"10 -- PORT PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE -- Tuesday, October 23, 1990 SAA ry > A r Se i EE SEASONAL SAVINGS for your freezer, lamb., pork and light beef at farm prices. Sides or whole, cut to order. Glenn Larmer 986-4250. 2 = POTATOES - Glen Kerry 852-6798. on FIREWOOD for sale. Reasonable. Call 705-786-2867.0 30 1988 NISSAN Micro, 2 door, hatch back, 5 speed, silver, excellent, 15,000 K, - $5,300.00. 985-2006. 1988 PONTIAC Grand Am LE - auto, ps, pb, air. Asking $10,500. 986-4609 after 6 p.m. 1983 RABBIT - diesel, 2dr., 4 spd. standard $2,200 certified. 985-3539. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dryers 8 freezers. 986-5312. WOODSHAPER - % H.P., removeable spindle - $300.00. 985-0593. SPA SUPPLIES - available at Blanchard Supply, 189 North St., Port Perry. 985-9746. N7 1980 340 ENTICER - very good condition, lady driven - $1500.00. 8 ft. truck cap, aluminum, 2 ft. high, good condition - $150.00. 985-3991. WASHBURN ACOUSTIC 6 string gultar, excellent condition - $150.00. Call 985-3963. RADIO SHACK - merchandise now available at new location. Blanchard Supply, 189 North St., Port Perry 985-9746. LAP TOP COMPUTER, Olivetti, dual disc. drive, AC DC, battery charger, carrying case, $800. Call 985-8913 after 6 p.m. HYDRAULIC cylinders with hoses for Ford load monitor system. Call evenings 416-986-5068. USED FORCED air electric fur- nace. 25 KW and 22 ton air con- ditioner - $1,200.00. 985-8596.0 23 SEASONED FIREWOOD - $60 per face cord, 12 inch - $15.00 ex- tra for delivery. 985-7745. N13 FIREWOOD - top quality, one year seasoned hardwood, hand cut, split & delivered (not machine processed). Reasonable rates. Lindsay yard-corner 36 & 7 Hwys. Kinmount Hwy. 121. Open Sat. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. for pickup. Free kindling with each order. Visa 8& Mastercard accepted. Galway Wood Products 705-488-2001. WOOD DRYING KILNS - from 50 - 3,000 Bd. Ft. per load. Dry 1" pine from 40 percent - 6 percent, moisture content in approximate- ly 12 days. Phone or write: W.C. Robinson Woodworking Supplies, 286 North St., Port Perry, Ont. L9L 1B7. Fax (416) 985-3708; Tel: (416) 985-2443 or Bill Reid, R.R. 1, Port Perry, Ont. L9L 1B2. Tel: (416) 985-2123. SPA'S SPA'S SPA'S - Available at Over Ridge Retail Supplies, Reach Industrial Park, Port Perry. 985-0715. ELECTROLUX DEALER now in Port Perry, central vacs, can- nisters and supplies. Call 985-0715 Over Ridge Retail. HADDEN SATELLITE SYS- TEMS - Satellite systems, towers, rotors, Cantel cellular phones, sales, service, Installation. 852-3796. FIREWOOD - 16 inch, cut & split. Delivered to your home. Buy in bulk & save! 15 face cord - $700.00; or 10 face cord - $500.00 and unseasoned hardwood. Call Mike 705-754-3552. TF 1990 BERETTA GT - loaded, tinted windows - $15,000.00. 985-2082. 1986 BUICK ESTATE wagon, 9 passenger, fully loaded, air, power windows, power door locks, power seats, 2 fone wood grain - $8,700.00 fully certified. 705-357-3279. 016 1977 OLDS Cutlass, 4 dr., ps, pb, excellent shape - $1,500.00 or best offer. 985-0370. 1981 FORD Granada - $500.00 - as Is. Good running. 985-0917. 1979 FIREBIRD - rebuilt 305, auto, excellent Interior, needs body work - $500 or best offer. 985-7778. mm 1980 MUSTANG - must sell. Ask- ing $1,000.00 or best offer - as Is. Ask for Dave or Shirley 985-2869. 1983 FORD Fairmont, pb, ps. auto, will certify. Call 985-8628, or 986-5146. 1985 FORD F-150 - All factory gauges, 4 speed, am radio, body like new, drives like new - $5,800.00 certified. 705-357-3279.0 16 1988 250 BRAVO - low mileage - $1,600.00. 986-0878. 