HH Tr I HIE i errr rym A I EH HT I TE = r= 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE -- Tuesday, June 26, 1990 tre i LG Bs RS FoF a + RY; y % pb SEES "DORMAT ESTATES Limited hereby gives notice that it intends to dissolve pursuant to the Business Corporations Act, 1982. DATED at Whitby, this 20th day ofJune, 1990." BOARD AVAILABLE at private stable, quality care, reasonable. 985-3397. NEED A FRIEND? Call a new friend at the Distress Centre. 433-1121 or 433-1861. ATTENTION Ladies Nails by Pat. Sheilas Hairstyling. Call for appointment 985-2274, still at 117 Perry St. NATURAL HERB THERAPIST, Iridologist, Reflexologist. Tired of working on symptoms? Let's get to the root cause. Drugless therapy, herbs, vitamins, nutri- tional guidance avallable. Sunderland 1-705-357-2321. TF PORT PERRY Small Engine now open Saturday. Riding lawnmowers, snowmobiles, etc. Last yellow buildings on left, Reach Industrial Park. 985-0095. J 31 KAREN E. HUNT, C.P.E. Elec- troylsis, permanent hair removal, medically approved, member of E.A.O., member F.E.A.C., pro- fessional & confidential. 985-9085. 169 North St., Port Perry Ontario L9L 1B7 DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 285-8416 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS REPORT CARD PICK UP AT PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL THURSDAY, JUNE 28 from 9:30 - 11:30 and 2:00 - 4:00 NOTE: The School office will be closed July 2 and from July 23 to August 10 inclusive. OSHAWA FAMILY FITNESS & HEALTH CLUB includes: Turkish steam, sauna, welght training aerobics tanning & ton- ing beds, for men & women swim- ming pool & Jacuzzi. Monthly rates only. 432-2433. J 4 STRAWBERRY PICKERS - WANTED - ALSO PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES at the FEDDEMA'S East of Port Perry on Hwy. 7A Across from the Esso Station PHONE 986-4573 SCUGOG MOVING . STORAGE nc. -- PORT PERRY -- 25 Years Experience sus. 985-3761 If no answer call: (Res.) 985-7288 "Free Wardrobe Service" ATTENTION -- VETERANS Ex-Servicemen & Women & Dependents -, 986-5424. The D.V.A. Counsellor, Wendy McNeice, will be visiting Branch 419, Port Perry stas/ Royal Canadian Legion on July 11th, YON 1990 at 10:00 AM. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance on Vets Allowances or Disablility Pensions, contact Jack Lee at NOTICE SCUGOG TOWNSHIP HOLIDAY GARBAGE PICK-UP CHANGES Mon. July 2nd Pick up on Tues. July 3rd. Tues. July 3rd Pick up on Wed. July 4th. Have a Safe & Happy Holiday PEDERSEN TRUCKING & DISPOSAL DOWSON"S WATER HAULAGE Dependable PURE SPRING WATER WELLS - CISTERNS - POOL - etc. Service & Prompt Delivery -- 7 Days a Week Call Today: 985-3 £1 | 'CELLULAR PHONE DISPATCHER' Serving Your Area Driving School 2985-81249 SUMMER SPECIAL CLASSES Ont. Safety League Certificate Tax Deductible Low Insurance ATTENTION - VETERANS Ex-Servicemen & Women and Dependents The Royal Bureau Officer, MR. GORD ALGUIRE will be visiting BRANCH 419, PORT PERRY on JULY 23rd, 1990 Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding: (a) War Disability Pension; (b) Treatment for Entitled Veterans; (c) Application for Benevolent Funds; (d) Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows' Allowance; is requested to contact Jack Lee at 986-5424 before July 4th 1990 to arrange an interview Canadian Legion Service By re THE F 1 Bonnie N Ballingall 1 985-8732 S TOoUucH 1 * Furniture N im G - We also buy & sell - MMERSON I LID INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 BUSINESS SERVICES - typing, resumes, Income tax, etc. 985-9315. F113 If you see ... Michelle Stevenson on June 29th wish her a Happy 16th Birthday! PLUS BUS TRIP -- Peterborough Festival of Lights, Wed., July 11. Liftlocks cruise, evening meal, 'Concert In the Park' feature entertainer, Lighted sail-past. Fireworks. Highway coach. 