aan a i a a a a i aa i a ee a wa iE i a a i i aa 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE -- Tuesday, July 17, 1990 PART BORDER Collie pups - $20. Dale Van Camp. 986-0097. 15 FT. CRICKET speed boat with 55 h.p. Johnson. Completely reconditioned from ground up. In- cludes new battery, 4 life jackets, gas tank, anchor and oars, tune up at beginning of season. $4,700.00 firm. Call Clint 985-877" after 6. RASPBERRIES - Order, or pick your own. Windmill Acres. 985-9939. Ja BOAT LIFT - Suitable for a 16 foot boat. 985-2175. OUTBOARD MOTOR 32 h.p. as new - $395, Violin - $125, small organ $25. Phone 985-4745. BOAT - 25' Peterborough, 230 h.p., Cobra 1.0., fully equipped, 260 hrs. Call (416) 985-8577. Jn 1988 SUNRAY Express, 16 ft. Bowrider with 1988 Yamaha 130 h.p. motor. EZ hauler traller in- cluded - $13,200. Call 985-4163.J 17 STOP SMOKING/Loose weight with lazer therapy the safe easy way -- Call Stillers Wellness Cen- tre. 985-7657. ROYAL SPAS - available at Over Ridge Renovators 985-0715. NEW HOURS - Closed Mon, Tues. & Wed.; Thurs. & Fri. - 10-6, Sat. 9-5. LAWN & GARDEN tractors, us- ed - 8, 10, 12, 16 & 19 h.p., MTD, Allis-Chalmers, Bolens & M.F. models. New Dutz-Allis models on sale. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283. KARCHER 1000psi power washer, sale $585.00; other models on sale. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283. ALLIS-CHALMERS 904 mower conditioner, MF 124 Baler, Allled hydraulic stooker, MF haymower, all excellent. Good deals on new Dutz-Allis hay equip- ment and tractors. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock. 986-4283. CHESTERFIELD & chair, ex- cellent condition - $295.00. Phone 985-2150. 12 FT ALUMINUM boat, 30" GE, avacado green, self-clean stove, 7% h.p. motor, 18' Sears dishwasher. Any reasonable of- fers - Call after 5 p.m. 985-3239. APPLE 2C computer, monitor and printer and some software. Used very little - $650.00. 985-2143. LUGGAGE TRAILER - 22 cubic ft. (42 x 60 x 18') light weight trailer with a lockable lid and a bike rack. The perfect thing for a vacation with a small car, spare wheel included - $425.00. 985-2143. SCUBA TANK regulator, 1980 Dodge wagon - $500.00, Rockwell wood lathe. - $450.00, Mahogarty lumber - $2.00/foot. 985-0315. HAY WAGON - No. 1 - quality. 986-0681. CHILD'S BEDROOM Red tubular metal interchangeable bunk beds with posture boards, mattresses, mattress covers, sheets, cabbage patch comforters, 4 drawer dresser, 2 drawer bedside chests. Excellent condition - $650. Will give away green sectional couch, 2 tub chairs, armchair, 2 - 9 drawer dressers - need work. 985-3139 or 649-1364. 1984 12° ALUMINUM boat, oars, new gas tank, 4.5 h.p. Mercury motor - $1,350.00 - good condition. 985-8201. THREE WHEEL power chair 2000FS, brand new. Call 985-0894 Port Perry. AB SAND, GRAVEL, limestone. Gary Carter 985-8588. J24 WEDDING INVITATIONS - 25 percent off till July 31st. Complete slik flower package. Rentals, etc., Personalized service. 985-0542. WOODWORKERS - 15" thickness planer with stand & extension rollers, in-feed & out-feed, extra set of knives - $1,000. 985-2443. 1980 CHEVETTE - running order $350 as Is or nearest offer. 985-9597. ' 1979 CHEV. Impala 305, V8, good condition - $800 uncertified. 705-277-3083. 1990 PONTIAC 6000 SE, loaded - must sell or take over lease. Ask for Harris - Oshawa 576-1816.J 17 J WANTED - CARS & trucks for wrecking. Brown's Auto Wreckers, Reach Industrial Park. 985-7226 or 985-0095. J 3 HAY 'WANTED - good quality, square bales. 986-068). WANT TO BUY -- good condition paperbacks & hard cover, comic & sport cards. Will come to your home. Twice Told Tales 985-0979. NEWLY RENOVATED one bedroom bachelor apartment, single occupancy preferred, available . Immediately $575/month, utilities included. 985-9430. FARMHOUSE barn and approx- imately 10 acres. 985-2621. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE 2 year old Viceroy, View Lake area - $830.00 plus utilities, close to park and lake, fridge & stove included, 20 minutes to Port Perry. Avallable Sept. 1, good references. (705) 277-3551 or work 986-4932 Brian. M & M LIVESTOCK - highest prices pald for disabled & cripp!- ed cattle. We also buy old horses. Market prices for colled cows. 416-852-3238 or 705-324-5761. Serv- Ing your area for over 10 years. TF 1981 LTD CROWN Victoria, fully loaded, new tires, 2 tone paint, wire wheels, drives & runs really good - $3200 - fully certified. 