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Port Perry Star, 30 Oct 1990, p. 12

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a ---- A r-- 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 30, 1990 Letters io the editor Teachers need to see finer standard To the Editor: A few questions for Mr. John James and all other "journalists' who write from 'on high' - when was the last time you asked for less than the going rate for your services? How happy are you to receive less than the cost of living year after year? How often have ° you thanked your employer for not negotiating a pension or benefits for you or your family? When was the last time you thank- ed the teachers that taught you how to read and write, no matter how irresponsibly you may choose to do so? Perhaps when we see a "finer standard" of thought presented by the likes of commentators / "leaders" like Mr. James; and when we do not have to endure the 'damaging manner" of those journalists who appear to be blinded by their version of the "truth," then we teachers shall come to our senses and act responsibly as well. Until then, we look forward to your continued "largess." B. Robert Port Perry. P.S. Mao-Tse Tung blamed his country's troubles on teachers as well -are we to have our own 'Cultural Revolution?" Port Perry support for Zero Garbage To the Editor: Thanks for the "Editorial View- point" remarks, with the em- phasis that Scugog must stay together in the fight against the proposed Ward IV dumps. The Clarke township "Save the Ganaraska Again" is getting wide support in the town of Newcastle and running an active campaign. As that famous syndicated col- umnist Ann Landers writes "Wake up and smell the coffee, Port Perry! (or would it be deisel fumes)? Please tell me; If the proposed Nestleton site, along side Highway 7A is selected as what the Durham Region Waste Management Master Plan em- phatically calls the 'preferred landfill site," what other year- round, full load route is there for heavy garbage trucks to travel on than 7A through Port Perry and across the causeway? These trucks will come from Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa and maybe Toronto too. Where are the voices of concern about increas- Welsh Rugby team visits To the Editor: With all the problems of the dump occupying most of the news this past month, it was nice to see something nice happen this past week. -P.P.H.S. Rugby team hosted a ed traffic at the school crossings for two major Port Perry public schools? How do you get on or off the Island road without traffic lights? There won't even be any parking spaces left to get into the fast food & donut shops! You can talk about that during coffee time this week. Dump-site in Ward IV will not be out of sight, out of mind to Port Perry residents if you don't support "Zero Garbage" efforts. Dump truck traffic could be daily reminders of todays inaction. Sincerely, Glenn H. Larmer R.R. 1 Blackstock Can't stop the music To the Editor: Dear Mrs. Switzer, won't you come and fight for us? Your let- ter regarding satanistic music has inspired as much controver- . sy outside of Cartwright as the dump sites have within Cartwright. Your concern is the poisoning our children's minds. In Cart- wright, we as parents are con- cerned with the toxic poisoning of our children's bodies caused by the presence of a possible landfill site and/or incinerator. No land- fill sites are safe! Rugby team from Wales. The Welsh team arrived on October 20, for one week. They were hosted by Mowat for the first leg of their tour. During the first 3 days they visited Niagara Falls, Rode the Go Train, toured INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE TODAY WITH A CIBC GIC* | 74 PER ANNUM Perhaps the music is a means of escape from the legacy we are leaving our children. If, as parents, we don't aggressively op- pose the dumps, what faith can our children put in us? In Cartwright we welcome any and all support, but we don't have time to wait for it! We have the future of our children and our heritage to save right now! We can't stop the'music ... but we can Stop The Dump! Sincerely yours Pauline O'Brien Zero Garbage Supporter Cartwright Township Scugog Skydome, and CN tower, and the Metro Zoo. They even managed to get in a game of rugby. They arrived in Port Perry on Tuesday. The Welsh team stayed in the homes of the P.P.H.S. rugby team. On Tuesday after- noon P.P.H.S. and Welsh team took to the field and played a well fought game with the victory go- ing to the Welsh team. On Wednesday, staff members of P.P.H.S. accompanied the Welsh team to the Ontario Science Center. Then it was off to Birch- mont Stadium to play the under 15 Ontario Rugby team. Six of the P.P.H.S. rugby team are also members of the Ontario Team. Those members are Allen Fogget- ti, Dave Morrin, Simon Traynor, Lindsay Perry, Mark Cosway, and Graham Carnegie. (I apologize now if the names are spelled wrong). Both teams played a great game ending in a To the Editor: Last week Scugog Council pass- ed my resolution asking