12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 28, 1990 MUSIC INSTRUCTION Flute, Voice, and Music Theory (all levels) Beginners and Advanced Students "985-4523 Nicholas Barakell A.R.C.T., B.Mus., Children's Fall Theatre Workshop AGES 8 to 13 WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 7:15 to 8:30 PM SEPTEMBER 19th to NOVEMBER 7th Contact: Jen Fletcher 985-0529 GILL WINDOW CLEANING (O. POWER WASH €0. GREAT FOR: * Eavestroughs * Farm Equipment * Inside & Outside Building * Heavy Equipment * Trucks & Tractors * Motors Degreased * Power Wash before You Paint * Horse Barns Call GILL today: 416-852-7700 PAPERS "THE MARINE UPHOLSTERERS" Servicing Durham Region and Surrounding Area BOAT TOPS, BOAT SEATS COMPLETE MARINE INTERIORS BEAT the G.S.T.! Have your Boat Top or Interior done before Jan. 1st, 1991. ADDITIONAL SAVINGS DURING AUGUST FREE INDOOR STORAGE (inquire for details) On HWY. 7A MOBILE SERVICE (East of Taylor Ford) (Port Perry) 985-4857 (Ajax) 831 -3086 Letters io the editor War is not a laughing matter To the Editor: I think many people in this country, including myself are feeling emotional, that the fact we laughingly referred to our Navy, on a course in the direction of the Persion Gulf, as a joke. I am writing this letter because I feel ashamed, and to point out, that there is a lot at stake, in an area of the world where an individual feels he has the right to dictate world economy, in fact, life itself. Nine hundred and thirty-four brave men & women left their lov- ed ones, for a destination that may well be a honet's nest by the time the Canadian warships, Athabaskan, Tera Nova, and the Protecteur arrive, 7,000 km. away. Just before I started writing this letter, I was playing with my children, and enjoying all the privileges we all have in this country today, when I thought, my God, we could lose that privilege, That privilege was earned not by the price of oil, but by human sufferings. The wars, previous to this un- fortunate situation, told the peo- ple of the world, that sometimes we have to fight to protect the rights of peoples' dignity and freedoms at home, and abroad. My laughter has changed to anger, in thoughts of all those children, all those people, whom are considered no more than mud on the bottoms of their boots, in the eyes of Suddam Hussein. "Operation Desert Shield" in- deed. A gutless, inhumane manuever, where, by placing children, whom he calls guests, in old-fashioned milk bottles. diligently working on. rhythm go instead of just pulling. AndIdi winner. Life's Like That by Julia Ashton From Page 8 At first. I fdn't know what he meant by keep the rh going. But then I remembered watching a Country Calender after church on Sundays. I needed to work the cow like a milking machine -- pumping pulled and pulled and nothing came out. Hundreds of heckling spectators taunted us from the grandstands as my competition and I pulled and yanked and prayed for a drop of the white, creamy fluid to drop into the Almost an eternity passed before that first ounce of fluid began to flow -- or should I say trickle -- from the teat I was so "That's it, " a the man holding the cow. "Now keep the hythm 1 those episodes of The technique worked. The milk was now flowing in a steady stream into the milk bottle. The farmer in me suddenly surfaced, and I realized Thad a fighting chance at winning the competition. I pumped that cow with everything I had. I was going to win. Iwas going to doit for my dad. After the two minute contest was up, I was declared the Granted, the amount of milk in my bottle was just eno » to wet one's whistle, but I still came out on top -- both in t competitionandint the eyes of my father. Q: WHY DO WE NEED "AN ELECTION? A: Now is the time -- to ask the voters to decide who will provide the STRONGEST LEADERSHIP and the most economic stability for ONTARIO IN THE 90's. Working opel for Durham East" ELEGT ot A * Authorized by Bill Leask CFO. . -. RYDAVAR GI ON IO 01 Pak AUG, 30, SEPT. 1, SEP 11:00 am Ail sont ~ 0) }) Ni TRIE 12:11 IANA RAR GEREN RA Ff I 1 | 0" vy Fo RP VS YF SSR EO Bowmanville Port Perry A: Now is the time -- to let the voters in DURHAM EAST decide who will provide the strongest voice at QUEEN"S PARK. NOW IS THE TIME! ARIE PEARSE Returning Office 1-416-623-9800 1-416-985-1494 front of his strategic positions, in hopes that the rest of the world, will bow down to his wishes. Kiss your children and say a prayer, for the nine hundred and thirty- four men and women, who left their families, to ensure our well being, and our freedom. Good luck. Steve Groves Port Perry. All night party To the Editor: I wish to inform all residents of Scugog Island that the excessive noise from an all night party on Saturday August 25, 1990, was not coming from West Shore Marine. Throughout the night I received numerous calls concerning the noise from the party which was held on Honey's Farm presently owned by a non-farmer, and leas- ed out. . Presently in Scugog Township we see farmers barns being used for boat storage, commercial pur- poses, and such parties where ad- mission is charged to make a revenue. What has happened to the protection of so called farmland? When Farm Land is used for other purpose than farming, com- merial property taxes should app- ly, and be zoned accordingly. George Roadley West Shore Marine R.R. 1, Port Perry Back to School Specials from $199.00 TYPEWRITER SALES & SERVICE - repairs to IBI1 & Smith Corona - & Ail Other Makes - Ribbons for all makes & models - including Printers - We pickup and delivery BIDAY IY AN BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 985-9783 728-7591 Calla Lilly Studio Fall Workshops beginning Sept. 10 through Dec. 8 - 11-30 a.m. (Children 6 yrs - 11 urs} For more information please call 852-3944 Please recycle this. newspaper ai Sobor fr. 4 THER Re A Ry - CS SE Ula i SAP AI Ji lr LUD EN 54