655-8550. J 26 YARD & BAKE Sale, Scugog Island Hall, Sat., July 7 - Doors open 10 a.m. fo 1 p.m. Lunch available. Sponsored by Scugog Island Women's Institute. Dona- tions needed. Will pick up. Phone 985-0407 - 985-7426 - 985-7616. J 4 BOX TRAILER with racks, 4 x 8 ft., excellent condition - $400.00. 985-3723. 12 FT. ALUMINUM boat & 8 h.p. Chrysler motor. 433-0625. 3 PIECE CORNER sectional set with two seat couch, corner table and fold out day bed, good condi- tion - $75.00. 985-3158. "HAY, STANDING or large round bales, delivery available. 986-0657. J 10 SCOTT'S CATSKILL MOUN- TAIN RESORT - July 16 - 20, 1990 - includes coach transportation, 4 nights accommodation, all meals and entertainment while at Scotts (reknowned show performed by the Scotts family). Service of an escort. Space limited, phone to- day. CHAUTAUQUA, New York - Roger Whittaker July 24 - 26, 1990 - Includes coach transportation, 2 nights hotel, 2 breakfasts, 2 din- ners, an evening with Ray Whit- taker, Polynesian fireshow, shop- ping & more. Space limited, phone today. ALGONQUIN TRAVEL, Knobb Hill Farms Complex 416-434-8800, toll free 1-800-263-3785, 5 Points Mall 436-7474. HAY & WHEAT & straw for sale - $1.50 per bale. 985-9040. TF BRAND NEW Welder free stan- ding home gym. Asking $200. Set of snow tires for S15 truck. Asking $200. 986-5045. QUILT TOPS - various patterns, Sunderland 1-705-357-3836 evenings. TRUCK CAMPER - fits small box truck, sleeps 4, asking $1000 or best offer. 852-6771 after 6 p.m. VINYL FLOORING - Domco 77 sq. yds., never used, grey marble design. Paid $1496.00 - sell for $1000.00. 986-0711. CONGRATULATIONS to a special Grade 8 Graduate RICK OLAISEN Love -- Mom, Don & Mike ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. & Mrs. Fred Landon and Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeHaas wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Christina Lynn & Steven Gregory. Wedding to take place July 28, at 3:00 p.m. at St. James United Church, Peterborough Ontario. PIONEER DAYS at the Scugog Shores Museum, June 30 and Ju- ly 1.12-5p.m. FIRESIDE - What is the Bahal faith. Informal meeting, Sat., June 29 - Dave & Sylvie Gardner. 985-8396 - All Welcome. RESERVE the evenings of July 6 8 7 for Blackstock tractor & truck pulls. RE-UNION REESOR FAMILY in Canada JUNE 30, 1990 10:30 A.M. Markham Fair Grounds McCowan Rd. and 18th Ave. BINGO - Nestleton Community Center, Friday, June 29 - 7:30 p.m. Proceeds. going to St. Ber- nadettes Building Fund. 13' FIBERGLASS boat, 28 h.p. motor - $1,000 or B.O. 985-3420. BUILDING LOT on County Road 28, south and west of Little Britain - $69,000.00. Call Irene Gray 953-9932 (Oakwood) or Marvin Kine 786-2995 (Little Britain) Joe Kirley Real Estate. 2 snows/rims, vacuums and miscellaneous Items. Nestleton Rd. North, right on first concession. firewood, SAT., JUNE 30 - July 1 & 2 7 Mary St., Blackstock. Toys, books, chandelier and many more useful items from 6 different households. 4 FAMILY SALE - Fri. Sat., Mon. June 29, 30, July 2. 