Bailey - Graham AUCTION SERVICES All Types of Auctions: Ross Bailey 985-0697 Harvey Graham 986-4856 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Real Estate Well maintained house within walking distance of downtown and schools. Sale located at South East corner of Bond and Victoria St. No. 43 Bond St., Lindsay. From Kent St. go north on Vic- toria St. 3 blocks. See Signs. The property of RON & SHIRLEY CHAHLEY. House Is locatedon a 59' x 105° lot with various trees and shrubs. Victorian style cen- tury home with definite charm and character, located in a very respectable neighbourhood. House contains 5 bedrooms In- cluding 2 bachelor size apart- ments, 4 pc. and 2 pc. bathrooms, approx. 3,000 sq. ft. of spacious living quarters, hardwood floors on both levels, enclosed and open porch, brick exterlor, good roof, also a fenced-In back yard offer- ing great privacy. Additional at- tractions Include a bricked fireplace, open staircase, two- way access to upstairs, plus many more features. Reasonable taxes, forced air heating with cookstove in kitchen. Legal Description: Part lot 13 south of Bond St. Town of Lindsay, County of Victoria. Terms: Deposit of $10,000.00 cash or certified cheque made payable to Ron & Shirley Chahley with the remainder to be pald in thirty days or on closing. Sale subject to a very reasonable reserve. Pur- chaser guaranteed clear title to deed or deposit will be refunded. NOTE: This is a very tidy offer- ing with appealing features, located in a prime area. Apts. of- fer substantial income to lighten financial burdens. Anyone wishing to own a house in the Lindsay area should not miss this opportunity. Anyone wishing to view the property or for more in- formation contact: KEVIN BARKER AUCTIONS, (705) 374-4613. A 28 LAST 4 DAYS BANKRUPT SALE 50 Percent Living Lighting, Midtown Mall, Oshawa - downtown Wed. to Sat. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Having received instructions from FRANK RISMAN & ASSOCIATES, Trustee in bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of LIVING LIGHTING in- cluding celling fans, bulbs, brass lamps, table lamps, chandellers, track lighting, ceiling lights, plus many small items such as plug covers, dimmer switches, bulbs, etc. EVERYTHING 50 percent off. Shop early. McLean Auctions & Liquidations 576-7550 - 686-3291. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holstein Dispersal Short notice milking herd disper- sal for PAUL & BRENDA ORR, R.R. 2, Hastings. Selling at Wilson's Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. including 30 head of Registered & NIP grade holstein. Classified O.D.H.1.C. tested by Al Sires. A good useful herd with a large number of fall calves, followed by the August Consign- ment Sale including a July '88 Warden selling fresh with her Ju- ly heifer calf by Inspiration. Her Dam is (GP) with 4 percent test, next 4 Dams all VG. Sale manag- ed & sold by Lloyd Wilson's Auc- tions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524 or 9755. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. NOTE EARLY STARTING TIME Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry Sale includes: large elec. organ and bench, 4 hairdresser dryers with chairs & 2 sinks, sectional chesterfield, bookcase, elec. stove, bed chesterfield, Singer sewing machine, dressers, desk, wooden commode, oak coffee tables, cedar chest, 2 trunks, col- our T.V., scales, antique plates & dishes, good crystal, old sealers, T. Eaton sealer, 16' canoe, tilt trailer, 2 filing cabinets, elec. welder, drill press, router, air conditioner, good carpets. Good sale. Plan to attend. John Pearce Auction Services. 655-8073 - View- ing from 2 p.m. AN AUGUST 25 COTTAGE AUCTION Balsam Lake CANCELLED Sorry -- Orval Mclean Auctions. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Large Estate Auction Auction sale for the late MRS. VERA MOORE of Port Perry. Contents of this Century home to be moved & sold In the Oakwood Arena. Antique large 1840 ar- moire, washstands, 1850 pine cradle, quilts, cherry drop leaf table, pressback chairs, church pews, antique Singer sewing machine, cherry what-not with bevelled mirrors, table, chairs & hutch, Deacons bench, maple rocking chair, Hi-chair, assorted tables, new rocker, hall cane stand, antique oil hanging lamp (Vaseline Amber colour), A-1 con- dition, duck decoys, antique Ses- slon clock, oil lamps, Tiffany style lamp, antique telephone, pine table with lid, copper kettle, col- lector plates, Jacques & Hayes dresser, kitchenette, 2 brass oval frames (very fancy), crockery, brass fire extinguisher, 2 old Cola trays, wide selection of glass, china, collectables, assorted jewellery, gold, silver, coins, books, pictures, needlepoint, fern stand, 2 Wentworth Folkin's Prints Algonquin Park Station, Huntsville Wharf (Artist Proof), Over 8 Under Double Barrel Shotgun, Winchester automatic 12 guage, Variety of tools, Log Pee Wee, well pump, appliances. NOTE: Partial list only. A very tidy offering and many hidden treasures yet to be discovered from this Estate. Viewing 9 a.m. day of sale only. Don't miss it. Terms: cash or cheque with |.D. Lunch available. No reserve. CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS, R.R. 1, Lindsay. 