PORT PERRY STAR ~ REAL ESTATE N anD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING VOL.1 No.35 - FIRST CHOICE REAL ESTATE - TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1990 Published weekly by the Port Perry Star Fa. 141 SCUGOG STREET, PORT PERRY 985-9729 R.R. 1, NESTLETON -- HOBBY FARM, DOG KENNEL, ANTIQUE RESTORATION SHOP: Many uses. $295,000. 4 bedroom, 2 storey home situated on 2.95 scenic acres. 2 storey barn with attached garage. Just south of Hwy. 7A on the East 1/4 Line. Call Ted Harvard 985-9729 or Res. 986-4673 for more information. CENTRAL LOCATION IN PORT PERRY 3 bedroom 2 storey home on 66 x 165' serviced lot. Bright eat- in kitchen - dining room has w/o to deck and private rear yard. Detached garage. Super condition and only $229,900. A must to see. Pleage call 985-9729 for your appointment to view. Lots of things to consider if you plan to buya summer retreat It's that time of the year again when many of us welcome a quiet retreat from the hustle and bustle of urban life. For many On- tario residents, the "cabin," "chalet" or "camp" has become the place to seek peace and relaxation. Vacation homes come in all shapes and sizes. We refer to them by a variety of names, depending on where we live in Ontario. For'ifi-~ stance, what ,northerners call a "camp" in the Lake Superior area, is very similar to a winterized "cot- tage' north of Toronto. A vacation home can be anything from a year-round " weekend retreat in a quiet country setting to a one- room cabin along a remote lake. Whatever the style, most of us want a place where we can enjoy swim- ing, boating, waterskiing, hing, skiing and a varie- ty of other outdoor activities, If yowfe in the market for a cottage, start by deciding what style suits you and your family best. What leisure activities are impor- tant to you? These should be available within a short driving distance. Next, consider how much you are prepared to spend on the purchase. Cottage prices have risen dramatically over the past few years. In areas north of Toronto, cottages that sold for $35,000 five years ago now sell for well over $100,000. Not only are prices rising, but there's a shortage of good waterfront lots within easy driving of major urban centtes all over Ontario. To find something suitable that yoy can afford, you may have to lower your expectations. If prices seem too high, try a more remote location, an inland proper- ty near water, an older cot- tage in need of repair, an island, or a vacant lot that can be built on later. Prices for island cottages are sometimes lower because of their restricted access. Lots on islands also tend to be more private and larger than along built-up shorelines. But there are also some disadvantages: everything has to be brought in by boat and some islands are impossible reach for several months a year when the lake is not frozen enough to make the ice safe. Also, it's more ex- Turn to Page 2 * ASHBURN - BLACKSTOCK - BROOKLIN CAESAREA - COLUMBUS EPSOM - GREENBANK - JANETVILLE LITTLE BRITAIN - NESTLETON PORT PERRY - PRINCE ALBERT SEAGRAVE - SUNDERLAND - UTICA UXBRIDGE and surrounding hamlets & villages. @he Boul Perey Sa READ EVERY WEEK BY OVER 20,000 PEOPLE IN THESE COMMUNITIES * I