVALIER wagon, cruise, pulse wipers, am/fm stereo - $2,200.00 or best offer. 986-0437.F 13 1972 CHEVROLET sedan, 350 motor, 76,000 miles. 986-4983. 1985 PONTIAC Parsienne Brougham - good condition, fully loaded. Asking $6,700.00. 985-2034 after 6 p.m. 1979 CHRYSLER Cordoba, red, good condition, asking $1,100.00 or best offer. Call 985-4314 or 985-0095 anytime. F 27 1969 NOVA - $500.00, good winter car. Call 985-2080 or 666-1824. 1987 GRAND AM, 30,000 km., loaded, in excellent condition, lady driven - $10,000.00 or B.O. Phone 985-7880 after 5 or weekends. F 13 1989 DODGE Shadow ES Turbo, air conditioning, am/fm cassette, low kilometers, must sell - 728-7591 or 985-9783. F 27 1968 AMC Javelin, new paint, good motor, needs completion - $1400.00 or B.O. 728-7591 or 985-9783. Fé PRIVATE SALE! - super clean, 1987 loaded customized Astro Van by original owner. Driven by doc- tor's wife since new. Best reasonable offer. Call 985-8116 after 7 p.m. ) Fé 1985 SUBARU GL Wagon, 4 wh drive, cloth interior, am/fm cassette, super clean car - $3,800.00 certified. 1-705-357-3279.F 13 1985 OLDS LODS Cutlass Supreme, V8, air, . am/fm, ps, pb. excellent condition, certified - $7,250.00. 985-7890. 1986 HONDA Civic Wagon - perfect family vehicle, am/fm stereo, 4 dr. hatch back, front wheel drive, spotless, must be seen - $5,900.00 certified. 1-705-357-3279. F 13 1977 TRANS AM excellent condi- tion, stored in winter, ps, pb, air cond., 400 engine, can be seen in storage. 985-7703. 1986 CJ-7 58,000 km. Renegade package, black on black, hard top and soft top - $11,500 certified. 985-2422. Fé 1987 FORD F150 XLT Lariat, loaded, 56,000 km., excellent con- dition $11,500 or take over lease with 100,000 km. warranty. Even- ings 985-9305. J 30 - 1975 FORD VAN - finished in- terior, body good condition, engine needs some work. Best of- fer - 986-4754. F 20 1983 CHEV. Van, original paint, V8, double power, very good con- dition - 985-9828 or 985-3885. F 13 1990 NISSAN King Cab., 5 speed, blue, 6 yr. extended warranty. Call evenings 985-0437 1988 GMC Sierra 2 ton pick-up, 350 cu. Iin., 31,000 km. Asking $12,000 certified. 985-0846. good condition - $4,000.00 or best offer. 986-5288. 1988 POLARIS Indy Sport, good condition - $3,495.00. 728-7591 or 985-9783. Fé 1988 YAMAHA Exciter. Depen- dable & quick; also 1988 North Trall, double traller & ski-boose - $5,800.00. WIll consider selling separately. Please call Jerry after 4 p.m. at 1-640-4333. $1,650.00. track & sliders - 986-4645. 1985 PHAZER Deluxe, brand new wolf pipe & Boysen Reeds, stock exhaust & Reeds Included, track llke brand new, 1500 km. on rebuilt motor, guaranteed, lady driven till last year - must see & drive - $3,800.00. 1-705-277-3551 after 6 p.m. 7500 PLUS BLIZZARD, 1660 miles, excellent condition - $2,500.00; drive through snowmobile shed $500.00. 1-705-357-2140. 1981 ARCTIC CAT 5,000 EL Tigre studded track and carbides - $1,200.00. 985-9685. 1976 PCLARIS 340 - $500.00 or B.O.; 1973 Alouette 340 - $400.00 or B.O.; 1972 Ski Wizz 399 - $200.00 or B.O. 985-0235. 1980 MOTO-SKI Futura, L/C Electric. Only 1300 miles, speedo- tach, shocks, excellent condition' - $2,200.00. Call 728-1577. 1983 SKI-DOO Blizzard 9700 521cc, mint cond. Totally rebuilt - $3,200 or B.O.; 1980 SS440 Yamaha, mint cond., custom paint - $2,300 or B.O.; 1979 John Deere Spitfire 340, good condition, reliable machine - $800. Call 852-3182 for more information. F113 WILL PICK-UP without charge all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. Call 986-4926. OLD woodworking & other trade tools, antiques & collectables. Will buy single items or collections. Phone 416-433-7086 evenings. EOW M & M LIVESTOCK - highest prices paid for disabled & crippl- ed cattle. We also buy old horses. Market prices for colled cows. 416-852-3238 or 705-324-5761. Serv- ing your area for over 10 years. TF HALL RENTAL available, reasonable prices. Call Anne 986-4751 or Sharon 986-4612. EOW KINSMEN HALL - available for dances, meetings and receptions - kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- ing. £85-3736. OFFICE SPACE for rent. Large & fully redecorated. If interested please call 985-2274. Fé HALL SPACE for rent - for bright, pleasant, carpeted meetings, banquets or exercise Space call 985-3213. BASEMENT APARTMENT - 2 bedroom, large bright living room, new broadloom throughout, private entrance, appliances op- tional - $700.00/month. Available immediately 985-3829. 