1988 YAMAHA Phazer, 2340 kms., handlebar warmers, cover, hitch, double bed trailer, excellent con- dition - $4,000 or best offer. 985-7257. downtown, $650.00/per month plus utilities. Available now. Phone 985-8934. ROOM FOR RENT - Caesarea, private entrance, available im- mediately. 986-5817. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - Caesarea, $750/month plus utilities. Available immediately 986-5817. NEW 1 BEDROOM apartment located at Little Britain, no pets, first & last - $495.00, avallable Nov. 15. 1-705-786-2514 or 1-416-640-1275 before 12 or after 5 p.m. oo 1976 OLDS Cutlass Supreme, 350, 87,000 original miles, ps. pt. pb, Keystone rims with tires - $1,200.00. 705-439-2993. O23 1990 PHAZER Deluxe electric start, heated hand grips, comes with cover, red & white in colour, must sell fast - 705-357-3279.0 23 1984 FORD Escort, back to school special, 2 door hatchback, stan- dard, very clean, new tires, $2,500.00 fully certified. 705-357-3279. 016 KITTY CAT snowmobile, very sharp, runs great - a real kid's pleasure, must sell - $800.00. 705-357-3279. 023 NEW SELF-CONTAINED 1 bedroom apartment in Blackstock area. Very private with own driveway. Call 986-5018. o2 HALL SPACE for rent. For bright, pleasant, carpeted meetings, banquets or exercise space call 985-3213. 1987 GRAND National, loaded, CD player. Asking $16,500. Phone 985-7968 after 5 p.m. 025 1986 ACADIAN hatchback, 51,000 km. - $4,250.00. 985-2509. ox 1987 SENTRA XE - white/red, sunroof, hatchback, 5 speed, in *|ike-new" condition, fully cer- tified. $5,700.00. 705-357-3279.0 23 1985 FORD Escort L - 5 speed, 2 door hatchback with sunroof, ex- cellent condition - $2,700.00 fully certified. 985-2102. 02 1984 LTD 11 Florida car - no rust, body like new, 4 door, burgundy, one owner car - $3,900.00 - fully certified. 705-357-3279. 016 1984 FORD Ranger, ps, pb, auto, 4 cyl., low km., good gas mileage. 985-0173. O 30 1990 GMC VAN - full size, loaded, 20,000 kms. - $23,500. 436-9831. 1989 GMC Safari Van SLE - load- ed, air, 39,000 kms., $17,500. Call after 6 p.m. 985-3890. 1980 GM V2 ton pickup - $2,000.00 certified. 985-7013. 1987 CHEV. Beavuville van 8 seater, fully loaded, 85K balance of warranty - $14,300 certified. 985-7555 evenings. 1976 INTERNATIONAL Scout, 4 wheel drive, 345 engine - runs perfect, automatic. No body, but a great frame. Make an ideal pro- perty runabout. $700 or best offer. 986-4306 after 6 p.m. 1984 GMC 2 ton, ps, pw, am/fm cassette radio, box cover, avtomatic transmission $5,500.00. 985-8500. 1987 NISSAN King Cab - 4 cyl., 5 speed, box cap, excellent condi- tion, will certify - $5,200 or best of- fer. 985-2594. 030 1990 TOYOTA 4 runner, 4x4, economical 4 cyl., automatic, 4 door, loaded. Excellent condition - $17,900. Trade considered. Call 985-8913 after 6 p.m. 1988 GMC S15 P/U - 43,000 km., 4 cyl., 5 sp. standard, box liner, run- ning boards. Asking $6,800. Call 985-2220. 1988 PLYMOUTH Voyager SE, air, cruise, auto, ps, pb. Must sell, certified, best offer. 985-7570.0 23 1990 CHEV. 2 ton extended cab, 4 x 4, fully loaded - $22,000.00. 985-3730. 1989 FORD F150, 300 Six, 5 speed, loaded, many extras, must sell, best offer. 985-8870 or 985-0211. 1984 RED GMC 4 x 4 - '2 ton, 305 auto, ps. pb, am/fm, leather seats, running boards, new paint, no rust, 1 owner, exc. cond., 50,000 kms. $8,800 Port Perry. 416-985-0496. 023 1987 CHEV. S10 - 4 x 4 extend-a cab pickup truck with many op- tions including A/C - $8,900.00. Call days 985-3333; evenings 985-8704. INTERESTING OLDER or antl que lamps, clocks, dishes or fur- niture. We pay fair prices. 985-7700. 