705-357-3279. Je 1984 FORD Escort, 5 speed, cloth interior, 2 door hatchback, spotless, priced to sell - $2,900.00 fully certified. 705-357-3279. J 24 1985 PONTIAC Sunbird, 4 dr., auto., am/fm cassette, great shape, $3200 or best offer. Call Gord - evenings 986-4625. 1968 BUICK Skylark, one owner, 94,000 original miles, good body, mint interior. 986-0794. 1979 PONTIAC Grand LeMans, 267 motor - $2200.00 certified or B.O. 986-4769. 1986 NISSAN Pulsar, auto, 2 dr., sunroof, am/fm cassette, very sporty, must be seen - $5,200 - ful- ly certified. 1-705-357-3279. J 24 1984 PONTIAC Acadlan, 4 cyliner, 4 speed, excellent condition. Original paint - $2,200.00 certified or B.O. 985-8294. truck, 50,000 original miles. Call Leslie Taylor 986-4896. 1982 DODGE Home and Park Camper Van, power, air cond., flush toilet, loaded. Phone 985-9641. FULL SIZE 1988 Vandura van - $10,000 or best offer. 985-3663. 1978 DODGE 2 ton, 360 engine - $1,000.00 or best offer. Phone 985-8973. Jz TRUCK - 1987 - Astro Van, low mileage, excellent condition - cer- tified. Call 986-4408. 1990 DODGE 1 ton pick up Cum- mins diesel, dval wheels, 10000 GVW, loaded, 7200 km. never been worked. Must sell or take over lease. Ask for Harris - Oshawa 576-1816. Jw KNOWLEDGEABLE HORSE board wanted. Indoor arena and daily grass turnout essential. 985-4865. J 24 PUPPIES - REGISTERED New- foundlands, shots, 7 weeks old, male and female. 985-0873 evenings. FIREWOOD 'LOGS by the Tandem Load Maple & Beech 985-3361 grey, 14000 kms., mint condition. Asking $6,500.00. Phone Earle at 705-953-9087. stoned 3 SE a A WILL PICK-UP all used ap- pliances, refrigerators. Call 986-4926. -- HARDTOP TENT trailer for weekend of July 21, 22, 23. Phone 985-3508 anytime. LANDLORDS - Houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. TF URGENTLY NEEDED - 2 bedroom apartment or small house for young couple with school age child. Port Perry area. 985-3134. Jw PRIME RETAIL space available in downtown location. 985-2362 or evenings 985-0305, 985-3508. TF 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - im- mediate possession - 5 minutes from Town - $875.00 per month plus utllities - references required - Call Keith 985-7351. 2 BEDROOM APT. avallable Aug. 1/90, one block from downtown, . Seniors preferred - $600.00/per month. Call 985-2846 evenings. REACH INDUSTRIAL Park, Port Perry, 24 foot x 40 foot unit, natural gas heated $550.00 per month. Call days 985-3333; even- ings 985-8704. TF VARIOUS SIZES industrial space, heated, unheated, with or * without washrooms, from 400 sq. ft. to 3000 sq. ft. Contact Karl Herder 985-9828 or 985-3885. J 17 ONE BEDROOM APT., mature or seniors preferred $500.00/month, first & last, im- mediate possession. Apply apt. No. 11, Hillset Apartments, Little Britain or phone 1-705-786-2514 or 1-416-640-1275. J24 2 BEDROOM house close to downtown - $800.00 plus utilities. Call 985-3060. MASONIC HALL available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen 8& bar. New facilities. Call 986-5335 or 985-8912. TF MODERN 3 BEDROOM home in Port Perry.. Close to schools and hospital. Available Aug. 1 - $950.00 plus utilities. References re- quired. Call 852-7793. PRIVATE STORAGE for fur- niture. Adjustable units to suit your needs. 985-2597 or collect 705-454-8442. ONE BEDROOM heated contaln- ed single occupancy, no water beds, non smoker perferred - $450.00 per month. Apply Bob's Barber Shop, 160 Queen St., Port Perry. Available Immediately.) 17 STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA a16) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA 705) 328-0061 ONE BEDROOM 'apartment downtown, $525/month - available Aug. 1. 985-3128 after 7 p.m. BACHELOR APARTMENT In - Blackstock, private entrance. 986-5444. ONE BEDROOM apartment; also bachelor apartment, furnish- ed or unfurnished. Seniors prefer- red, Blackstock. 986-4723 or weekends 985-2221. JN PORT PERRY - large, bright newly decorated one bedroom apartment, near lake - $525.00/month. 416-431-3177. J 17 HALL SPACE for rent - for bright, pleasant, carpeted meetings, banquets or exercise space call 985-3213. STORE/FRONT/INDUSTRIAL - Van Edward Dr., Port Perry, 1300 - 1600 sq. ft. units. 