ba BE 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 19, 1990 Remember When? (From page 7) Cedar Creek News - Lorne Martyn has returned home from a motor trip to British Columbia. He was accompanied by George Kight of Utica. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ploughman were pleasantly surpris- ed over the weekend to have a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stephenson of Manitoba, formerly of Cartwright Township. They were renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 25, 1970 Glenn Wanamaker was elected Grand Warden of the Ontario Lodge of Oddfellows at the Royal York, Toronto on Saturday. This is the first time in 100 years the honours have been confer- red on a member of the Port Perry Lodge. Congratulations to Joanne Jackson, Mary Nelson and Alice Vanderheide, Port Perry High School students who participated in the Ontario Senior Math Competition and scored well above the provincial average. Seagrave News - Congratulations to Catharine Nicholls, Bon- nie Short, Alvin Nicholls and Diane Barr, all of whom earned honour standings in the recent piano examinations. Greenbank News - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lee on their 40th wedding anniversary. They were entertained at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Glenn Smith, assisted by Helen Lee. More than seventy-five friends and relatives shared the occasion. Chris and Allen Rutherford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Szulak of Oshawa and son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford of Seagrave, respectively, have both received honours, Bachelor of Art degrees on May 29th at Trent Univer- sity, Peterborough. 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, June 18, 1980 By a recorded vote of 5-2, Scugog council has decided to push ahead for a new library site on Water Street. The Ministry of Health has granted a licence for the Port Perry Ambulance Service to Brad Luke of Port Perry, son-in- law of the late Charles Brignall who operated the service until his death in January of this year. Community Hospital Board chairman Jim Marlow presented long-service pins to employees at the Board's annual meeting. Recipients were Helen Campbell, Jean Mountjoy, Raymond Found, Marilyn Hoskin, Joan Kane and Marie Perigoe. Riding the crest of the new wave sound in rock & some re- -cent front-page publicity, Frankie Vernom & Teenage Head hit Scugog Island Sunday night much to the delight of 632 youthful patrons who paid $6 to see and hear one of the hottest groups in the country. Co : Vern Asselstine of R.R. 2, Blackstotk was honoured recent- ly as Yamaha Dealer of the Year for the Central Ontario District. This is the second year in a row that he has received the award for sales & customer service. Sandra Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Johnston graduated on June 11 with a B.A. in Psychology from Western University. A break-in at Aldred's Store on Scugog Island during the night of June 15 netted theives a small quantity of cigarettes and candy. rr conizers of a benefit dance held Friday to help build Harold Medd a new home, report a profit of $300. More than 100 Beavers and their leaders gathered at the Blackstock Fairgrounds on Saturday for the annual Beaver-ree to mark the end of another season. HOW DOES READERSHIP INCREASE AS YOU INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE AD? Increasing the size of an ad increases reader- ship dramatically. Above 36 column inches, the increase in readership flattens out, as there are fewer potential readers left to add (you've al- ready grabbed the attention of most readers with this size ad). The readers added by a large attention compelling size ad are more apt to be new prospects rather than current customers. Letters io the editor Apathy towards arena proposal To the Editor: I attended with great interest, the open council meeting on June 11, re: The Scugog Recreation complex. I was certainly surpris- ed at the poor turnout by the citizens of Scugog and especially those of Port Perry, who will benefit most from these new facilities. Less than 70 people at- tended, 15 of those were making presentations. Perhaps many residents assume that they will get what they want without having to lift a finger in support. If people won't spend 1% hours of time in a meeting to show interest/support how does the Scugog Recreational Steering Committee expect them to spend money on fundraising for the project? In my opinion the apathy demonstrated by local residents indicated indifference not support. In the same light, in another open meeting held on May 14/70 where the Consultant and Committee presented the final report to Council, 2 in- terested members of the public attended, myself included. I attended a Council meeting on April 23, 1990 where a delegation of well over 100 residents from Ward IV petitioned for a proposal In need of newsprint To the Editor: We would like to thank the residents of the Region of Durham for their continued sup- port of the blue box recycling program. With your help we have col- lected 8 500 tons of newspaper, glass and cans this year so far. We want to do more! The Centre has received orders for newspaper which can not be filled without your help. Please place your bundled newspaper out for recycling. Remember every ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees. Yours truly, Glenda Gies, General Manager, Durham Recycling Centre Inc., JULY 3rd - SEPT 1st, 1990 FEATURING SIX PLAYS THE PRISONER OF SALTWATER MOON SECOND AVENUE 7 land french by Neil Simon AUGUST 7-11 2 WEEKS JULY 3-14 MURDER AT THE HOWARD JOHNSON'S SINNERS by Ron Clark & Sam Babrick by Norm Foster 2 WEEKS AUGUST 14-21 JULY 17-21 SHAKING LIKE A LEAF THE DEATH OF DRACULA {A tribute to Danny Kaye) compiled by by Warren Graves 2 WEEKS Launie Pearce JULY 24 - AUG 4 AUGUST 28 - SEPT 1 MATINEES WEDNESDAYS 200 PM CHILDREN'S PLAYS THURSDAYS 1008 230PM $3 00 SAVE $18.00 ORDER SEASON TICKETS NOW a8 for 880.00 Only until July 7, 1990 ' AT THE AIR CONDITIONED ACADEMY THEATRE DOWNTOWN LINDSAY, 2 LINDSAY ST. S. 324-9114 to erect a new arena in Blackstock. How is it that one small ward can generate such en- thusiasm and an entire Township can only muster 70 interested people? To continue in this June 11th meeting, I continually heard each presenter stress the "need" for improved facilities with the ma- jority of speakers emphasizing that a new ice surface and ban- quet hall was first and foremost. I agree, we do need more ice facilities. With that in mind, would it not make sense to use the newly renovated recreation hall with superb banquet facilities, in Blackstock and add a new ice sur- face to the existing facility? It would save tax dollars and the likelihaod of having this pro- ject approved would indeed be more plausible. In one sweep, it would bring the entire Township together. The enthusiasm of Ward IV for new facilities at the ex- isting site in Blackstock would certainly be an asset for fundrais- ing and support. The fitness area and squash courts could be tabled until the Township could be financially responsible or perhaps private enterprise may look to building a fitness/squash/racquet ball facili- ty in the future with some incen- tive from Council. I certainly hope that Council will look long and hard at this pro- ject. It is not just'a matter of wan- ting it to "dress up" Port Perry. Being responsible representatives of the Township, I hope you will look at all the possibilities and im- plications of such a project and act accordingly. Anne Ingram, Nestleton, Ont. Editor's Note: The above letter was sent to Scugog Township council, with a copy for publica- tion in the Port Perry Star. Nice profit for arena To the Editor: We would like to thank' everyone who attended the 1st An- nual Antique & Craft Show & Sale held at the Scugog Arena on June 9 & 10. The attendance for the 2 day event was over 1,400, making this a very successful show. The Arena Board realized a profit of $6,400 which is being used to cover the operating costs at the arena. Special thanks to Ringette and Minor Hockey for volunteering time to work at the show and also Nancliff Antiques for the use of their truck. Thanks also to Port Perry UCW for supplying refreshments for the show - especially those muffins and pies! Next year show dates are set for June 8 & 9 and hope to see you there. Winner of the '""Marbleworks" donated by Leslie Sachse of Discovery Toys was H. Venedam of Uxbridge. Scugog Arena Board, Ron Cosway, Glen McCoy, Jim Tower, Butch Simms, Ivan Geer, Yvonne Christie, and Don Cochrane Enjoy soccer 'minis' To the Editor: I truly enjoyed 'Random Jot- tings' Tues. June 12 column on soccer. Having been associated with the Scugog Youth Soccer Club for the past five years I have watch- ed these mini players increase from 4 teams to 12 teams this year (some. 120 players). My children are in the Pee Wee and Bantam divisions now, but I will quite often go and watch the minis play, I have seen players run off the field give "Mum a kiss and right back on the field into the play. One player who was told by the coach his position was defence and to stay there, did just that as the opposition went right past the player. The club trains its referees by having them start in the mini divi- sion. I know of no other sport where the refs ask to do the minis since they are so much fun. The refs have their arms & legs tugg- ed, and the minis always ask the ref - could they blow the whistle next time? The club is busy arranging the 3rd Annual Festival Days Tourna- ment to be held at the 'Old Lawn Bowling Green' on Queen St.. This is always an exciting event - so mark July 14 on your calendar. Re Washrooms: The Soccer Club will be re-applying for a grant from The Ministry of Tourism & Recreation for one- third of the cost of the "Club House/Washroom." We're hoping to be able to erect this facility in 1991 for about $50,000. The Township of Scugog have ear- marked some $25,000 for this pro- ject. With the grant of approx. $16,500., the Soccer Club must raise approx. $8,500. In a little over a year we have raised $4,800 through profits from the snack bar, donations of $10 for a brick (donators name will appear on a plaque in the new facility). The Executive recently hosted the OFSSA Rugby Championship and realized from the snack bar and field fees a profit of $1,000 which was put into the building fund account. In 1990 we have 33 registered teams representing some 404 players. The travelling teams play teams from Uxbridge- Stouffville-Manvers-Oshawa- Whitby-Ajax-Pickering and West Rouge. In order to make this 'Club House/Washroom' happen - we must get our fund raising over the top. If the parents of the 404 players made a donation of $10 for each of their children playing soc- cer, the club would reach its goal of $8,500. Anyone wishing to make a donation can obtain a donation form at the snack bar or just send your donation to Scugog Youth Soccer Club - Building Fund, Box 585, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A5. We must push hard and get the job done now! Yours truly, R. Cosway Building Fund - Chairman Scugog Youth Soccer Club. IF YOUR AD WAS HERE Over 20,000 people could have read It this week. call the PORT PERRY STAR 985-7383 fr rn ee A Rae ar ae a a aR Ee a ea Chan a ---- Ne! GS ER