na RE i eT ---- il | We wish to take this opportunity to thank our 3 children: Anita, An- nette and Jason for a wonderful and shocking 25th Wedding An- niversary Party for us. Special thanks to the following people: Doug & Mar| Dempsey for the lovely supper and to Doug for an excellent job as M.C. Kevin Jackson, Dea ina Dempsey, Jeff MacKinnon and our 3 children who did an excellent job decorating the hall. George & Eleanor Jackson, thank you for all your help & support. The Mariposa Saints Ladies Lob Ball Team and the ladles from the Mariposa Oldtimers Men's Lob Ball Team who put on a beautiful lunch at the dance. To Doug's mother, my parents, our brothers, sisters, their spouses and children for financial help and support they gave our. children. Our children could not have done this without your help. Marj, Jo-Ann and Edie thanks a million for everything. Thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, phone calls, and gifts. But most of all for coming and celebrating our 25th anniversary with us. If we have missed thanking someone, we are truly sorry. Thanks a million, Doug & Helena Edinger P.S. Anita, Annette & Jason, we love you very much. Dad & Mom | would like to thank everyone for making my surprise retirement party such a pleasant evening and. for the BX5000 camera presented to me. To my wife Madeline, Jean and Arylie for making all the ar- rangements, food preparations, etc. To Keijo for bartending and Darren and Blayne for helping. Bob Rodd The family of the late Fred Hobbs would like to express their thanks to friends and neighbours for many kind deeds, visits, flowers, cards and donations to charities during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. John Stewart, the staff of the Port Perry Community Hospital and Myles O'Riordan and staff of the Wagg-McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home. Thanks also to Mrs. Audrey Beauchamp for the lovely music, the Presbyterian Women of St. John's Church for the lovely lunch, Rev. Bart Van Eyk and members of the Hope Christian Reformed Church for many kind visits and especially to the Blaettlers for thelr constant loving care. : Ethel Hobbs & Family To my caring family, friends and neighbours, | want to say thank you for the many cards, flowers, gifts, visits, calls and prayers while in hospital and since coming home. Also thanks to Rev. Shepherd for his visits and en- couragement, the U.C.W., Maybelle Lodge and Past Grands for their support. Thanks also for food brought in to help Ellsworth plan our meals. A special thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff for their excellent care received when in hospital. Luella Kennedy Thank you for sharing during this year's Thanksgiving Food Drive. Your support In assisting needy familles Is greatly appreciated. Operation Scugog also wishes to thank the Port Perry Fire Depart- ment for the use of the hall, Port' Perry |.G.A. and Dowson's Valu- Mart for providing drop off points for food donations. Anne Wanninkhof The family of the late Rachel Harper wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and relatives for acts of kindness dur- ing Rachel's iliness, for flowers, cards and donations during the loss of a wife, mother and grand- mother. We also wish to thank the Wagg Funeral Home, Rev. J. Griffen of Columbus, Utica Hall Board and Utica U.C.W. who served lunch after the funeral. George Harper and family BRAY - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather George Harvey, who passed away October 25, 1989 and a dear mother and grandmother Lovella Florence, who passed away July 6, 1986. Sadly missed along life's way Quietly remembered every day No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts their always there Sadly missed and always remembered, The Family McKEE - In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Vaughan, who was taken from us suddenly October 24, 1985. What would we give to clasp his hand His dear kind face to see His loving smile, his welcome voice That meant so much to us No one knows the silent heartache Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that is born in silence For the one we loved so well Dearly loved and missed so very much by, Mom, Dad and Danny McKEE, Vaughan - In loving memory of our dear nephew and cousin who passed away October 24, 1985. Memories are precious things We keep within our hearts Of happy days and happy times When we