2 BEDROOM apartment, Little Britain - $625 Includes heat & hydro. 985-2235. BEDSITTING ROOM - bath, 3 ap- pliances, waterbed, $375 all in- clusive, south of Port Perry. 728-9759. Fé ICE FISHING hut rentals. Lake Simcoe. Heated huts, bait & tackle. For reservation 985-4018. 190 WORKABLE ACRES between Oshawa & Port Perry, sandy loam, good dralnage, $22/acre, also 60 workable acres near Ashburn. 921-4776 (Toronto). F 6 SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS - one room available in Port Perry area. Call Dave or Jamie after 4:30. 985-0594. 4 BEDROOM house in Seagrave, first & last, references. 985-7852. TF OFFICE SPACE - prime Queen St. location, main floor in profes- sional building. Inquire 985-8451. ONE BEDROOM apartment in Blackstock area. Ideal for young couple or single person. Share kit- chen. Call after 6 p.m. 986-4291.F 6 BUNGALOW - Caesarea - $700.00 plus utilities. Tranquil setting; fresh air, lake access, great for children, 5 min. from store & Hwy. 57, Marina. Now vacant. 432-3874 or 986-5151. FLORIDA WINTER HAVEN. New lux. condo on lake, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fully equip- ped. Tennis court & pool. 30 minutes from Disney World, 5 minutes from Cyprus Gardens. Available March 10 on. $400/weekly U.S. Phone 986-0084 or 263-2259. Fé PERMANENT PART-TIME Receptionist/Secretary required for busy real estate office 2 days per week. Must have pleasant telephone manner, good typing skills and at least 3 years office experience. Please call 985-4427 - ask for Barb. HOG FARM requires truck driver. 'G" licence to start. 986-0916. Fé STONEMOOR DAYCARE CENTRES INC. requires full-time student to clean from 3 to 6 PM If interested phone: 985-0800 Va ATT AE Port Perry & surrounding area. Call 985-8135. F 27 LEGAL SECRETARY - This R.E. Law Firm has an opening for a mature, responsible person with experience In the secretarial areas of purchase, sale, and mor- tage transactions. We make ex- tensive use of a computer network and application programs In- cluding: Land Law, Lotus 1-2-3, and the Symbol Word Perfect. Some facility with computers is required. Please reply In writing with resume to: George L. Smith, P.O. Box 5243, Port Perry, On- tario. LL 1B9. HOMEMAKERS - New rates are here plus paid travel time. Re- quired immediately - mature homemakers for Durham Region. Particularly In Port Perry, Beaverton and Uxbridge areas. Call (416) 433-7600 - Mon.-Fri. 9-5. OVERSEAS JOBS High Demand in Australia, U.K., France & 18 Different Countries. Needs persons willing to work overseas on con- tracts. All trades Super- visory positions also available.' Call: Smart International Incorporated 1-719-687-6084 A DHS "HEALTH CARE "SERVICES 2 Simcoe St. S., Suite 500 RN's & RNA's required for general and private duty in the Uxbridge - Port Perry Area. Please call 571-1511 for further information. Or apply to: DHS HEALTH SERVICES 2 Simcoe St. S., Suite 500 Oshawa,'Ont. L1H 8C1 CRANDELL'S RIVERBOAT requires full & part time WAITRESSES, WAITERS, DISHWASHERS Call for appointment 985-3281 3 BEDROOM house in Port Perry. Call evenings 985-9062. LANDLORDS - houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Mon- day to Friday. TF TWO BEDROOM apartment, heat & water, Queen St., Port Perry. Reply to Box 5, c/o Port Perry Star, 235 Queen St., Port Perry, L9L 189. BEST OFFER ACCEPTED - for clean, main floor bachelor apart- ment in downtown Port Perry. Non-smoker, no pets - leave message 985-4422. Fé OFFICE SPACE - 230 Queen St., Port Perry. One bedroom & bachelor apartments, no pets, no waterbeds, non-smokers. 985-4422 8 leave message. TF NEW 1 BEDROOM apartment, no pets, senlors preferred. First & last - $500.00. Apply to Apt. No. 11, Hillset Apts., Little Britain. Phone 1-705-786-2514. F 20 2 BEDROOM house, completely renovated, in quiet wooded area - Janetville - $700/month plus utilities, no pets please. 1-705-324-4055. Fé PRIVATE STORAGE for fur- niture. Adjustable units to suit your needs. 985-2597. MASONIC Hall available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. New facilities. Call 986-5335. 