1 mile east of north Nestleton, 8th conc. Something for everyone. 3 FAMILY yard sale - 20 Simcoe St. N., June 30 - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Furniture, lawn chairs, new toaster-oven, 4 plece white cast patio set, electric trimmer, new luggage and lots more. HUGE GARAGE & yard sale, Sat. June 30 & Sun. July 1- 7A & West % line. Furniture, clothes and much more. NEIGHBOURHOOD yard sale - Sat., June 30 - Dead end Summit Dr., Caesarea - last eight homes - 9-4 p.m. ALSO REGAL GIFT clearance. Sat. June 30 from 9-5. Something for everyone, 665 Simcoe St. N., Port Perry. Watch for signs. HUGE GARAGE & yard sale - Reach Industrial Park. Last yellow bldg. on left side. Fur- niture, dishes, tools, lamps, books, videos, etc. Open every Saturday. from 8-5. 2 FAMILIES - Sat., June 30, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Furniture, bedding, exterior doors, electric typewriter, clothing, odds & ends. Rain or Shine. Cedaridge Drive, Mariposa Estates, Seagrave. CONTINUING large garage & yard sale over the holiday weekend - 2 mi. east of Port Perry off 7A. STREET YARD Sale - 10th Con. Platten Island, just past Goreskl's Marina - June 30 from 8 a.m. - § p.m. MULTI-FAMILY - one mile east: of Nestleton, Sat., June 30. MULTI-FAMILY yard sale - This Saturday & Sunday: Hwy. 7A east to Janetville Road, first house on left. Lots of great stuff. BLACKSTOCK - 26 Sunrise Dr., Sat. 9-3 p.m. Apartment size Hoover washer/dryer, clothes, toys, games. Something for everyone. BIG YARD Sale - starting now un- til all sold. Camper trailer - fully equipped, 3%2 H.P. outboard motor as new, violin & guitar, master bedroom suite, 100 more items. On Island Rd. 8 miles from Hwy. 7A. Phone 985-4745. 4 YEAR OLD registered quarter horse, mare, 14.3, professionally trained, great blood lines, super disposition. Must sell. Open to of- fers. 985-8662. TWO USED FRIDGES - excellent for cottages - $75 each; quantity glass shower doors - 36 x 36; woodstove & 8 ft. of chimney - $200 complete. 985-9828 or 985-3885.) 4 RIDING LAWNMOWER MTD, 8 h.p., 34" cut, hydrostatic drive, good shape - $600.00. 986-0605. NIKON 20/20 camera body. Built- in motor drive. Adaptable to auto focus and manual lenses. Has flash sync speed of 1/125th. Shut- ter speed up to 1/2000th of a se- cond - $325.00. Call 985-0819 after 5p.m. J 4 TOP SOIL - large quantities of good clean top soil - delivered. Phone after 6 p.m. 985-7013. J 10 AIR CONDITIONER - recondi- tioned, BTU 11,000 - $300. Call after 6 p.m. 985-3147. HAY & STRAW - delivered, round & square bales, small & large lots. Tom Beers (705) 432-2675. J 10 14 FOOT CEDAR strip speed boat - $500; 10 speed bike - mens - $25; over 100 pounds plastic weights, bar bell and bench - $75. Suitable for Cottage: kitchen table and 6 chairs - $60; antique wooden arm chair - $10; large humidifier - $50. 985-7458. JOHN DEERE post driver - $1400; peeled cedar poles 18 - 36 foot lengths. 985-2615 after 6. J 4 PADDLE BOAT SALE -- Save $175.00 - $200.00 off list. Quality Canadian made craftsmanship. We also carry quality canoes, fishing boats & inflatables. VIC- TORIA MARINE - 852-3685. J 26 BOAT TOPS, boat seats, com- plete marine Interiors, June Special: cockpit covers, 15' boat from $200.00; moblle service. Pappy's Marine Upholsterers, 985-4857 (P.P.); 831-3086 (Ajax). J 26 CANADA DAY FIREWORKS - SALE - June 29th to July 2nd DISCOUNT PRICES Come celebrate with us! Hwy. 7A across from the Port Perry Plaza