~ steaks, all ready to cook on - w-- Premier pledges war on boaters and booze Boaters on Lake Sc and others in the Kawarths chain will be targeted next sum- mer in a province-wide crack- down on drinking, Premier Da- vid Peterson pledged last week. Speaking at a campaign stop in Orillia, the Premier said his Government will spend $6 million to set up a "Marine Ride Program." There was nothing "fishy" about the fish story these Port Perry teen-agers told last Friday morning as the proof is there for all to see. Steve Diceman and Ken Smart had just about all the fish they could heft for this photo, after - striking It lucky on Lake Ontario. The two larger fish are chi- nook salmon, each one over 20 pounds, while the two In the - middie are rainbows at about ten pounds each. The young anglers were planning to have their catch cut Into tasty mT pore 5 the bar-b-q. Handicrafts, Perennials, Bake Goods, Farm Fresh Meat & Sausage, Nuts About Chocolate and More Most of the money ($5.2 million) will be used to hire new OPP marine officers, three new cruisers and beef up a public awareness campaign about the perils of alcohol and boating. However, some $750,000 will be ear-marked for munici- pal police forces to set up their own marine RIDE program. Durham Region Police have a marine unit that patrols Lake Scugog and Lake Simcoe. This new program will tar- get popular boating areas in the Provinces which include the warthas, Muskoka, Geor- gian Bay, the St. Lawrence and Rideau water systems. Although the new marine RIDE program is not intended to duplicate the roadside spot checks, Peterson said it will send out a "tough message that drinking and driving boats will not be tolerated." Since April, 39 people have died in boating mishaps in On- tario. Statistics show that alcohol is a factor in four out of ten boating deaths, and nearly 75 LY /S PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 8, 1990 -- 3 per cent of all boating accidents involved alcohol. While the province is plan- ning to get tough with drunken boaters, Peterson also an- nounced last week new legisla- tion that would allow police to impose an immediate 90-day suspension on any (vehicle) driver who registers over .08 on abreath test. Motorists who renew their drivers licences will be asked to sign a form which will give po- lice this power should they fail the .08 breath test. There has been criticism levelled in the past that drivers who register over .08 can con- tinue to operate a vehicle while waiting months for the charge to be heard in courts. This latest suggestion of an immediate 90-day licence sus- pension has come under heavy fire from the Canadian Civil [ Please recycle this newspaper Liberties Association, who say it convicts and punishes drivers before they come to trial. COMPARE THE RATE! 165 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-8435 UNDER NEW MANAGEM RRS DEAL SR RS RA SA BUY 1 DOZEN DONUTS at Regular Price and Receive a FREE Pair of NEON SUNGLASSES Children's or Adults (offer valid to August 15th, 1990) Lunch Special 11 AM to 3 PM SOUP, SANDWICH and SMALL BEVERAGE .... (valid to Aug. 15th, 1990) TRADE-IN TRAVEL Bring in any competitor's Travel Mug and receive FREE Donut Gallery Travel Mug. (aid Aug. 15th, 1990)