030 WHEAT STRAW - square bales, bright & clean, no rain. 1-705-749-9542. N13 GOOD WORKING condition utili- ty pump. 985-8045. M & M LIVESTOCK - highest prices pald for disabled & crippl- ed cattle. We also buy old horses. Market prices for colled cows. 416-852-3238 or 705-324-5761. Serv- ing your area for over 10 years. TF LANDLORDS - Houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. "Monday to Friday. TF STORE/FRONT/INDUSTRIAL - Van Edward Dr., Port Perry, 1300 - 1600 sq. ft. units. 12 ft. cellings, rear loading door. 985-8003. KINSMEN HALL - Avallable for dances, meetings and receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985-3736. HALL RENTAL - Port Perry Snowmobile Clubhouse. Call 985-7130. MASONIC HALL - Avaliable for dances, receptlons, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. New facilities. Call 986-5335 or 985-8912. TF BANQUET HALL - 80-100 per- sons, with bar & dance floor, catering available. Summerlea Golf Course. 985-2760 or 985-3671. TF OFFICE SPACE for rent withina professional office, good location. 985-7027. 2 BEDROOM home in Caesarea. Appliances available. References needed. Call 1-705-953-9087 $750.00/ month plus utilities. ROOM FOR RENT - $300 per month - use of kitchen and laun- dry facilities. 985-9963. PORT PERRY - in town, large 2 bedroom apt., large kitchen with fan, near shops, no pets, available Nov. 1. $725/per month plus vitlities. 1st & last. 985-3369. 1400 SQ. FT. apartment for rent. Brand new - $650/month. Call 986-4144. FAMILY HOME in Port Perry area for rent to own or possible V.T.B. Call (705) 324-3589 ask for Marlene. LARGE ROOM for rent - $350/per month. 1st and last, references. Would consider board. 10 min. from Port Perry or Uxbridge. {Saintfield). 985-8080. EXTRA LARGE 2 bedroom apt., large eat-in kitchen, laundry room, walkout to deck - $785/per month plus utilities. No pets. Call 985-7908. MAINFLOOR OF bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, dining room, fireplace and walkout to deck. Kent Estates - $1,100/per month includes utilities. No pets. Call 985-7908. HONEST, RESPONSIBLE, clean person to share house in town - $80/ week. 985-7805. SHOP SPACE - 24 x 40 Reach In- dustrial Park. Days 985-3333; Evenings 985-8704. STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA 416) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA 705) 328-0061 PRIVATE STORAGE for fur- niture. First month 2 price. Minimum 3 months. 985-2597. CAESAREA FOUR corners, 2 bedroom apt. Front half of house - $750/per month. Bachelor apt. - back half of house - $495/per month. 1st & last months. Call 728-1491. 0 30 1 BEDROOM executive apart- ment, all appliances included - $550/month. 985-7386. 2 BEDROOM apartment $744/month. Heat, hydro includ- ed. No pets. Nov. 1st occupancy. First & last. Call 985-7371. LITTLE BRITAIN - clean, 2 bedroom, Immediate occupancy - $600/month Includes heat & hydro. 985-2235. ONE BEDROOM executive apartment, all appliances includ- ed - $550.00 per month. 985-7386. Phone 986-4246 or 5611. INDOOR STORAGE for cars & boats. Excellent facilities. Call 705-357-2406 or 416-644-7023 weekdays. 0 30 LARGE 3 bedroom apartment In Seagrave, with own garage & deck. Alr cond., heat & hydro in- cluded. Available Nov. 1 - $850/month. Call 985-8218 or 985-2651. STORE CLERK & delivery per- son required part-time. Apply in person to: Ives Florest Lid., 166 Water St. Not suitable for student. - 0 30 BOOKKEEPER - experienced for complete set of books on com- puter (AccPak software). Full: time Nov. 1/90 to May 31/91. Call 1-416-649-2002 Dagmar Ski Resort. QUIERO lecciones particulares de espanol con una persona hispanica. Llame 985-8088 despues las 7 de la noche. WEEKEND HELP for horse farm near Port Perry. Wotten House Farm 985-3212. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "AZ" licence. For pre- screening interview and job placenient information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. EXPERIENCED DENTAL assis- tant for Port Perry Dental Center. Call Terry 985-8451. CLASS "A" MECHANIC required for general repair shop. 985-8091 .0 MATURE HELP or WEEKENDS All Shifts including night required. Call: 985-9537 RESTAURANT Tom's Back Porch in the SETTLEMENT HOUSE SHOPS Great Atmosphere Pleasant Customers Good Hours HELP WANTED Contact Judy Gourley 985-4249 Christmas. Turn your spare time into cash. Show beautiful designer lingerie at home parties. It's fun and it's easy. Let me help you get started. Call Connie 985-3750.0 23 BABYSITTER required for occa- slonal sitting of our 4 year old and his baby sister. If you love children, laughter and play; If you're a non-smoker; If your hours are flexible; If you have a car; if you are responsible and have plenty of childcare ex- perience with references; and If you can babysit In my home; then phone Mrs. Pringle at 985-2861. You have a job! BLUE & WHITE PIERRE Cardin jacket, dental retainer In pocket. Sat., Oct. 13 at the tennis courts. 985-9821. DIAMOND EARRING - stud, set in white gold, reward. Sentimen- tal value. 985-0056. FEMALE HUSKIE - dark grey and white, one brown eye and one blue eye. Please call (416) 263-8314. SMALL PART SHEPHERD, female - black & cream coloring, wearing choker chain, Swamp garage area. 985-8479 or 986-5371 after 5:30 p.m. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. MORTGAGE LOANS +» FIRST and SECONDS at PRIME RATES + UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES +» EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD +» VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY +» DEBT CONSOLIDATION + NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS +» POWER of SALES REFINANCES +» REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS ,~ PERSONAL LOANS and LINES OF CREDIT FOR ANY PURPOSE LEASING: Auto, Boat, RV, etc. For more information call: 571-2880 | Raycan Financial Ltd. 215 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario BROOKLIN STORE for lease on main street, available now. Call Herb Visser 985-0856. COMMERCIAL 2300 sq. ft. attrac- tive older house ideal for office space. High traffic area in Port Perry. Call 985-9744. HOUSE - 4 bedroom, older home in excellent condition. High effi- ciency heating on a spacious pic- turesque lot. $1,300.00 per month. Call 985-9744. SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS - close to downtown on quiet street. Call Fred 985-0205. 016 YOUR DAYCARE worries are over! Ex-working mother will provide the kind of care you're looking for. Call 985-9526. 3 BEDROOM Century home, ex- cellent condition, 12 baths, on Durham 21, 5 min. from Port Perry, easy access to Toronto. Wood/oil furnace - $1,000/month plus utilities, 1st & last. References required. Avallable Oct. Call 985-7493. FURNISHED BACHELOR apt, Blackstock. 986-4723. 1-303-698-9761 OIL FIELD MINING & CONSTRUCTION U.S.A., Canada, U.K_, Australia, South America, Saudi, S. Africa, many more locations. Now hiring: Drillers, Pushers, Derrickhands, Surveyors, (Roustabouts & Roughnecks - will train). CONSTRUCTION CREWS NEEDED! Welders, Pipefitters, Drivers - on/off rd, Equip. Opr., Carpenters, Painters, Laborers, Cement Crews, Electricians, MINING CREWS from Supervisors down! $3,000. - $9,000 USD mo. Tax Eree possible! 300-600 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS!!! If busy please call back. 1-5 yr. contracts incl. PAID EXPENSES. Not an employment agency or direct hirer. FEE. 1-601-467-7900