were not apart Lovingly remembered by, Aunt Marlene & Aunt Helen and families McKEE, Vaughan -- Vaughan is remembered as one of the most outstanding athletes ever to at- tend Port Perry High School. His total dedication, the records he set, his enjoyment of sports are an inspiration to us all, always. Coach McKEE - In loving memory of Vaughan who passed away Oc- tober 24, 1985. Sadly missed, Lovingly remembered, Bev LANSING, Stella Lottie -- In her 83rd year. Peacefully on Monday, October 22, 1990 at the Communi- ty Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Stella (nee Raymes) beloved wife of the late Melville Lansing and Charles Heayn. Dearly loved and will be sadly missed by her many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Wagg-McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home (985-2171) in Port Perry on Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. and 1 hr. prior to the service. Ser- vice in the chapel on Wednesday, October 24 at 1:30 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired, a donation may be made to the Canadlan Cancer Society or the Port Perry Hospital Building Fund. COUPERTHWAITE, H.J. (Jack) - (Former Ontario Champion Plowman, member of Port Perry. Orange Lodge, formerly Malvern Lodge). Suddenly at his home, Uxbridge, Ontarlo on Thursday, October 18, 1990. Jack Couper- thwalte, beloved husband of Margaret Wallace. Dear father of Robert, Marion and her husband Leslie Jermey of Orillia. Loving grandfather to Heather, Cory- John and Rebecca Couper- thwaite, Jerry, Steven and Mark Jermey, and brother of Marjorie Ham. Resting at the Ogden Funeral Home, 4164 Sheppard Ave. E., Agincourt (E. of Ken- nedy Rd.) Sunday from 2-4and 7-9 p.m. for funeral service in the chapel on Monday at 2p.m. Inter- ment Stouffville Cemetery. Tues- day at 10a.m. Asan expression of sympathy, donations to your favorite charity would be appreciated. [ * Inscriptions CLASSIFIED RATES me WORD ADS: $5.00 first 15 words; 20¢ each word following. REPEAT: Second insertion discount ... $3.00 for the first 15 words; 20¢ each word following PHOTOGRAPHS: Extra Charge. PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than WEDNESDAY by NOON, prior to insertion DISPLAY ADS: For rates and information call 985-7383 ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by VISA before 11:00 A.M. on Monday DEADLINE -- MONDAY at 11:00 AM for Display and Classified Advertising DEADLINE -- THURSDAYS at 5:00 PM for Real Estate, Business Directory, Weddings, Graduations (No Ad Copy changes after 10:00 A.M. on Mondays) Although every precaution is taken to avoid errors in all adverhising this newspaper accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur itis hable only for the cost of that portion of the advertisement in which the error occured in rela tion to the entire advertisement If an error should occur it must be brought to our attention before the following publication STAFFORD MONUMENTS Family Monuments Granite or Bronze Markers 3 te 3% 1. 3 Sandblasting 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 1-416-668-3552 -- after hours -- . 1-416-668-4460 or 1-416-666-1513 143 King St., E., "Bowmanville P.J. Dawson 1-416-623-8150 After hours - Oshawa 579-1116 Home Appointments or Free Transportation to either CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 DILLON, Denver & Debbie (nee Till) are happy to announce the birth of their son Ryan Denver Ross, born October 9. 1990. welghing 7 Ibs. 5 ozs. Proud grandparents are Edward and Hattie Till of Seagrave and Em- mett & Vivian Dillon of Bowman- ville. Our sincere thanks to Dr. Stewart & Dr. Cohoon and mater- nity staff at Port Perry Hospital. FORRESTER/DRENNAN - Nan- cy & Al are thrilled to announce the birth of their son Kevin Scott, September 25, 1990 at 2:30 a.m. welghing 8 Ibs. 2 ozs. Proud grandparents are Irene Forrester of Cambridge and Doug & Thelma Drennan of Kincardine. Our sincerest thanks to Dr. Dan Obedkoff for his special care and to Doctors Stewart and Cohoon & the maternity staff at the Port Perry Hospital. PEAKER, Jessica Lynn Is thrill- ed to announce her safe and fast arrival on Friday, October 19, 1990 at 12:07 a.m. She welghed in at 5 Ibs. 2 ozs. Ecstatic parents are Tom Peaker and Louise Hope of Scugog Island. Proud grand- parents are Roger and Helen Hope of Scugog Island & Charles and Florabelle Peaker of Burl- ington. A very heartfelt thank you to Dr. G. Mercer and Joanna, Beverly & Albie of the maternity ward at Port Perry Hospital. Tom and Louise would also like to thank all their friends, family and co-workers for their help, support, gifts and flowers. LOCAL DIAPER service is Born! Dlaper Doodie has soft and com- fortable 100 percent cotton flanelette diapers especially for your child. Diaper Doodie will pick up and deliver assigned diapers to your home twice week- ly. Consider the Environment. Consider your Convenience - Now servicing Caesarea. Call Diaper Doodie. 