lete and cross country running award. Christmas Greenbank Public School held Its awards day Friday. Winners are tron, from left) Alexis Stevenson, greatest progress primary level; Alaina Davis, primary academic award; Wendy McWilllams, greatest progress senior level; Suzl Gascoyne, public speaking; Rene Parish, hardest worker and Grade 6 English award; (back row) Lindsay Kearns, top female athlete and best performance; Teresa Hancock, highest academic achievement, citizenship award and school safety patrol award; Brandy Harris, music award; Carl Phoenix, top male ath- What's so funny about In summer? CHEVY CHASE Chevy Chase is at his best!" - David Sheehan, KNBG-TV "I laughed myself silly. 'Christmas Vacation' jingled my bells!" - Pia Lindstrom, WNBC-TV CHRISTMAS VACATION "Funnier than the first 'Vacation.' Dla 5 68 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-9888 Open July 1 and 2 Also available in Brooklin & Oshawa Colour/97 Minutes #11889 $109.95 HiFi VHS/Beta - . ©1990 Wamer Home Video Inc. ca-- OM) OSE Church Service will be at the usual hour next Sunday. Greenbank Outdoor Church Service will be held on July 8th followed by a picnic lunch and games in the park. Vacation Bible School for July 3,4,5,6, at Greenbank Church will be from 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers are needed for crafts and music. Please contact Suzanne Lee at 985-2006. Greenbank Afternoon Unit U.C.W. is having a bake sale at the church on Friday, June 29. Please have baking in by 1:30 p.m.. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rodd have arrived home from a trip to Europe. They visited Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Germany. The highlight of the trip was the Pas- sion play in Oberammergan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Washburn of Mississauga and Mrs. Wm. Walker of Thornhill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arther Couves one day last week. Margaret Couperthwaite at- tended the ceremony of unveiling the plaque at the Recognition Tower at Uxbridge Cottage Hospital on Saturday. The annual Baird Family Reu- nion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix on Sun- day. The number present was down this year but the 68 who were present enjoyed the day under the cloudy sky. Awards Day was held Friday, June 22nd at Greenbank School. Congratulations to all who won awards. The Grade 6 graduation class enjoyed a swimming party at the home of Jennifer Galberg after the awards ceremony. Thanks to the Galberg Family. Preparations have started for the annual Beef Barbecue. News next week 852-6993 or 985-2924. "LARS. a - GREYSTONE RESTAURANT on the SHIRLEY ROAD, Port Perry Monday &Tuesday - CLOSED Wednesday & Thursday 4 to 11 Friday 11 to Midnight Saturday Noon til Midnight Sunday 11 AM to 9 PM From Wednesday $2.99 Spaghetti throughSunday Brunch and Sunday Evening Family Dinners ... it's Great Food and Reasonable Prices at ... THE GREYSTONE CLOSED Friday Evening June 29th from 6 PM on for a Private Party SATURDAY NIGHT Clam Chowder or Caesar Salad Veal Parmagiana .... Broiled -- Salmon .... 985-9713 $9.75 or $11.25 , , Po) RY) *, bh) , > A ATATA RATATAT TATE TR TE TET Wr, 27 LOE IE EIEN III IN "' hy 'a ' NN 7 hy oh ' >, AAA RARER RAR ARAYA NRA RRS RIES LI A III ENNIS ee 8 SSS 2 SN ni hE LN NN NL. NLM. NE. MN. MM RY) AA SN) ov] PELICAN PIERS NL yy 7 7 Pd a et AA yr 7 7 Pd oo) [ SN) SN " NY vv] Bring on the Summer Ve yr 2 7 2 re) > IAY h SN 9 fd "J 8 "1 ls yy 7 7 , SN NY o i 7, 7 hd AAA bh SN NY yy 72 7 AAA /] [x.>2] Check out these great savings .. oon) wrull NON yy, 2 7 Lo 4 wi b CANE yy 7 "J Lr rd Foti SN SY , 7 Nad ASE Pg ( ) 155452 7 rr." . yy 72 7 LS, AAA LANE yy 7 7 y 7 7 ¥ All STOCK ont yy 72 7 y 7 7 SN NS NY Vy 7 7 y 72 7 as] AAA NON * * ANN Sportswear * Dresses * Coats 0 NON 9 7s 7 * s : y 2 7 ANY Swimwear * Lingerie AS oo SANA * NIN Jewellery * Belts * Hats 20 AA . INNA NN EVERYTHING SALE , AR on (3,7) NS] SN NY id { Re NN - NA 4 LJ NSN NN OY Rd po 2 NON 9 V So , -- ') ;' Rh "J " 2 7 oF , -- fashions and accessories -- 2] 2 237 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-8221 '. 4 'J Vy ' RN a i --t i i TTT oo ry ro Co IIE IRIE IRI III IRI III II IV A AY] nr 7 7 PAA AAA ATATAT ATA AT ATA ATA TATAY AN AVAVAVAVATA YAR YER TRIE YES NN NN NNN RAN NN NNN NNN NNN 4 A. 50. 2. 5 LE I RY SE LR PREY .