12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 16, 1990 Letters io the editor Must save world from destruction To the Editor: After reading the letter "Evil Message in 'Pop' Music Lyrics" in the October 10 issue of the Star, I would like to lend my full sup- port to the author and her state- ment that Heavy Metal Music is behind a good number of suicides in the world today. Unfortunate- ly, I feel that the blame does not end there. Many blues songs (i.e. The Shotgun Blues), country, and easy listening tunes have references to death and suicide. Even classical music is not beyond such allusions, as I have heard the Ninth Symphony (2nd movement) referred to as the "Suicide Schertzo,"' and many of Tchaichovsky's works have repeated use of cannons, denoting violence. Therefore, I feel that all music, not just Heavy Metal, should be outlawed, and all in- struments and tape recorders burned. And, to refer back to the letter, the author cited the words "Suicide is Painless' as being song lyrics. They are not lyrics, but rather the title of the theme song for the popular T.V. show "M*A*S*H." Watching television, I have seen suicide discussed on programs such as "Geraldo"' and Donahue," and' portrayed on "Degrassi Junior High.' Car- toons and shows such as "Sesame Street' show people and animals being struck repeatedly by heavy objects. Television must be eliminated as well to save our society from mass exoduses over cliffs, or to keep our three-year olds from indulging in murder sprees. In the same vein, what of films" Many movies watched by youth such as "Heathers," 'Dead Poets Society" and "Better Off Dead" show suicide as a viable alter- native to life's problems. It becomes obvious that all forms of film must also be thoroughly destroyed, even the Disney ones (who knows what the graphic murder of Bambi's mother would prompt someone to do)? I won't even start in on literature ... the smut that mas- querades as reading material these days is not fit to be burned. Even "classics" such as Tess of the D'urbervilles and Lord of the Flies (note the satanic reference) are laden with sex and violence. The only way to isolate ourselves from these clearly demonic in- fluences is to burn all books. Especially those that masquerade as being "educational" or con- taining "Free Thought." Having said all this, I believe that there is only one way to save the world from auto-destruction. We must all do nothing but sit in small white rooms with no decorations or anything to read except a Bible (with all of the violent bits edited out, especially 2 Kings 2; verses 20-25). I thank you for allowing me to view my opinions, as I know that freedom of speech and thought are the building blocks of civiliza- tion, except when they are used in music, books, or any form of self- expression. Yours Sincerely, Jay Sparling Port Perry P.S. Although everything else is out, satire is still 0.K.. WHEN TURNING OFF THELIGHTS IS A BRIGHT IDEA. Energie, Mines et Ressources Canada . Mines and [LJ | Resources Canada Lhon Jake Epp Ministre Hon Jake Epp. Minister THE ENERGY OF OUR RESOURCES , THE POWER OF OUR IDEAS pn CER LILIV EL FLITE EE IT ETESI ITIP NERO NDS FAIDIIS II INN DE FADD FEL HNESS RAS BEND OE? SAVE ENERGY There are a surprising number of ways that you can easily save energy around your house, in your car and in the products that you buy. From heating and lighting your home Canada to cooking and cooling your food. From the way that you drive to the way that you work. We've got a lot to get you started. And they're all in our helpful brochures. SAVE MONEY When you're saving energy, you'll start to save money too. It doesn't take long for those utility bills to go down, or for gas mileage to go up. We can prove it to you. HELP SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Each and every time you save a little energy, you'll be helping to save a little piece of the environment. Just for starters, you'll be cutting back on greenhouse gases and reducing the use of fossil fuels. We created our current environmental problems. We can find solutions, if we work together. So write to us. We'll help. IT ALL ADDS UP Ee ESeee SK "Ww" Please rush me your Savings package today. | i t | Name | Address I | i .Cciuy | | | | Province SE i | : PostalCode A | Send to: i | Energy Publications I 580 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario | Chairman offers more thoughts on garbage To the Editor: "Palmer Park to be site for gar- bage processing plant." The benefits to the community of this project were outlined to a small exclusive meeting, held in downtown Port Perry last night by an unnamed independent engineering firm. In a similar move, in every community in the Durham region, a proposal based on a study by the same engineering firm recommended that waste disposal facilities be sited in cen- trally located parks which are close to the largest centers of waste production. The report stated that this was the best possi- ble solution for waste, from an overall environmental viewpoint, and that parks would be the ideal locations for state of the art waste handling and localized landfill facilities. The Durham regional waste management committee who commissioned the engineering firm has voted to accept the plan and has recommended to local councils that they commence for- thwith to erect these waste disposal facilities in the parks. Of course this is not true I only put this fictitious "news story" forward to dramatize to our ur- ban cousins how we in what used to be Cartwright Township feel at. the proposal of two landfill sites in our neighborhood. The ideas are flowing fast and furious from the various organizations that are opposing the five potential landfill sites around the region. We, who have the potential of being most affected, feel that the garbage of the multitude is being held as the sword of Damoclese over a few rural communities. It would appear that only a few peo- plein the unaffected urban areas are worried about the real gar- bage crisis - closer to home it seems that the majority of the residents of Port Perry, and Lind- say, who could be affected by tox- ic leachate in their water sup- plies, seem unconcerned. We feel unfairly treated and that our town dwelling cousins are secretly smiling, thinking that it will be out of their back yard and somewhere out in the sticks. Out of sight and of mind. Well, here is one of the ideas that powerfully struck a number of people simultaneously. Let there be a competition among all communities in the Durham region based on per capita pro- duction of garbage. This competi- tion of course would have the prize going to the community which produces the most amount of garbage per person - and the prize is - the dump - or the regional waste processing facili- ty in whatever form it takes, sited within the bounds of that winning community even if it does mean giving up a park or valuable ur- ban land. Too hard to organize a competi- tion like this you say? Already domestic waste is accounted for by the region on a community basis. Of course there are ground rules and changes that need im- plementing to put all com- munities on an equal footing. That is not an outrageously difficult task. The Region would just need to re-direct their waste manage- ment team and their volunteer Public Liaison Committee to fair- ly lay out the rules. This competi- tion could take on the air and ex- citement of a huge ongoing sports event in which everyone par- ticipates. A garbage reduction race, maybe it could be called the "Great Durham Dump da Dump Race" or "The Garbage Pail Challenge." There would be a weekly runn- ing commentary in the media, periodical prizes for outstanding - feats in the reduction of garbage, strategically located bill boards graphically showing the position of all the competitors, and a multitude of minor competitions for a variety of recycling and reduction classifications. . Neighbours would band' together sharing waste saving tips and communities would com- mune over waste reduction. The competitive creative juices would flow. It is even possible that in the end there would be no prize and the losers are really the winners for we would have all reduced our garbage to the degree that the waste processing facility would be insignificant. This would be the fairest solution of all. Let's go! The starting gun has already been fired. 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