our citizens to make every effort to reduce their curbside volume of garbage. Simply stated we have to acheive this soon and so become part of the solution, other- wise we are remaining part of the problem. Garbage volumes either increase or decrease, there can never be a constant output of garbage. The landfill that Durham Region is proposing is massive but consider this: Would you want to be faced with yet another potential site beside you in 5-10 years? We have become "Land- fill Junkies" simply by default. At the current growth rate of gar- bage tonnage today our children will be swamped with the stuff in the years ahead if we don't change our habits now. What if the garbage problem we face could be turned around to result in: 1. Year round employ- ment of local people, 2. Tax dollars invested, staying in the Region, 3. A one-step garbage col- lection system instead of the pre- sent two, 4. Placing more respon- sibility in the hands of the local citizens, a common goal to unite the township residents, 5. Lower the cost of living - (using compost for the garden, bulk buying, etc.), 6. Conservation of natural resources, fossil fuels, farmland, groundwater supplies and protec- tion of our environment. There is an alternative - Inten- sive Recycling, with separation at the source. Intensive recycling is a proven method of trash reduc- tion in communities already, (up to 85%). As I said previously the answer to our garbage problem, I feel, lies between an enhanced recycl- ing system and incineration. If the Region put some of the dollars that any other disposal method would cost, into a new redirected Recycling target 85% Intensive Recycling program then the reason for, or expense of a rew waste landfill or incinera- tion, would be redundant. Everyone should agree that In- tensive Recycling sounds good but how do we start? Method: Compost all organic household garbage. Possible Reduction: 30%. Method: Recycle newsprint, etc. Possible Reduction: 20%. Method: Buy returnable bottles whenever possible and recycle all bottles and cans etc. Possible Reduction: 13%. Method: Limit purchase of heavily packaged products. Possible Reduction: 7%. Total: 70%. We could all make a difference this week if we decided to par- ticipate. The ball is in our court now. All citizens living in Scugog can start right where we are. Let us show Durham Region by our Actions that a massive new land- fill will not be required. Disraeli said, "Man is not the creature of circumstance. Cir- cumstances are the creatures of men." This passage describes our current predicament with gar- bage. Don't wait for a fast solu- tion from government. They are known for their slow reaction to problems, but after all, that is the price we pay for the safety that our democratic system provides. However let's break this problem into smaller ones and tackle them one at a time. Number one: Together let's reduce garbage in Scugog Now! Good Luck, Glenn Malcolm, Councillor, Ward IV Please recycle this newspaper' (Weekends Only) EAT-IN caney Fish & ¢ e 161 QUEEN STREET 085-8647 0, gufict Yc SY ast Sat. Sun. & Hol. TAKE-OUT * With a CIBC GIC, both the principal and interest are guaranteed for the full term of your investment. And a minimum of $1,000 is all it takes to start investing in your future. * 1-5 year terms are available and for a limited time, you can earn Premium Interest above the rate 6-6 tie. A bus load of students from P.P.H.S. arrived at the stadium to cheer and lend moral support to both teams. Both teams were then FISH & SEAFOOD COUNTER paid on our one-year GIC when you invest in a 14-month CIBC GIC. * Invest a little time with us today and get a great return on your future! treated to pizza supplied by the Ontario Rugby Club. On Thursday at an assembly NOW AVAILABLE Steaks Cut to Order, the Welsh team was treated to skits with a Halloween theme. Then it was time for P.P.H.S. students to take a seat, the Welsh team sang 2 songs to receive a standing ovation from the students. Then it was off to town where the Welsh team purchased a large quantity of baseball bats. Then off to the arena for skating. The Welsh boys on skates were quite entertaining for those of us occupying the stands. Salmon, Halibut, etc. Live Lobster NEW MENU ITEMS NOW AVAILABLE FILETS: Salmon, Orange Roughy, Cajun Catfish, etc. STEAKS: Salmon, Halibut, etc. 52 YOU COULD WIN $10,000 IN THE CIBC STRIKE IT RICH SWEEPSTAKES* Address to go here Address to go here Address to go here Address 10 go here Get us working for you! a I would like to thank the : 4» P.P.H.S. Phys. Ed department, Rainbow Trout (boneless), (Q11[¢ for allowing us to have 2 of these Rainbow Trout (stuffed) Live Lobster - coming soon SOBC GAMNTIED MESTMENT TERT ATES CI An we a . COPE INE YY PON onan Ju went 3 Pe CC special boys for 3 days, it was great, thank you. Debra Foggetti l : Port Perry CSEEETE ZRII ENS SIR API FEF BLAR TI ACI EER A IRAP ECA GAS LV AGN rE ABR REGS ESTA FHI ! REI SV i SR SSN ET Rn RR A -- AR anal lebli il

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