lL | a TNR TTTRTEa. TYTN . 4 bf Lat - Thelma and Jim Hall were the lucky winners of a patio set from Standard Trust. The draw for the patio set was part of Standard Trust's Spring Savings Campaign. from left to right are: Julie Abraham (Standard Trust employ- ee), Alyssa Robert, Thelma Hall, Jim Hall, Curtis Robert, and Karen Sanders Standard Trust employee). Sunrooms - Screened Porches Decks and Verandas FREE ESTIMATES CALL: EDWARDS CONSTRUCTION 985-9305 Pictured The Ladie's Bible Class met at the home of Bernice Gardner last Wednesday afternoon with 9 ladies present. Our theme for the worship service was "Friend- ship," opening the meeting with singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."' Scripture Psalm 1 was read by Chrissie McKinney. Meditation was titled "A Shelter- ing Tree." Joan Knight led in prayer. Hymn, '"'Jesus is all the World to Me" was sung. Sheila Parrott was in charge of the pro- gramme and gave us an in- teresting talk on love, closing with prayer. Lovely refreshments were served by our hostess. Our next meeting will be in September. Last Friday evening nearly 40 ladies gathered together at the church hall for a shower in honour of Moyra Dobson on her for- thcoming marriage. It was a real fun night for all as we laughed and chatted and shared in Moyra's happiness. Theo and Joan Knight attended the Polkinghorne - Brunner wed- ding at Kedron United Church last Saturday. Visiting with Grant and Sheila Parrott recently were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hooper of Orillia. Arnold Ashton from Toronto visited with his parents Doug and Florence Ashton on Sunday. John and Betty Cincurak visited with relatives at Leam- ington over the weekend. Rev. McEntryre delivered a very inspiring sermon on Sunday morning, titled 'They Were Call- ed Chrisitans." His text has from Acts 22, verse 25. Sheila Parrott and Debbie Batten read the Scrip- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 19, 1990 -- 11 ~ Clowns, crafts, and side shows at Ashburn Canada Day picnic tures. Next Sunday's sermon will be '"Where Each One Counts." The choir sang "Happy the Home' and a solo by Moyra Dobson. Ashburn's July 1st Canada Day Picnic is rapidly approaching. B.B.Q. lunch will be served from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.. Events include clown acts, craft table, contests, penny carnival, cake cutting ceremony, village photo, side shows, prizes and a celebration of the Canada Day Flag (25th An- 'niversary). Lots of fun and food join with your friends at Ashburn Park to celebrate Canada Day. This event is sponsored by the Community Centre. Bill Cassidy who has lived in the Lindsay area for a number of years, passed away last week. His funeral was conducted from Towne's Chapel in Whitby last Friday. Bill, his wife Margaret and family were former residents of Ashburn. Yard Sale at hall July 7 Next Sat. June 23 is the day for the Strawberry Social with musical program at the Island United Church. So get your tickets right soon to be assured of suffi- cient supplies. I hope you still have your little green flier that reminded us of the Annual Women's Institute giant yard sale at the Community Hall Saturday July 7. Your unwanted items that you wish to donate will be picked up the previous Sat. if you call 985-7616 or 0407 or 7426. At this time we are re pleased to congratulate our life long resident Maurice Fralick when he receiv- ed honours from the Oddfellows Lodge, having been a loyal member for 60 years. Though physical comfort does not permit him to attend regularly, he was proud to attend for his special night when he was presented with his Certificate of Merit and a 60 yr. pin on May 28 by the Grand Lodge of Ontario the Head of which is centred in Toronto. As chairman of the telephone committee Maurice is saddened to report the decease of a well known member, Earl Martyn. At this time we all join Maurice in expressing sympathy to the many Martyn relatives. In 60 yrs. Maurice has certain- ly met a lot of brothers in the Lodge. We all congratulate Maurice & trust he may ex- perience the joy of many more years of membership. BROCK'S BACK of the STORE SARS ) SALE "La 05' C Clothing "Children's s Clothing - Men' s Wear Wear - Undergarments - Socks Drapery. Hardware - and Much Morel 5 ALL Sales Final - No Credit - No. Lay away 8 BROCK'S - QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY aE