985-7079 Shawn Muir. TF showroom gladly arranged. f|. The family of SIDNEY and LOTTIE MAYBURY invite relatives and friends to share with them in the celebration of their parents' 60th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, November 4, 1990, 2 to 5 p.m. at their home, 110 Simcoe St.N., Port Perry Best wishes only please. FUNERAL DIRECTORS LOW & LOW LTD. 100 Years of Service Scugog Chapel -- Port Perry Parking for 75 Cars -- Chapel Seating for 200 Information on Pre-arranged Funerals or Cremation Call 985-7331 or 852-3073 ALONE? Frightened? Need Help? We care. We will listen. Call anytime. Distress Centre. 433-112) or 433-1861. CARTWRIGHT MINOR Ball Is having a general meeting Mon- day, October 29/90 at 8:30 p.m. at the Nestleton Community Centre. We would like to apoligize for any inconvenience due to the cancella- tion of our previous meeting. Thank you WANTED -- part boarder for 14.3h quarter horse. Some riding experience required (English or Western). Boarding at Cedar Valley Stables, Scugog Island. Call 986-4067. oo Would you like to help out your community and have fun doing so? Then join Port Perry Kinsmen. We meet twice a month for dinner and raise money for parks, hospital, sports, etc. If you are male & between 21-45 years old and would like more informa- tion - Call Brock between 9-5:30 at 985-4679. ELECTROLUX canister model, Diplomat - Sale over November 1st - $849 list - $699 sale. 985-0715. 'KAREN E. HUNT, C.P.E. Elec: a So A troylsis, permanent hair removal, medically approved, member of E.A.O., member F.E.A.C., pro- fessional & confidential. 985-9085. BUSINESS SERVICES - Typing, resumes, income tax, etc." 985-9315. T NATURAL HEALTH Therapist, Iridologist, Reflexologist. Tired of working on symptoms? Let's get to the root cause. Drugless therapy. herbs, vitamins, nutri- tional guidance available. Sunderland 1-705-357-2321. r 023 B B THE ¥ 1 Bonnie N Ballingall 1 985-8732 S TJoucxH 1 * Furniture N ono G - We afso buy & sell - ENVIRO-CYCLE In-door Mini FLEA MARKET | BARGAIN BARN Reach Industrial Park A Div. of 456193 Ont. Inc 985-0095 or 985-4314 OPEN SATURDAYS 8 to 5 G Qi» KINDNESS COURTESY ECONOMY HAROLD J. WAGG Same location for over 100 Years 216 Queen St., PORT PERRY . _ McDERMOT T -- PAN A Ba * Bonded > Qrgamst Serving Port Perry and Surrounding Districts with Distinctive Service FUNERAL HOME and CHAPEL 985-2171 * Private Off street Parking * Family Owned * Large Chapel Area " Pre-arrangement & Cremation Information MYLES O"RIORDAN Managing Director SCUGOG RAPE CRISIS CENTRE 24 Hr. Crisis Line 579-8006 Collect if Necessary Office Hrs. 9 to 5: Tues-Fri. 985-8850 WOMEN IN ABUSIVE "RELATIONSHIPS for help call THE DENISE HOUSE (formerly Auberge) , FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN ToLL FREE: 1-800-263-3725 or Confidentiality Assured 728-7311 CONGRATULATIONS MICHELE VANHEININGEN for attaining the rank of SECOND DEGREE "BLACK BELT. Your teaching and dedication is appreciated by all of us at Port Perry Wado Kai KARATE CLUB - eee ee es ---- SCUGOG MOVING « STORAGE ic. -- PORT PERRY -- 25 Years Experience Bus. 985-3761 If no answer call: (Res.) 985-7288 "Free Wardrobe Seryice" OCT.27&28-9a.m.-4p.n. rain or shine. 27 Greensboro Dr., Blackstock. THREE FAMILY yard sale Sat., Oct. 27 from 10-4 Seagrave. On the hill before the bridge and store. Follow signs. Shelving, wood & steel, bifold doors, weed eaters and much more. GARAGE SALE - Again at 32 lan- son Dr.. Greenbank. (We found some more stuff!) B & D electric mower, ladles golf clubs, peach shower curtain set plus odds & ends. Sat. Oct. 27 from 8 to 4, Sun. from noon to 4. HUGE GARAGE & yard sale - Reach Industrial 'Park. Last yellow bldg. on left side. Fur- niture, dishes, tools, lamps, books, videos, etc. Open every Saturday from 8-5. SELLING YOUR HOME? Why not try the Real Estate Pages of the Port Perry Star? Phone 985-7383 SCC OO