705-374-4800. AUGUST 31 & SEPT. 28 SALE TIME: 1:30 P.M. MINI STOCKER SALE Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay A feature In our regular livestock sale. Stockers will be sold In minimum lots of 5 head. This feature is dlvised for feedlot replacements & buyers from a distance. Feature sale to start at 1:30 p.m. Contact Lindsay Com- munity Sale Barn Ltd. 705-324-2774 or Carl Hickson 705-324-9959. THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 30 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture, Antiques & Ceramic Items Auction Sale of Furniture, An- tiques for the Estate of the late JEAN PICKERING, Zephyr, sell- ing at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, Ont., plus items from a small ceramic business including 2 yr. old kiln. Full details next week. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. WEDENSDAY EVENING AUGUST 22 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Farm Machinery August Sale of Farm Machinery selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., in- cluding D-B 880 Diesel Tractor, Cockshutt 545 S.P. 16' Combine, Westfield 8°' x 56' auger, Allled 6' x 41' auger, A-C 655 Bulldozer with loader, 5' x 10' single axle trailer (excel.), Int. semi-mount seed drill (like new), Gravity wagon, Int. Baler with thrower, Int. 37 Baler, 1929 Fairbanks engine, fence posts, tools, wagon load. Consignments will be ac- cepted for this sale. If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. SMALL. BUSINESS & equipment for sale for making and installing concrete landscape boarder and curbs. Contracts available with sale, very low investment re- quired. Training provided. Perfect for landscaper or shift 'worker. Great potential. Call Mike 985-2814. AD MODERN BUSY print shop. Great opportunity to own your own business and be your own boss. Vendor wii: train purchaser. $75,000 Includes all equipment. Vendor will not finance." (705) 878-0863. 2 A28 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 (LABOUR DAY) SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Real Estate Exceptionally well kept 116 acre farm just minutes from Lindsay. Go a 2 mile west at Cambray, then south 2 a mile or from Lindsay take Hwy. No. 7 4 miles west to Ops/Mariposa Boundary Rd. then north to 13th Con. See Signs. The property of DENISE & KEVIN BARKER. FARM INCLUDES: a 2 storey red brick house (newly shingled) with 5 rooms on each floor, house also has unique wooden trim with walnscotting, pine floors and sun porch. House and barn have separate wells with lots of water. Barn is 100' x 40' (newly wired). Barn and 2 drive sheds have been recently painted. Spring fed pond, land is clear and tile drained. Fruit trees and blue spruce trees surround the house. Legal Description: South halves of Lot 23 & 24 Con. 13, Twp. of Mariposa, County of Victoria, save and ex- cept Part 1 on Plan 57R-3963 of sald property. NOTE: This is a very attractive farm with endless possibilities, presently being used as a cow/calf operation. Anyone wishing to buy a farm, don't miss the opportunity of owning this charming plece of property. See- ing is Believing!!! TERMS: Deposit of 10,000.00 dollars cash or certified cheque day of sale re- mainder In thirty days on closing. Sale subject to a very reasonable reserve. Purchaser guaranteed a clear deed or deposit will be refunded. Anyone wishing to view the property or for more informa- tion contact one of the following numbers: (705) 374-4613; (705) 374-4091; (705) 439-2101. Sale managed and sold by Fraser Macintyre - Auctioneer. A 28 SEPTEMBER 3 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Labour Day Sale Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon To include balance of BRUCE MOUNTJOY ESTATE sale, oil lamps, gramophones, radios, old calendar, clock, dishes and glass. 1929 Buick Touring Car, 1940 Dodge luxury liner, plus antique car parts, old licence plates, fur- niture and much more. Note ear- ly starting time. For more infor- mation call 416-263-4252. Sale managed 8& sold by Garry K. Powell, Auctions. AUGUST 25 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn, 10 mi. N.E. of Oshawa Saturdays Auction Action Every Saturday Night This week to Include contents of senior's home In Oshawa. 8 pc. dining room suite, living room suite, coffee & end tables, bedroom suite, occasional tables, pressback chairs, tools, new 3 h.p. alr compressor, new metal cut- ting band saw, plus appliances, lots of glass and china. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. For more Information call 416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K. Powell Auctions. FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Walnut table & six chairs, washstands, clover-leaf parlour table, wicker chairs, walnut vani- ty dresser, oak wardrobe, 24" electric stove, Tiffany table lamp, flat top trunks, flowered chester- fleld set, Kenmore automatic washer 8& dryer, sectional chesterfield, coffee & end tables, 6 matching pressback chairs, 4 arrowback chairs, pine table, single door refrigerator, 30' elec- tric stove, apt. size dryer, floor lamps, odd wooden kitchen chairs, modern dresser & chest of drawers, pressback rockers, apt. size freezer, air conditioner, air tight stove, 30-06 Remington rifle with scope, 22 Marlin magnum ri- fle, 14' Microcraft deep fisherman aluminum boat with sprint trailer (like new), Quantity of milk bot- tles, tools, china, glass and collec- table items. Don & Greg Cornell Auctioneers, R.R. 1, Little Bri- tain. 705-786-2183. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 SALE TIME: 11:00 a.m. A.abour Day Auction Lerfionville Community Centre McCowan, north of Stouffville Rd. Antiques, collectables, household furniture, dishes & glassware, full list next week. Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer 640-3079. A i ll au La aa RRS PrN CERT ONT RTE k PORT PERRY ho PRINCE ALBERT ) UNITED CHURCH Rev. D. Robert J. LePage, B.A. M. Div. Rev. Donald E. Tansley B.A. M. Div. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Associate Minister Hwy. 7A & Island Road Morning Worship East of Port Perry SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 985-8681 10:00 a.m. Port Perry Pastor: Rev. David S. Daniels 11:30 a.m. Prince Albert SUNDAY SERVICES Nursery Care Always Available 9:45 a.m. Bible School Classes for all ages UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Worship 11:00 and 6:30 p.m. Scugog Island - Manchester Nursery Available United Church Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Scugog Island - 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Study & Prayer Manchester - 11:15 a.m. Aug. 20-24 9-11:30 a.m. 985-2385 DAILY VACATION Rev. Lynne Belfry-Graham BIBLE SCHOOL Worship & Sunday School AGES 3-14 yrs. Games, Bible Stories, Crafts, Songs, Fun times with Friends BLACKSTOCK-NESTLETON UNITED CHURCH LADIES BIBLE STUDY: Rev. Dale Davis "LIVING UNDER THE Blackstock 10:00 a.m. SAME LEAKY ROOF." North Nestleton - 11:15 a.m. A Special Welcome Nursery During Worship To The Handicapped HOPE CHURCH A Christian Reformed Fellowship Regional Rd. 8 at Simcoe 166 Simcoe Street South Port Perry, Ontario Prince Albert, Ontario Rev. David Beesley, Pastor 985-9679 985-4441 Song Service: 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 Worship Service 10:00 a.m. 9:45 Christian Education Coffee and Fellowship 11:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Worship Service: 7:00 p.m. 6:30 - Praise Service Nursery Provided Nursery Care and Children's Nursery & Story Hour Provided Church Provided in EMMANUAL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Both Services Youth Groups "A Church Girls 7-14 - Mondays 7-9 p.m. Reaching Out in Love" Boys 8-15 - Wednesdays 7-9 p.m. High School Plus NESTLETON Alternate Sundays - 8:30- 10 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH All Are Welcome! Rev. William Fairley Worship Service 11:00 a.m. EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL Aug. 26 -- FELLOWSHIP Rev. Dorothy MacDonald Durham Road 23 and 7th Conc. Sept. 2 -- Reverend Timothy Godfrey Rev. Dorothy MacDonald Pastor Sept. 9 -- Church: 852-7054 Rev. William Fairley Residence: 852-5871 SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 9:45 a.m. - Family Bible School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services ANGLICAN CHURCH The Rev'd Charles E. Bull Incumbent 6:00 p.m. - Praise Meeting St. John's Tuesday - 9:30 a.m. Church St., Blackstock Ladies Fellowship SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study Holy Communion - New Rite Saturday - 7:00 p.m. Child Supervision Youth Group Church of the Ascension 266 North St., Port Perry ST. JOHN'S SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8:00 a.m. Said Eucharist Rev. Stuart McEntyre, B.A, B.D. 11:15 a.m. Telephone: 985-3409 Holy Communion - New Rite SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 Child Supervision 9:55 a.m. Family Worship & Church School COLUMBUS UNITED CHURCH Nursery Care Provided Family Barbeque Sept. 8 A Community Church For All 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Rev. Jack Griffen, B.A. M.Div. Sermon: "When Your Personal Faith Is Challenged" A HAPPY CHURCH FOR HAPPY PEOPLE! ST. BERNADETTE"S CATHOLIC PARISH SUNDAY MASS 11:30 a.m. Nestleton Community Hall Nestleton Serving Cartwright Township Come On Home Father Tom Lynch BAHA'I FAITH For information about Baha'i meetings & activities please write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry, 705-932-2712 Ontario, LIL 1A9 or COMMUNITY CHURCH Call 985-9339 CAESAREA Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford COLUMBUS UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 A Community Church For All 11:00 A.M. Rev. Jack Griffen, B.A. M.Div. Thurs.: Prayer & Study 8:00 p.m. Sermon: Welcome to the Countty Church "Walking With God" Guest Speakers A HAPPY CHURCH For info Rev. Godfrey FOR HAPPY PEOPLE! (852-5871) Po i Se EL St ot a ea a emt an ea ot a SC "SRR pe LLP