3 PLUS 1 bedroom home, finish- ed basement In Apple Valley. Walking distance to downtown, $1000/month plus utililties, first & last, no pets, references. Available immediately. Call 985-9777. TF STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA. 16) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA 705) 328-0061 LARGE BACHELOR 1 bedroom apartment, private entrance and drive. Available immediately. Call anytime 985-2368. After hours 985-8075. ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, downtown Port Perry, heated, contalned, single oc- cupancy, no waterbed, no pets. Avallable immediately. Apply Bob's Barber Shop, 160 Queen St. F 13 TWO BEDROOM bungalow, 22 x 22 workshop/garage, Scugog Island, waterfront, $1000 month plus utilities. Call 985-3159 after 6 p.m. F113 ARE YOU LOOKING for retall space without the high cost of business? 200-500 sq. ft. available, lift truck on premises. Call 985-0715 Wed. to Saturday. F 13 TWO BEDROOM - downtown location - $625 month plus utilities. Call 985-3159 after 6 p.m. F113 FOUR CORNERS Caesarea - bachelor apt. Large living room/bedroom, eat In kitchen, bath - $475 inclusive. Call 728-1491 or 986-0762. F113 GREENBANK, private large a}- tractive bedsitting room, fully furnished, kitchen facilities, non- smoker preferred - $125/weekly. 985-4277. or Nestleton areas. TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG FIRE DEPARTMENT No. 2 - CAESAREA requires emergency telephone operators to answer emergency calls and dispatch units. Part-time pay position. Must be a resident of Caesarea, Blackstock For more information contact: JULIE ....... 986-4901 RAY .......... 986-4808 D.H.l. FIELD OFFICERS County. benefit package. The Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corpora- tion has a permanent full-time position vacancy for a D.H.I. Supervisor in the Enfield area -- Durham The successful applicant will be responsible for the monthly weighing and sampling of milk from cows in D.H.I. herds, keeping records and statistical data, and promoting Dairy Herd Improvement. Applicants should have several years experience in dairy farming and/or a diploma in Agriculture. We offer a competitive salary and an excellent Written applications containing qualifications, ex- perience and telephone number should be forward- ed no later than February 9, 1990 to: Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corp. Director Human Resources (File No. C37) 1243 Islington Ave., Suite 512, Toronto, Ontario M8X 1Y9 TOPS'N TRENDS Spring Fashions have arrived. Join our winning team. Home party plan. No deliveries. Call for informa- tion/catalogue - 986-5068. F 27 RESPONSIBLE supervisor per- son to work evenings part-time. Also person to work days part- time. Apply 80 Water St., Port Perry. DAY BABYSITTER for 15 month old child. In town - call after 5 p.m. 985-4336. CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers required. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. It's all yours. Get your Class "A; ; licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Tax deductible, professional training, job assistance, no experience necessary. Merv Orr Transport, Pickering. 1-800-265-3559. TF STONEMOOR DAYCARE CENTRES INC. requires full-time ECE or equivalent Please phone Ask for the supervisor. DAYCARE provided in my home on Scugog Point. All ages welcome, references available. Please call 986-0572. PRECISION CARPENTRY, woodworking and finishing, repairing and renovating. All tricky residential repair tasks ex- pertly considered. Rolf Pedersen 985-8720. MOTHER OF TWO will babysit in my home in Port Perry. Call after 7 p.m. 985-0190. CHILD CARE in my home. Ex- perienced mother, Honey's Beach, all meals provided. 985-0235. MAN WILLING to work for you. Not a company's overhead. Carpentry, drywall, taping, con- crete work. Give Jim a call after 6 p.m. 1-705-786-3130. F13 TWO COAT painting and decorating serving Durham Region for over 10 years. 985-4619. ATTENTION COMMUTERS! | am an enthusiastic mother of one willing to babysit in my home. Hot lunches provided; lots of TLC and snacks, fully fenced yard, reasonable rates, located right on Simcoe 3t. just south of Port Perry. Please call after 6 - 985-4054. DAYCARE avallable in my home. Manchester area. Lots of TLC and activities. 4 yrs. ex- perience, references available. 985-9988. F 27 SNOW PLOUGHING - reasonable rates. Call Tom Armstrong 985-2226. J 30 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 MOBILE: 432-5509 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563