12 ft. ceilings, rear loading door. 985-8003. KINSMEN HALL - avallable for dances, meetings and receptions - kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- ing. 985-3736. HALL RENTAL - Port Perry Snowmobile Clubhouse. Call 985-7130. ' 4 BEDROOM 2 bath semi- detached - $950.00/month. Call 985-9777. J24 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS - well main- tained 3 plus one bedroom brick bungalow, large kitchen, separate living room and dining room, 2 baths, fireplace, inground pool and hot tub - $1,000.00/month plus utilities. References required. Phone Larry 985-2118 or at work 655-3251. PRIME COMMERCIAL location in Port Perry for lease. Over 3400 sq. ft. on historic, vibrant Queen St. A rare opportunity to be part of this thriving community. Terms of lease to be negotiated. Please reply giving brief intention for use to: Box 20, c/o Port Perry Star, 235 Queen St., Port Perry, Ont. L9L 1B9. PORT PERRY - large, bright, newly decorated one bedroom near the lake - $525.00. 1-416-431-3177. J 24 CAESAREA - 4 corners, 2 bedroom apt. 2nd storey of house. Bachelor apt. - back 2 of house - available immediately. 2 bedroom apt. - front 2 of house - avallable July 20. Call 728-1491 or 668-5266. AB TWO BEDROOM house, downtown Port Perry, available immediately - $1,000/month plus utilities. 985-9959. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "AZ" licence. For pre- screening interview and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. A WARM NANNY needed 2-3 mornings per week. 7-a.m. - 9 a.m. to feed one child & drop off at nursery school. 655-8957. A 8 HELP ENTREPRENEURS - Our business Is growing faster than we can handle. Need self- motivated individuals to join our team. Full/part-time. 6 figure in- come potential in 6-8 months. Call now 416-434-7877. Jw PR PI LADIES PRESCRIPTION glasses, north ball diamond, Saturday evening. 985-7038. FEMALE JACK RUSSELL - white with black and tan mark- ings, area of Con. 3, Port Perry. 985-9950. Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH STRONG ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of HUGH STRONG, late of the Township of Scugog In the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the day of June, 1990 are hereby led to send to the undersig or before the second day of August, 1990 full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the sald date the assets of the sald deceas- ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having "regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 26th day of June, 1990. FOWLER, DAYIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario, LoL 1B7 Solicitors for Marie Geer & June McHugh Jz results Ios Sassi f Required: -- L & D experience FULL TIME REGISTERED NURSE OBSTETRICAL UNIT (8 hour shifts) -- Current certification from College of Nurses. -- Current BCLS certification COTTAGE HOSPITAL (UXBRIDGE) Campbell Drive, Uxbridge, Ontario 416-852-9771, Ext. 236 LOC 1KO Shift work is required. Send resumes to: MAINTENANCE MECHANIC A rapidly growing food manufacturer, located in Port Perry, has openings in its maintenance department. Licenced millwrights and electricians with some manufac- turing experience would be preferred but not mandatory. Applicants must have experience with 120-600 volt elec- trical systems, pneumatic systems and PLC's as well as the ability to handle emergency operational situations. Competitive wages and full benefits are offered as well as an excellent working environment. Mr. Ted Clement MOTHER JACKSON'S OPEN KITCHENS LIMITED P.O. Box 750, 132 Simcoe Street North, 'PORT PERRY, Ontario LOL 1A6 CLEAN CAMPER trailer, sleeps 6. Reasonable. 985-2880. BODY PERSON needed - Apply Mark's Maintenance Nestleton. Benefits. 2 yr. old shop. 986-5620. ECE REQUIRED. Call Kim days 985-8783 or evenings 576-9200. TUTORING INSTRUCTORS re- quired for private classes in Port Perry. Certified teachers prefer- red. Call YMCA Durham Region 1-416-668-6868. LADIES - Turn your spare time into money. Show our beautiful lingerie at home parties. 1's fun. It's easy. Let me help you get started in your own business. Call Connie 985-3750. A STRAWBERRY & raspberry pickers wanted. 985-3170. J 17 Township of Mariposa -- Valid Driver's Licence Hours of Work: MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 Noon, Tuesday, August 7, 1990 for the position of: TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA PERMANENT PART-TIME MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR Skills and Knowledge required to perform the job: -- Basic Grade 12 Diploma -- Good communication skills -- Aptitude for maintenance of mechanical / electrical equipment, with related experience. -- Approximately 4 hours a day, Monday to Friday Debbie Timbers, AM.C.T., } Deputy-Clerk, Township of Mariposa P.O. Box 70, Oakwood Ontario KOM 2M